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Hello all! Here is the first official full quality animation test for AMRL 7. There is one minor thing I need to fix here but other than that, this is how the final animation will look.

Full quality animation test: https://www.dropbox.com/s/henr8qe2nep8e53/AMRL7_FQ_Test.mp4?dl=0

ALSO, in regards to the pubic hair poll... sadly, all the ballots were lost...

JUST KIDDING. SO, here's what I am going to do...

I am going to render 2 versions of the final animation. One with pubic hair for Mary and one without.

Now, that sounds kinda crazy and I would have never, EVER, considered doing that in the past but I have find a really nice sweet spot for rendering and I feel like I can do it without any delays.

I've always imagined Mary has being a curvy milf with a nice bush of pubic hair and I know not everyone enjoys that. However, I also know a lot of people do... So, I want to be true to my own vision but help others enjoy things as much as possible so this is my little compromise.

Hopefully this works out ok :D

ANYWAY, lemme know what you think of the preview =)



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All hail the MILF Hair!

bobby stronzheim

Glad you have the opportunity to make everyone happy on that one, and by JOVE I cannot wait for this

D. B.

When will the project be complete or your projected time-frame?


*Hnngf*, *hngff*, *hnngfff*!!! Jeeze, Red, I can't remember ever nutting to characters with their clothes on... Well done! So will we all be having a Mary Christmas this year?


Well, it is going to be quite a bit longer than I originally planned. My goal is to finish it in Jan. Somewhere AROUND 12-14 minutes long. *crosses fingers*


Great preview, thanks for sharing for our viewing pleasure. Also, I support your decision to do both shave and hairy, solid compromise to put out two versions.


I'm in the pubic hair squad soooooo I love the decision!!!!!! You are a prophet red no lie lol


I don't know how you have this planned. But I hope its with Mary showing her how forceful she can be


This is great news glad that the bush is getting the love it rightly deserves!


\(^_^)/ pets the Bush gently over and over.

Ciarán M

Oh this is looking gorgeous! Love the colours and smooth textures of the finished animations. Wonderful work, Red! This is very exciting 😻👏😻👏😻👏😻👏😻👏😻👏😻👏😻


Loved the "all the ballots were lost" remark, lol. And the animation looks great!

God S K

So awesome about doing both, it is double work but give patrons what they want.


Bush or no bush, please just hurry Red. Anna sounds so smug about her “fucking Maggie with her huge cock”. I can hardly wait to see Mary change Anna’s perspective of what huge really is.

jean alain

Mmmmmm j'adore je suis déjà amoureux des 2 .


Sound like prefect




Is anne being voiced by different women, voice sound different, then last time, but maybe it just me.


Honestly so happy you're giving us a version with that beautiful bush. Thank you so much. I'm sure I'm going to love it. 😍