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Hello all!!! I hope you have had a great week and enjoyed Centaur Things 2 =) I wanted to share the first tests from All My Roommates Love 7 with you as the animation work will start on it tomorrow!

I spent this weekend and a couple days this week with my dad as he has had a really tough time being locked in his house for the past six months. However, I was able to get Anna's bedroom done and ready for animation! I hope to actually have the intro done tomorrow and will share the first animation preview asap!

For the time being though, here is a peek at Anna's bedroom as well as some other lil renders I did while trying to get her bedroom done =)



bobby stronzheim

Corona struggles are real, glad you got to hang with your dad 🌝


- I hope that your dad gets better as soon as possible. Proud of you for taking care of him. - Can't wait for the continuation of the legendary AMRL!!! I will wait until the final release.

William Cramer

Who's the milf in the red bikini?


Wow. That's a BIG bedroom


Anna looks great Red! God she's just beautiful. Can't wait to see more, and I loved Centaur Things 2. Great work as always, and it's good you took some time out for your Dad.

William Cramer

is that Olga in the red bikini?

jean alain

Mmmmmm moi j'aime tout


I don't see Centaur Things 2 in my mail box am I missing something? Can't wait for AMRL!!!!! =)


nice! love the updates! is that a cock-sock on the girl in the 3rd image or does it just look different through the dress?


i can relate to your dad, i also have a tough time beeing alone and isolated cuz of corona! it really shows that u r a very kind person if u actually find the time to spend time with your dad if he needs u! :)

Damani Miles

I never received an email for Centaur Things 2


super excited for the return of AMRL! :D


This COVID lockdown has been rough on us all. Good that you spent time with your Dad. Wish you both well. Looking forward to AMRL7. These first images are AWESOME!


Can't wait for more MARY!!!

Paulo Trevor

Que bueno que vuelve AMRL con toda la fuerza, estoy deseoso para saber con que nos vas a sorprender 👍🏼


Estoy muy emocionado de volver a animar a estas dos chicas. Creo que este episodio será muy divertido =)


He doesnt really have any friends so I feel bad and just want him to feel happy and loved =/


Thank you so much!!! Ive been spending a lot of time with him so I think he is happier... or maybe he just likes me cooking for him everyday -_- AND AMRL7 is gonna be awesomeeee


As a dad and a grandad and a great grandad I empathize. Your beautiful artwork is a great relief and tension reliever. Many thanks to you and your team this Thanksgiving.


Centaur Things 2 is locked for the lowest tier. I was under the impression that Final Animations were available to all tiers. Is that no longer true?

buildermarsh -

Nice she's a baller I love it 😍🏀⛹️‍♀️


I want to be in lockdown with Anna