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Hello all! Centaur Things 2 is at 50% done... or rather 75%... read below.

As you all hopefully know by now, the NEXT scene is going to be All My Roommates Love 7 (staring Anna + Mary).

Now, I wanted to talk a little bit about Centaur Things 2. Centaur Things is ABSOLUTELY relevant to the story of Amy's Big Wish... We will 100% see Fira again in the future of the story. 

However, due to some Patreon TOS stuff, I cant do everything I wanted to do with the characters. IE: Patreon does not allow Centaurs + Humans having sex as they consider that b*astiality. HOWEVER, a Centaur + another "anthro/furry" character CAN have sex (more on that below).

That took away like half of my ideas for this scene and really hand cuffed me. Originally, we were going to do Fira in "human" form having fun with Serena, but Patreon will not allow that. Also, animating and rendering Centaur Things takes twice as long as any other animation. There is just SOOOO much more to animate with the Centaur Bodies and the rendering takes LITERALLY 7-10 minutes per frame. (LITERALLY 42 DAYS of 24/7 rendering for a 7 minute animation).

ANYWAY SO.. I think, I am going to cut part 2 a little short. IE 4-5 minutes instead of 7-8 minutes. 1 more full sex scene + the end then start on All My Roommates Love 7. NOW, for those that LOVE Centaur Things, I have to stress, FIRA will be coming back IN CENTAUR FORM and breeding Amy. And I am going to do ALL the things WE want to do... However, I am going to have to make some minor changes to Amy for this scene to make it acceptable to Patreons TOS.

I hope that all make sense. Let me know if you have any questions below. Also, let me know what you think about cutting Centaur Things 2 a little short and moving into the next animation.

Centaur Things 2 = 50% (+7%) Completed

  • Done = 01 - 04
  • 04a = Serena Yelping
  • 05 = Done
  • 06 = Done
  • 07 = Done
  • 08a = Done
  • 08b = Lots of butt breeding!!! (Rendering)
  • 08c = Cum! (Doing fluid simulation)
  • 09 = My turn!!!
  • 09b = Cum!
  • 10 = Oh lets do this! (Cutting)
  • 11 = And that! (Cutting)
  • 12 = Some of this too! (Cutting)
  • 13 = This fits here? (Cutting)
  • 14 = Wow that was super fun! (Cutting)
  • 15 = Goodbye my love!



How about just posting a link on Patreon to the file on Drop Box?


Shame you can't even animate that kinda thing. I honestly don't know how studiofow manage to stay going when they animate anything and anything :-p


Heya Lumpy!!! I will as soon as it is done... I still have a few minutes worth of animation to complete


They have their own site and Payment processor =/ maybe one day I will go that route.


No, I meant for the Centaur/Human stuff.

Bella Meyer

Honestly when they turned into horses it was a major turn off for me anyway. Just speaking for myself. Totally fine with crazy human stuff (horns and stuff obviously fine), but animals.....I will pass. I liked the centaur characters as humans though, their design was cute. Really waiting for an animation with Emma and the toy in actual form. That's why I subscribed pretty much.


This makes me really sad... and I was hoping for an episode of a great full scale Centaur fun... now I'm a sad panda... Do you REALLY have to cut off so many fun things step-sis Red ?


awww... sadly... Patreon wont allow the scenes I want to do... BUT I am going to make them happen in the next appearance of Fira!


I totally know what you mean =( Patreon just wont allow human + centaur "sex"... they would ban but... SO, I am going to have to get creative and make some adjustments to Amy when she meets Fira so she is a "furry" version of herself in some sense.


Could you do it as a "Dream Scene" where Amy is turned into a Dolly clone?


Yeah, I do have something SIMILAR to that planned. I will share more when we get to that part


No sadly Patreon considers "ALL CONTENT" by a Creator, even if its not on their platform... even if its totally "free" and shared ONLY on like twitter or something, they would still ban me.


Sorry to see that Patreon trying to control magical imaginary creatures. Ever consider subscribestar as an alternative? To post the things patreon doesn't let?


You should create an account on SubscribeStar. They allow a lot of content that Patreon doesn't.


That's really odd... especially since they have so many breeding games on Patreon that are human/anthro/furry


That's just bizarre. I mean Patreon is fine with a furry having sex with a centaur, but not a human? Even then what constitutes a furry?


Yeah I'm pretty sure that's why Animopron had to take all their stuff to different website and remove their patreon, it's kinda sad


So how far from human do they have to be? Like Felicia from Dark Stalkers maybe?


More centaur stuff! 🤩❤️😍


couldn’t you maybe just give fira a human body with a horse cock or is that still against Patreon rules.....?


B*astiality!? Between cartoon characters? Between a half human horse and a futanari? Rules can be confusing can’t they. Keep fighting Red!


i did not know that there r actually rules like that, like u said that actually "handcuffs" u, wich is very stupid! but i must say i personally am not that much into centaurs or furrys, so i think if that is a rule maybe u should focus on normal human bodies then? i mean firas human body is also hot as hell! ;P


Heya Fylifa!! I actually do have a page on subscribestar too... BUT Patreon monitors ALL CONTENT created by a creator. So, if I post something THERE that violates Patreons TOS they will ban me =( Until I get my own page setup, I have to stick to Patreons rules.


Heya Horsie!! I actually do have a page on subscribestar too... BUT Patreon monitors ALL CONTENT created by a creator. So, if I post something THERE that violates Patreons TOS they will ban me =( Until I get my own page setup, I have to stick to Patreons rules.


Yeah every now and then they CRACK DOWN and ban a bunch of people for stuff and I couldnt afford that right now =(


Yeah its confusing -_- basically a pure HUMAN cant have sex with any other living being other than a human


Yeah thats how her human form looks... however, since its "human" she cannot have sex with Serena in that form =/


Yeah we will be back to normal humans for a bunch of scenes before we see Fira again down the road =)


rules have only one purpose, to stretch them. ;-) <3 u made so much good work, Go On . Art is freedom of mind!


So, Centaurs are real? I never knew.

Beat The Gamer

Awww. No more centaur fun!? T_T


I am going to finish Centaur Things 2 and then there will be a follow up scene down the road when Amy "makes her wish"


I'd be fine with Fira in human form (but with a horse dick) breeding Amy...fap, fap, fap...


Hope it is released before my subscription ends on 31 oct ❤️


You should set up place for people to pay some extra to see the full scene, what you think? I would pay 5$-$10 to see the full scene


I am going to still end up doing everything I wanted to do. It will just be down the road a bit. I have to make some changes to Amy's model to stay in line with Patreons rules =)


Thank you so much <3 I am going to figure out a way to do everything I wanted to down the road!


Ok Sweet.


Where can I find part one???ive looked everywhere