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Hello all! So, as you may know, Centaur Things is an incredible difficult animation AND the rendering is incredibly time consuming. Looking ahead at whats left with the animation, I don't think the rendering would be done by the end of this month, even if I had 100% of the animation done today.

So, I have some options for you to consider... here are my thoughts below. Personally, I THINK I would prefer Option 1.

OPTION 1) Release the first "half" of Centaur Things this month, then the second half next month. The first half is around 7 minutes long. Once both parts are done, I will combine them into a single animation. (Kind of like I did with AML 6 by breaking it into 2 parts).

OPTION 2) Wait until the full animation is done and just release it all when its done.

Option 3) Create a time machine, go back in time and use my computer while past me is asleep in bed to get more animation done. This would allow me to release the animation last week.

If you want to know why this particular animation is taking so long VS my previous ones, well, the short version is this. It takes twice as much work to animate each character. All my animation is done by hand so there is no shortcut or real work around to this.

Each of these "curves" is animated by hand. Sometimes many times for each second of animation:

On top of that, it literally takes two to three times longer to render a single frame of animation. Right now, the animation is around 8700 frames. EACH of those frames took between 8 and 14 minutes to render. I have around 4000 frames left to animate which will take roughly 27 days of rendering time (I have multiple computers so maybe that would be around 13 extra days of rendering). 

ON TOP OF THAATTTTTT... not only is this the most complex animation I have ever done, not only is rendering two or three times longer... this is also the longest animation I have ever had planned. So... yeah, kinda a perfect storm!

 I am SUPER SUPER excited to start on the next surprise scene but I need to get this finished first!

Let me know your thoughts!


God S K

Patience is a virtue.


Option one seems good. It kinda takes the subconscious pressure off you a bit because you've released something that's still substantial. Do what makes you feel most comfortable. We'll still be here supporting you! 🧡


Wow! I'm surprised people want a half finished product, me, I'm waiting for the finished animation. Thank you sir!


I like #1 but I do understand the creative process, so go with #2 if you need to, Red...


My God have a KitKat mate


I wonder, is there a program similar to folding@home that lets animators distribute blocks to users to render, and then the user let's their system render in the background during idle cycles? I'd sign up and opt in to help you render!

Bud Chudley

Until someone invents a time machine, Option 1 sounds most feasible.


You definitvely need some RTX3XXX... :) Because i am selfish, i vote option 1, but the option 2 is possible too. ^^

Michael Popplewell

I think you know what is best for yourself, creatively, seeing how large your following is and animation quality. If you think option 1 allows you to release the best animation then that’s what I will vote. Given how transparent you operate compared to most content creators, I have no problem with option 2


I think opt 2. What the rush. It not like were going any where. But i am fine with what make your life easier and will make you feel good about the work when it is done.


Red, you do what YOU feel is best for you. Your patrons will follow you no matter what you decide. Concentrate on your work. If you need a break of sorts to clear your head then do so. As anxious as I am to see the finished product I can wait if that works best for you. Your supporters love your work (that's why they are following you) and I, for one, would like you to keep your creative juices flowing at your pace. Too bad you can't clone yourself......


I think option 1! Especially if it's easier for you!! I kinda loved waiting for episodes of AML


🤨 holy fuck balls! ARG, do you need a hero with all that work you doing? Lol yeah do whatevers easier for you 👍🏿

Martin Cole

Option 3 would open the door for many possibilities...


Option 3 worked for Hermione, so why not.


I'm with those who say do whatever works best for you Red. Your regulars will stick with you no matter what as we're content to bask in your greatness. But instead of a time machine may I suggest a cloning pod? That way we could have a whole army of Red's working/animating around the clock. :-)


I'm here for the not centaur stuff so this one I haven't super looked forward to anyway. But continuous content is what keeps me around so i say option 1. Btw love the comics that are coming out. Great addition to the cool stuff we get!


Sidebar totally unrelated. But have you ever looked into making a mesh/costume for say like sims? As an animator im sure it would be easy to make as sims animation is pretty basic as far as I understand. Anyways if its easily possibly would love to use your characters in game! I remember you thought about making a game a while back (maybe still?) Just thought I'd suggest as essentially the sims game is made (sex is possible with whicked whims and futa sex possible with gender mods) and super easy to add moddent content which i speak of. 🤔ok just a thought now im rambling!

Trill Shatner

Get to animating my dude.


AH I had never considered that... I didnt know that was a think to be honest. Is there a place with a bit more info I can read up on about making a SIMs char? And for now, the video game idea is pushed to the side... im going to focus on animation and comics for the rest of this year.


Loverslab.com explains how all the sex mods and animations work. What I'd imagine you would want to make is a 'costume mesh' (1 piece). I would start there though that website... other than using their mods all I personally know is most animators and content creators who do sims stuff use blender amongst other tools make the costumes/outfits/animations etc. Theres a TON of user created stuff on the net so youtube is useful as well! Huge community in the sex side of things too. I was surprised when i got into it.


With your skills you could literally make a centaur futa sim all that im sure. Animations I've heard are more tricky. But content is easier I've even dabbled. Made my own posters etc.


I'm happy to have you doing this. Do it the best way you can. I know we all are paying customers but I'd prefer to let the artist determine the product and not compromise. Have fun we certainly are.


Can't wait to see this as soon as possible Red. Wish you all the luck!!


i picked option 1 cuz i think that is the best way! everyone waited so long for this and maybe there is even a cliffhanger ending so everyone would be even more excited to see the second part! XD


but i gotta say i like option 3 aswell, or what about option 4...? wich would include that u clone yourself alot of times and have a full army of yourself as working slaves for u!? like that u could probably get an animation like this out once per day!!! XD


XD i wrote the same thing just before i read this... honestly! XD


but i totally agree with this whole thing, everyone who is a true fan will stay no matter what! ;D

Laird Tschonnie

I honestly can't pick - you decide, you're the Van Gogh

Laird Tschonnie

Or Monet, or Manet, or all of the others, maybe you are our present day Michelangelo

Laird Tschonnie

Certainly just as good as any of the above, I love your word, wonderful! Could do with just a touch dp, though, methinks