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Hello all! I ran into some major issues with my 3rd rendering PC today.... I was attempting to convert my fluid simulation machine into a rendering machine... long story short, it wasn't working out very well. SO, I returned the graphics cards I bought for it and I ordered a whole new PC.

The good news is, this will ensure rendering *hopefully*  wont really be an issue with future animations either =)

SO for those who are curious, here is the setup for the NEW PC I just bought today (I wish I could have waited until the 3080 TI's came out but I had to get this now, otherwise Centaur Things would experience a massive delay):

PC #4 - Anna (Rendering 24/7) *NEW* Ordered Today

  • Processor 10-Core 3.70 GHz Intel Core i9-10900X
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Graphics Card #1: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #2: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #3: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB

PC #3 - Bella (Going back to being just for fluid simulations)

  • Processor 10-Core 3.70 GHz Intel Core i9-10900X
  • Memory: 32 GB 
  • Graphics Card #1: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #2: NVIDIA 1060

PC #2 - Mary (Rendering 24/7)

  • Processor 10-Core 3.70 GHz Intel Core i9-10900X
  • Memory: 32 GB
  • Graphics Card #1: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #2: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #3: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB

PC #1 - Maggie (Main Workstation + Rendering Overnight)

  • Processor: Intel Core 4.20 GHz Intel Core i7-7700K
  • Memory: 64 GB
  • Graphics Card #1: NVIDIA RTX 1080 Ti 11 GB
  • Graphics Card #2: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti 11 GB



Lol, I love how you've named your PC's after your characters!


Just curious , I never did graphic but I did built a few computers and always with AMD. The very first computer I owned was a intel and it was crashing all the time and I mean you have to reboot . And with AMD what I experienced when it overload it will slow down , bread a bit and come back up . I am not a pro or expert , far from it. But Intel vs AMD ?


To be totally honest, I know VERY little about hardware. The only thing I truly have some insight on is Graphics Cards because they are the most important part of rendering. All my PC's are intel and i rarely, if ever, have PC crashes or anything like that.


Do you ever shut your PCs off or do they run 24/7? (That's kinda what you make them sound like so I was just curious)


Thanks , I don't know much eider , so you have the best graphic cards that money can bye ?


Just to know , you did an amazing job on ABW but it's not my cup of tea we can says. I am realy a big fan of AMRL , my favorite on the WWW. When do you think that you will have some new scenes?

Captain Marder

Holy shit, it takes so much gpu power to render these animations. I suppose when the 3090 version releases since nvidia might skip the ti models, you could splurge for a 5th pc if it's feesable.

Bork Friendsen

Your utilities bill must be a sight to behold...


That's an insane amount of 2080 TIs. No wonder there was a card shortage a year ago, you were buying the world's stock!

Razor The Man

Great news, congrats! I am happy for you ... and for me ;)


Thanks lol... I kinda wish I didnt have to buy this one but in the long run I think I am going to need it


Bro you got NASA computers for this stuff, I love the effort and dedication!


Well, I've seen video of people on the moon... I'm ready for other stuff