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Well, here is Serena making her way to Fira's house for her training =) She is a BIT nervous but hopefully she will calm down soon. Just a note, there are a few things I am still fixing with her rig so there are some details missing here.

DropBox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2taa0qq251kvf2p/Scene03.mp4?dl=0 

Mega: https://mega.nz/file/qnw22Spb#Oyu7oYBz0GRq6Pc0vjTj9O0T3w7FFGgpGqaiMpdR49s 

I am trying some new animation and timing techniques in Centaur Things so... well, we will see how that goes. Hopefully it goes well :D

ALSO, on a side note, Mommy is coming along really well. There is 1 more big segment left then it is done =) I will post more on that later this week! OH YEAH. Its going to be a bit longer than I thought it was going to be.

 Episode 2: Centaur Things - 16% (+2%)

  • 1: Fira starts her day! - WIP
  • 2: Fira has to pee! (Done)
  • Next - Hello Mother Fira! - (WIP)
  • Next -  What brings you?
  • Next -  Blushing!
  • Next -   Have you come to be breed?
  • Next -   Yes!
  • Next -   WONDERFUL! Lets get started!
  • More coming soon...

 Amy's Big Wish Episode 1 - Ending - COMING THIS MONTH (I HOPE)

  • Part 6 - Mommy 85% (+15%)
  • Cumshot Simulation 1 (Done)
  • Cumshot Simulation 2 = (Simulating)
  • Cumshot Simulation 3 = TBD
  • Candice Ending (Done)
  • Amy Ending (Done)
  • Audrey Ending (Done)
  • Amanda Ending (Done)
  • Emma Ending (Done)
  • Surprise 1 (Done)
  • (MAYBE) Surprise 2 - 0%



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Is she... going to sing? :O Hehe the way this is shot and everything else and the expression, I instinctively started hearing music in my head and started preparing for a song ;) Fantastic stuff as usual, looking forward to seeing where this leads on her journey to Fira's house :)


Haha no that would be fun though! I DO ACTUALLY... well... I will stop there muwhahah


Damn Red! The thing that blows me away is the perfection of the animation itself as the gait of Serena's walk is just amazing. I mean you can actually see her weight shifting as she walks and the slight sway of her torso really sells it. I do think you should make Serena's balls *way* bigger though. It could even be sort of an open joke as when Serena first meets Fira at her place Fira would see her huge swollen nuts and be sort of taken aback with a shocked "Holy fuck I'm in trouble" kind of look. But just an idea and I know I'll love the scene regardless.