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Hello all! I have been testing out Serena's rig today and getting her ready for animation. With a little lucky, I should have her first preview ready for you tomorrow? HOPEFULLY.

ANYWHO, here is a little WORK IN PROGRESS character sheet of her and of Fira as well.

I will provide an update on Mommy and Centaur Things tomorrow =)




I like where these are going 🙂 Nitpicky note: I think that you meant rite (like a ritual) instead of right in the descriptions.


I think you messed up the last sentence for serena in the about section


So, how must cum in how ? Serena in Fira or Fira in Serena ? Serena never milked her nuts in anyone.


Well, Serena must release her FIRST seed into Fira. Also, Fira must impregnate Serena.


Daaaaammm, now i can't wait to see this. I hope there will be big "flares" and milked nuts.

Hanna Andersson

Adorable. ♥️ Centaurs are the cutest thing ever second only to unicorns


Absolutely adorable. Centaurs! Love that rack that Fira has :-D


Serena is 19 and the poor thing has never ejaculated!? I swear her balls should be the size of watermelons and her first load should be ****HUUUUUUUUUGE**** even for a centaur.

bla blabla

is it going to be Fira on Serena action?