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Hello all! Here is the final animation for Mandy Bear! I will be a bit quiet for the next few days but I will be on Discord and I will have some new previews of the next scene next week!

EDIT: Uploaded Version 2 with a fix to a clipping error.

DropBox Download Link (Version 2) 

Mega Download Link (Version 2) 


Please let me know your thoughts, feedback, what you liked and what you didn't like about this part below or message me directly =)




But it's the 19th here... are you a time traveler?

Black Zeus



Downloading it now, will watch later. Cant wait for later🙂

Ciarán M

Ooooooh, a whole day early! Well colour me very excited! (Mauve is the colour of excitement by the way, who'd have guessed?) And speaking of excitement, that little moment when Mary-Beth stands up for the first time and the mishap involved is just the cutest freaking thing that makes me instantly love this character 😊💜 Now, normally i have terrible tendency to go into stupid levels of detail about everything I like in your work, buuuut, you wanted to keep a lot of stuff secret so for the greater good, I will restrain myself! 😂 Though I can say, since it's at the start and was in a preview, that Mary-Beth dropping her skirt is one of the hottest freaking things, as is how it looks when Amanda gets hard at first, like really, really stupidly sexy 😉😍😍😍 What I can say, spoiler free, is that the actual animation here is so fantastic! The characters are so especially lively and their facial animations are insanely good! What was especially impressive was a certain... unexpected character and her insanely excited and lively movements and expressions. And all the stuff with Gina was absolutely glorious and gorgeous too. You did a real great job here with this scene, it was all so well made, sexy as all hell and actually quite funny too 😹 Amazing work, Red! You are just killing it with ABW! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

John McCarthy

It's like a comedy ... when she went and crossed her eyes then slaps her dick ...

Jason Bourne

Thats a BOSS fucking.


Lol Well I Gotta be honest, didn’t think I was getting a comedy.. So the sarcasm / overacting killed the boner. Couldn’t recover had to go back to your other work. Also, sad day, no other holes but one butt? So many holes on all the futas and you just pick one? May seem silly but you wanted feedback. Great animations and wonderful visual stylization. Just not my cup of tea with the making fun of her during the sex. And the couch was awkward to watch for me, lol she’s long enough to enjoy other ways of self pleasure I’m sure.


Very nice


Aww I'm sorry and I totally understand where you're coming from. This one was a bit weird... and very anal focused. However, there will be lots of variety in upcoming scenes.


Soooo... It seems Amanda hates MaryBeth or thinks her marriage to her to be a huge disappointment, to the point that she fired an employee for sharing her wife's name? Man, I don't know if i got this right, help! lol


Well... MaryBeth is just Amanda's secretary =P The "ghost/imaginary" girl is supposed to be Candice (at various points in their relationship). Amanda is talking to the ghost, not to MaryBeth. HOWEVER, you were right... once Amanda learns her name is "Mary" she fires her.


Thank you so much Ciaran. The skirt part was one of my favorites too lol... poor lil MaryB


So happy you enjoyed it MR Penis :D <3


You’ve outdone yourself, Red. The animation is top notch. I’ll be rewatching this later for fappy time.


Ça serait possible d'avoir les sous-titres en français ?


Can't wait to watch it :-)

bobby stronzheim

Can't emphasize enough how you improve with every release Red, it looks AMAEZE. Favorites for me were all the unique camera angles (big fan of the booty shots), the squirt of legends (stupendous btw), and the whole aftermath scene with the leaking(hitting the door on the way out was super funny). Also was really cool to see Amanda's take on her marriage and Candace's whole scene was on point. But yeah just wanted to emphasize my favorite stuff and let you know that you're doing the lord's work. Preciate u <3 Yours, Bobby esq.

Andrew Rowe

Anal w/ cum leak; it's like you were tapped into my mind, Red! The gape filled to the brim with Amanda's cum, se magnifique! BTW Where are parts 1-4?


So I finally sent one of your videos (this one) to my wife to see if she would like it... She did!! Great job! Been following you since the first centaur test video and I still LOVE what you're putting out! Keep up the great work!


I loved this one! I'm really dragged into the story too. I'm trying to find out whats going on with Amanda and Candice 👀👀👀. Candy seems to want Amanda's attention desperately in part one, and you think Amanda wants it too by the beginning of part 5, until the middle and end. Im super invested now. This has gone beyond awesome porn, to an independent story. Im feeling it!


thx Agent good job!!!!


I think this is my favorite so far! You really did a great job on this one. Congrats! Also, I noticed a little animation bug in the shot timestamped 3:48. We actually see Amanda's dick going through Mary Beth's belly (like through the polygons). Anyway, it's just a little feedback if you wanted some critics before releasing the whole Episode 1. I am a Video Game 3D animator and I know its the kind of stuff you might want to know.

William Cramer

There's something about Mary, for sure.


So happy you enjoyed it Andrew!!! You can find the others here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/final-animations-24856810


I really enjoyed the head stomp


Merci pour tout !

Fat Shisno

Loved it. And what a bitch!


I enjoyed many moments in it but ...


First of all, what's going on? I guess I should go back and watch the other parts of this series again, but I don't know who Mandy Bear is, where she gets all this power, or where the action is taking place. It looks like the interior of a luxury airplane in flight, or possibly below deck in a yacht? And what's all this knocking people about? I like to see gentle, loving sex that leaves everybody in a state of joy at the end, male, female or futa. I never thought Mandy Bear was actually having any fun, and she proved it at the end by firing Mary. As for Mary, for some reason (not sure why) she felt she had no choice but to do what she was told. What kind of love is that?


Why did Mandy go for Mary's anus instead of her vagina? Just to show she could, more sense of domination that way, so Mary would get more pain and less pleasure? And what will happen to Mary now? I'm wondering if I should stay subscribed.


Heya CX! SO... yes this animation is a bit weird. The short version of it is, Amanda (Mandy Bear) is being haunted by the ghosts of her wife's past. The ghosts are all in her head. Overall, Amanda is very depressed and unhappy. She fucks MaryBeth as a "hooker" just to relieve some depression. She cares nothing about MaryBeth at all. She went for anal because that's what she likes. Also, not all my scenes will be loving and romantic. Some will be one sided like this. The next 2 scenes, however, will be very loving and romantic. Some people like romance and some people just like sex... so I am mixing things up a lot. If you pay attention though, Gina missed her wife very much and lovingly made love to the couch because she misses her wife so much :D also, they are on a private jet.


OK, that's better. I'll stick for a while at least.


That bit about fucking the couch was a little weird but ... If you show anybody getting shoved around or mistreated in any way, I won't like it. I can't speak for anybody else.


Well, Episode 2, Parts 1,2,3,4 are all pretty lovely dovey romantic loving sex =) Part 5 is a BDSM type thing and Part 6 is a gangbang :D


What I just downloaded (with Mandy) is part 5, right? I have 1, 2 and 4 as well. I hope that's all.

Razor The Man

Hi Red, Good job, it was worth the wait... Congrats! I enjoyed this part as much as the previous ones.


Omg this was so amazing!!! And the upload was very quick as well. Loved it, this was the best in the series!! I know some people object BDSM but I was craving for that foot to the face for so long. Amazing, very impressed. Been following you from AML part 1 and stuff like this makes us support you forever.


awesome ..


My favorite one so far Red!!


Thank you so much Anish!!! I am so glad you are here and supporting these projects =) I do have some other BDSM type stuff coming up in episode 2 as well!


WOO so glad!!! I was nervous that this one was a bit too weird but I am glad people are enjoing it!

Hanna Andersson

So it's not all butterflies and pretty flowers in the rose garden. Thank you Red for taking us for a ride story wise and daring to take your characters to places that's not the safest choice. It will keep us on our toes and wonder what will happen next. Thank you for your amazing work 💜


You are exactly right =) Just like the real world... not everyone is a happy loving nice person. Thank you for enjoying the animation and for your kind words <3


I think it's one of your best yet! Certainly my favorite so far.


I am new to this ‘genre’ but I have to say your animation and characterisation is outstanding! Generally the difference between good and excellent is attention to the small details and you manage to do it consistently well. I guess I prefer the ‘butterflies and pretty flowers’ end of the continuum but respect for what you have done. Previously I liked the elements of warmth and sensitivity that you managed to portray. For me they humanised rather than purely objectified the characters. You are clearly an exceptional talent. Keep up the good work.


Thank you so much Dylan this is all very kind of you to say <3 and yes... I personally am usually on the butterflies and flowers end of things BUT I do want to include plenty of variety in the animations so hopefully everyone can have their own favorite scenes.... I will say, the next 4 scenes are much more on the butterfly side of the spectrum though!


Are the translations already in progress?

big one

Bigger dicks red 🤪🤪


Finally got a chance to download and watch. You just keep outdoing yourself! The animation is so clean and all the subtle movements are wonderful. Not a huge fan of too rough sex, but it fit the mood Amanda was in. The new fluid dynamics are great! The cum looks much more real, probably the best I've seen. I personally would like a little more forceful ejaculation, but what you did is very accurate. I imagine Mandy cums with strong spurts. One question, why is the label on the Cum Begone bottle backwards?


Love your work Red. Awesome animation. A couple of observations. I don’t know if you noticed but the label of the Cum Begone bottle is backwards. Also some of the ass slap sounds during the first anal scene appear to be out of synch. The slap sound seems to be on the out stroke not the in stroke. Minor things on an otherwise fantastic story. I’m totally hooked.


Thank you so much Tommy for pointing these out! I am going to play around and fix them for the final release =)


I enjoyed every second of this!! Gonna have to watch this a couple more times!


Salut pas de sous-titre français ?


AHH oui, je suis tellement désolé que j’ai été claqué et continuer à remettre cela. Je vais y travailler cette semaine, je vous le promets.


no esta el subtitulo en español?


Me encantaría tener subtítulos. Simplemente no soy bueno haciéndolos. Pero tal vez debería empezar a hacerlo de nuevo.


La verdad q el contenido q haces es excelente. Muy bueno . Me gustaría q tenga los subtitulo y se me ocurren mil ideas para las historias o escenas.


por favor si podes agregar los subtitulos sigo con la suscripcion !!!


Absolutely amaizing my favourite character Amanda also my favourite VA @justlikecandy she got one of the sexiest voices