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TAKE NOTE EVERYONE! Amanda is a teaching you some of her lovely charming sweet talk here =)

We should be into the first sex scene in Mandy-Bear by Monday or Tuesday at the latest!



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Ciarán M

Ooof, well I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly feel wooed and I'll definitely be using this line in my own love life, wish me luck! 😹 In all seriousness, this is deliciously sexy! Love Amanda's curvaceous body and how she looks in motion. The way her weenis hangs down but then flops a bit as she yoinks it up into her hand is so sexy. Even sexier and more beautiful is when she starts stroking it 😻😻😻 I also really like her face here and how it's animated, with her looking towards the viewer, looking down a little and then back up at the end, making that eye contact again. Great work on this deliciously naughty moment! 👏👏👏👏👏 Definitely excited to see even more of this lovely, domineering milf 😉

John McCarthy

Well lets not be Johnny on the money with the request ... try like please ...

William Cramer

hard to believe it was Candice who got her pregnant haha


Continually tortured before major releases with these updates. The anticipation is high


Beautiful, forceful.