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Hello all! I wanted to say a thank you once again to everyone who is here supporting these projects. I know I am lucky to have you here and I could not be more grateful and humbled to be able to do this for a living, thanks to you and your support. I love making futanari animations and I am so happy that it makes others happy. For anyone that has been here awhile, you have probably seen me say something like this many times but truthfully, I feel like I should say it each and every day, though I know that would probably get annoying. Just know that I really feel it every single day when I hop out of bed and start animating futanari weenies!

I also want to share with you some of my 2020 plans. I wanted to start off by saying that a huge chunk of your support over the past four months have gone toward making rigs, sets, textures, and hair for Amy's Big Wish. I am paying others to make the sets, rig the characters, and texture them because if I were to do all that myself, things would be going much, much, much, slower. As of now, I have all the sets done for Episode 1. I have about 1/3 of the characters done as well. Below is list of characters I am still working on, in the order that I am working on them.

Amy's Big Wish Cast:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/amys-big-wish-17037768 

(These models/character rigs/textures/hair models/hair textures/etc are also called "assets")

  • Audrey (Next)
  • Generic Girl 3
  • Generic Girl 4
  • Fira
  • Fira Centaur
  • Maggie
  • Mary
  • Bella
  • Melanie
  • Jaylah
  • Yuna
  • Elara

Your support is allowing me to pay someone to rig, texture, and make hair for these characters. Which is allowing me to focus on animating MOST of the time.

With that being said, I want to share some of my goals for 2020.

Goal 1: Speed Up Animation Releases

So, there are a few things that will factor into speeding up the release of animations.

1) Hiring a Second Animator - I currently am working with a second animator to help release the animations faster. However, this is on a somewhat "part time" basis. I would love to work with them/an additional animator on a more "full time" basis. However, I have to wait until all of the characters/sets/textures/etc are done and paid for for Amy's Big Wish before I can afford to pay for more of their time.

2) Buying A 3rd PC That Is A Super Rendering Machine - So right now, I have 2 PC's for this work... 1 is dedicated for fluid simulations, and 1 is for animating and rendering. The render engine that I use is a GPU render engine. So, I have a NVIDIA 1080TI and a 2080TI in it and I usually just render overnight or over the weekend, which is typically good enough right now. BUT if I am going to have a second animator working more consistently, I am going to need to buy a third PC JUST for rendering 24/7 to keep up. I have one picked out and once all the "assets" are done and paid for for Amy's Big Wish, I will get another dedicated rendering machine.

In short, I need to get everything done for Amy's Big Wish, buy a 3rd super rendering PC, and pay for a more "full time" animator.

Goal 2: Improve Animation Quality

This kinda means a lot all at once. But basically, I want to improve on a lot of things to make the final animations more enjoyable. I am not going to get too much into every single detail but essentially, I want better visuals, story, camera movements, special effects, and fluid simulations.

I think Candy Cane was a step in the right direction for some of these things and I really hope to continue that trend and improve upon all of these things over the year.

Goal 3: Get EVERYTHING Ready for Amy's Big Wish!

Amy's Big Wish is a BIG story. It is big enough to fill 12 to 15 episodes of animations at around 24 minutes each. Yes that's around 5 hours of animation. I can even extend that to add in more fun, sexy, silly, scenarios (WHICH I WOULD LOVE TO DO!) but the basic story is at a minimum 12 episodes of content. I really hope to get ALL characters and sets done by the middle of the year. This is really important because I need everything done so that I can use the money I am spending on rigging, texturing, hair, etc, on paying an additional animator.

What My Daily/Weekly Schedule Looks Like

For now, here is what my schedule looks now. However, once I get another rendering PC, this will change a bit to allow for even more time animating. This is kinda a general out line. Obviously, things are not always like this.

Monday - Thursday

  • 8AM to 3/4PM = Animating (I aim for around 10-15 seconds of animation per day)
  • 3/4PM - 5/7PM = Simulations (Clothing) + Setting Up an Overnight Render
  • 6/7PM - Overnight = Rendering Animation

Friday (Friday is a bit different. I have more of a Priority To Do list in the order below)

  • 1) Setup Weekend Render
  • 2) Work on Requests
  • 3) Modeling/Testing/Texturing/Shading
  • 4) Side projects
  • 5) Animating if I have extra time

Basically, I want to let you know that I am truly committed to this and I am taking this seriously and that I do have a plan of some sort. I am investing the money I get from your support into assets that will allow me to release animations faster, improve the quality, and to create something really fun, sex, and enjoyable. I also wanted to share a little bit about my schedule and how I work.

Again, thank you for being here. I hope this posts provides some insight into this process for those who are interested and a peek into my thought process. I know posts like this are kinda boring and stuff but at the very least it helps me get my thoughts written out in the open so that you know where my head is and what I am hoping to accomplish. Personally, I really like having something out in the open that I can hold myself accountable to (my boss is a real bitch and can be really hard on me sometimes).

I love you! Thank you for being here! I cant wait to share these animations with you all!

- Red



Muwhaha, I have posted my longest, most boringest post ever! MUWHAHAH!

Ciarán M

Well you are very welcome, Red! And thank you very much for the clearly insane effort that you put into your work. Your skills have very clearly improved and the time and resources you put into all of this clearly show the passion that you have for it which makes all of it even better 😸. As always, I'm so very eager to see more of your work and the wonderful previews, it's always so exciting when I see that you've released a new post 😸😻. And it's cool to see your list of characters that are being worked on! As exciting as Generic Girl 3 is though, Bella will always be my number 1! 😹 Seriously though, I am very eager to see all the new models, the new ABW style has been fantastic thus far and seeing the AMRL girls redone will be awesome! (Especially Bella 😉😻😻😻😻😻)


Thank you so much Ciaran! I am SUPER nervous about translating the AML girls into the ABW style and I hope everyone enjoys their new style....


The post is not boring at all ^_^ It's fantastically informative, well thought out, and put together :) Like your series! :D


So happy for your success, well deserved! Question: Have you considered a render farm rental instead of making your own render rigs?


Thank you so much Dummy! And, Yes, I have actually used a render farm before. However, they can get REALLY expensive. Something like 15-30 cents per frame, depending on the complexity... when we are talking around 10,000 frames per animation, it would be much less expensive in the long run to just get another rig, I hope that makes sense.


Thank you for sharing your plans for 2020, a little late, the end of winter is not far off))) However, it's cool that you did it all the same!


Thanks for the great update Red, really looking forward to see more of your work, and support you in the process :) Can't wait to see the AML girls in this format, especially Bella (my fav) and Anna <3


never boring... one of my fave things about ya... engaged... keep us in the loop FAR better than most developers! kudos and thank you!


Love this kinda of insight


Good luck for 2020


Thank you so much katherine :) I hope this year is a whole lot of fun in the futa animation department!!!


Thank you so much skorp... I think being transparent about everything helps keep me moving forward consistently

Curtis Sydenstricker

I really love you so much i wish i were there with you so i can make out with you on the bed

Black Zeus

It’s amazing all the work that you put into this. Keep going!!