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Yep, its that kind of party!

Direct Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o62zp9xdck8d8xq/Part10.mp4?dl=0 

ABW: Part 2 "Doe Dick" = 33% (+3%)

  • Scene 1 - Done
  • Scene 2 - Done
  • Scene 3 - Done
  • Scene 4 - Done
  • Scene 5 - Done
  • Scene 6 - Done
  • Scene 7 - Done
  • Scene 7B - Done
  • Scene 8 - Done
  • Scene 9 - (1320-1595) Literally Anything!
  • Scene 10 - (1600-1830) Do you want the A or not?
  • Scene 11 - Yes...
  • Scene 12 - Bow chicka wow wow
  • Scene 13 - blowjob 1
  • Scene 14 - blowjob 2
  • Scene 15 - blowjob 3 
  • Scene 16 - blowjob 4
  • Scene 17 - blowjob 5
  • Scene 18 - Take off your skirt for me!
  • Scene 19 - (0-1753) - PFFT (Rendering)
  • Scene 20 - Stickin it in baby!!!



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Ciarán M

Oooh, I really like how as it starts, Mss Redding is clearly looking over Amy's body as she touches herself, only to quickly change her expression and become frustrated when Amy speaks. The initial smile on Redding's face is so very sexy too and once again from this front angle, the skin tones of her hips and thighs look fantastic on top of her white stockings. I do also like the subtle body movements for Amy too as she bunches up her shoulders or slightly backs away defensively, even looking down away from Redding's gaze at the end. You're definitely capturing the mood very well for this scene with the body language and expressions of the characters! One teeny-tiny thing, Redding's hand on her hip looks like it might be bent a bit too far, kind of like her wrist is broken, but then she is also bending her hand inward so maybe I just think it looks off at this angle. Either way, you're doing great, Red! With each new preview, I find myself more and more eager to see what comes next 😉


She definitely needs that A, better get to it Amy :D


ohhh thank you for pointing out her wrist... I need to fix that before rendering for sure... and I am glad you are enjoying the scene =) This one is a lot of fun so far

William Cramer

Oh my lord in heaven! Holy cow! heehee


Lot's of fun, can't help but feel bad for Amy. Got to be super uncomfortable.


Now that is a delicious looking package!


Can't wait to see the rest! I really love you paying attention to details and capturing emotions! Thank you and keep up the good work!