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Hello all! So I did a bunch of testing to get everything setup for Amy and Ms. Redding for their upcoming scene =) This scene is a bit "cliche" in terms of the plot point, however, there is a bigger point to it that I will make more clear down the line as we get farther into Amy's story.

I will also create a bio sheet for Ms. Redding at some point. BUT In short, she is 5'5, Latin origin (South America), fairly well endowed in the weenie department, and she has some large boobies too (which is cool cause boobies are fun).

I will hopefully start posting animation previews as early as tomorrow but if not it will be Wednesday. I am still working on Ms. Redding's classroom a little. 




Exciting! I can't wait to see Amy (hopefully) smash Ms. Redding once she gets her wish! I'm really looking forward to this series and where it goes! 😀


Hey Red! Since these are only parts of the first episode, are they not covered by the first tier rewards? I was just wondering since I saw candy cane released under the $5+ rewards section. Other than that, love the progress and all the updates! Keep up the good work!


Was wondering the exact same, not to be a cheapskate haha, but I support quite a few more 3dx artists :)

Andrew Rowe

Nice to c you're moving along, I'm waiting 'til you @ least complete all the episodes of the 1st part.

Andrew Rowe

Good work so far, Red!

Andrew Rowe

Bio sheet would be great! U have me drooling (from my mouth and cock).


Sounds good, can't wait to see some stuff!


Does anyone know where to watch the first part


When will this episode be released?