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HELLO! SO... I wanted to share a bunch of information about Amy's Big Wish just to help ensure everyone understands exactly what it is going to be. This is kinda a long post but if you have some time, it might be helpful for you to read it so that we are on the same page. 

First, I have to once again, say THANK YOU a billion times to everyone who is here supporting these projects. I have loved making the AML series and I am beyond excited to be working on Amys Big Wish. If you enjoyed AML, I know you will love ABW. I owe you everything and I will never forget that!

How Will You Release Amy's Big Wish!

Amy's Big Wish is going to be a roughly 17 episode series. Each "episode" will have 3-5 scenes in it. In total, each episode will be somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. The total run time for the entire series will be somewhere around 5-6 hours (gulp). Originally, I wanted to do a 2 hour movie but I think I have too much story for that so I am going to go with this episode format instead.

I will release each part of an episode individually to Patreons only. Then eventually the full episode will be released to Patreons. After some time, I will do a public release as I did with the AML series. Below is an example of how Episode 1 & 2 will look. I will release each individual section as soon as its completed. There is no need to wait for the full episode to watch the parts =)

 Amy's Big Wish: Episode 1: Family

  • Amy's Big Wish Intro
  • Good Morning (Staring Candice) 
  • Bad Grade (Staring Amy & Ms. Redding)
  • Cam Show (Staring Audrey)
  • Commercial for "The Wet Peach"
  • Mile High Club (Staring Amanda, Gina, Mary-Beth)
  • Night Night (Staring Emma & Dollie)

Amy's Big Wish: Episode 2: Training

  • Amy's Big Wish Intro 
  • Breeding Fairies (Staring Fira & Serena)
  • Meow? (Staring Tara & Ms. Red)
  • Alone Time (Staring Mary & Maggie)
  • Commercial (TBD)
  • The Basketball Team (Staring Amy + Basketball Team)
  • TBD

Is There Like... A Story To Amy's Big Wish?

So, the AML series had a story behind it... kinda, sorta? It was more than people just fucking but it wasn't exactly Lord of the Rings in the story department. Amy's Big Wish isn't exactly going to be Lord of the Rings in the story department either BUT it will have a more fleshed out story with things happening all over the place at different times that all have a point. I don't want to sound corney or dumb or whatever but there is some actual depth to these stories (this next sentence is KINDA  embarrassing so feel free to skip reading it) .  To the point where I actually cried in real life at the outcome of one of them. 

I love having comedy in the animations so yes there will be some funny and silly moments for sure. However, there will be some fairly dramatic moments as well. Is it all going to work together? I have no idea! But there will be a story for each character with ups and downs.

Wait, You Said CHARACTERS... Wut? I've Only Seen Like 2. Are They All Futa?

YEAH about that... I originally modeled all the characters over the past year but I decided in the end I didn't like the style at all so, I started over... In short, they are still a work in progress. BUT yes, there will be lots of characters. Several MAIN characters and the rest will be supporting characters or "extras". I am paying someone to design the rigs for them which is helping me getting them animation ready much faster.  I should have some previews of new characters coming up before the end of December.

For now, all of the characters are futanari except one. I will have one regular female involved in the story. If I have any males, they will be there for story/world building purposes only (not sex). I will have a wide variety of races, skin tones, body types, penis sizes, breast sizes, vagina shapes, etc depicted.

I realize there are people who wanted to see males in a sexual role, however, I have put up like 5 polls on the topic and it has always been voted against very heavily. 

So, You Gonna Do My Kink? :D

Yes, I will be doing your kink as long as it doesn't involve unwanted violence or anything against Patreon's TOS. What is your kink? I have no idea, but I will be doing it. Amy's Big Wish is a world where we can make anything happen. 

Is the entire story going to be focused on your kink? No, sorry it wont be. I will have scenes, characters, times when your kink is shown. And I will try hard to make it look pretty and satisfy your desires but I cannot have your kink in every single scene. I like having the variety and variance in themes scene to scene.

Also, if you have a kink that is more niche, I will be releasing a version of that particular episode/scene without that kink. An example of this is urethral docking. This particular kink is very polarizing. So I will make sure there is a version of the animation without this in it.

Is Amy's Big Wish Going To Come Out Faster Than AML Did?

Yes, I believe it will! So AML was my first attempt at learning how to animate. A LOT of the stuff took me days, even weeks to figure out. And while I am FAR from an expert and I still have no professional training, there are a lot of things I feel much more comfortable doing and I can do very quickly. SO, in theory, yes, things should move a lot faster. If you look at the AML series, most of the episodes took me around 3 months to put together. However, AML1 took me 3 months and it was like 3 minutes long... Episode 6, Part 2, took me around 3 months but it was over 10 minutes long. So, I have already sped up quite a lot.

Also, I did find someone that I am going to pay to help animate Amys Big Wish so that should speed things up a bit =)

However, right now, at this moment in time, I am STILL working on characters/sets/props/hair/models so I would say I am not at maximum animation speed just yet. I think that by March or April, I should have almost all the assets ready for Amys Big Wish and I will be able to focus almost soley on animation.

Do You Have Any Clue What You Are Doing? Honestly?

Uhh... kinda? So, yes a lot of this is totally new to me. And yes, I am learning as I go. I spend a lot of my "free time" watching tutorials, listening to pod casts, watching the YouTubes on production, story writing, world building, animation, special effects, etc... I have 0 professional training in any of this stuff so I will make mistakes and screw some things up along the way. But I can say this my life now, and I am putting everything I have into making this happen. Is it going to be perfect? Nope. Is it still going to be cool, sexy, fun? Yes!

More Questions! Open FAQ Ask Me Stuff!

World FAQ (Please feel to ask questions about the world):  https://www.patreon.com/posts/futa-world-of-19631361 

Will the AML girls be in Amys Big Wish? - Yes. Mary, Maggie, and Bella will be in Amys Big Wish. Originally, this was going to be a surprise, and I kinda wish I had kept in that way just for funsies but oh wells.

Did You Hire An Animator To Help Animate? - Yes I did find someone that is going to help me get the animations done and yes I will be paying them. It is more of a part time thing for them but as this Patreon grows, I would love to find more animators to work with to speed things up even more =)

Can you tell me the whole story for Amy's Big Wish? - No... I really do want some surprises in the animation for you. For some scenes, I plan to purposely not include voice acting so you dont know whats going on until the scene is released. 

Are you going to make a big tiddie goth char? - Yes :D

Should I bother joining the discord server? - Eh, its up to you. But, I do post some stuff there, rarely, that I don't post here. Also, if you are Super Supporter or Loving Supporter, you can see tons of exclusive stuff in the spoiler chat room.

How Come Some of Your Polls Mean Nothing? - What do you mean?

Is Amy's Big Wish done yet? Can you post it? - <the original text here has been deemed offensive to everyone in the entire world and so it has been deleted by the internet police>


Frank Celestino

I Actually like these long posts because it shows just how excited and passionate you are about this project. It's obviously quite an undertaking and requires immense amounts of effort and dedication, two things that you have definitely proven already. I think I can safely say your fan base here welcomes all of your ideas and is looking forward to the future of Amy's big wish. Good luck, and reach out if you ever need any help or have any questions that some of us could possibly help with.

Andrew Rowe

Let's see my kinks are; urethral docking (w/ ballsack inflation) , hairy anus (gobs of cum glistening on the hair) , anal cuminflation (belly ballooning), self sucking/fucking w/ inflation (from anal or all oral), nipple fucking w/ inflation. That's all I can think of, Red.


Thank you so much Frank... I really do love this. I go to sleep every night thinking about it and wake up eager to start working on it.


Damn! That's a hell of a commitment. Anxiously awaiting the fruits of your labor

Fat Shisno

Ok... I REALLY wantes to chick the one that said don't click it... for the lulz. BUT! I like your art and respect your wishes. (Please don't ban me)

william russell

This has to be your longest post. I can see that your going gang busters on this, but take a breath, maybe do some yoga, but paste yourself. Everything that I have seen so far looks great. Remember you are on your own schedule.


Especially with how you've described the vastness of the story that Amy's Big Wish has amassed to, I'd love to hear more about the progression you've gone though with this project on the side already, as well as the other projects. Some insight into how you make decisions about dialogue and plot progression (sources of advice or inspiration), and how you structure the work flow (how much you do by just immediately writing screenplays and modelling characters, versus how much you plan out in incremental steps from macro to micro). To an extent, this information trickles through in your progress updates, but a lot of the detail gets lost in an effort to focus on presenting the end product. So if you ever feel like making a post about that, I'd appreciate it, and I doubt I'd be the only one. Obviously, this could easily drift into territory of too personal information that you don't want to discuss. But I'm just putting it out there. =) Either way, really looking forward to crying at the realization that you cried at the scene I will be watching. =') &lt;3

John McCarthy

That's what I love ... ** short and sweet and to the point ! ** ... hold on John Hancock just came in him an his pals have to to sign that ...


Man I'm glad I started supporting you instead of just waiting for videos to hit PH. The pushing cum out after anal and piss play are definitely up my alley and why I decided to actually put money down. Would love to see more watersports: drinking, overflowing, enema etc. Though I prefer to always see the piss go in their mouth if drinking. The only other thing would be a nicely detailed asshole getting spread slightly, not full on gape. Obviously detail is difficult, but if you could find a way to make one look like Sarah Bank's and MyCherryCrush's that would be ideal.


Thank you M you are so kind =) I know what you mean about the anus being spread open and plan to work a bit on that!


How common is it for futas to use urinals? That's something I'm definitely looking forward to seeing.


The stuff I get to take with me to the afterlife!! #grateful

Kelly Harris

I would love to see characters eating Psy. mushrooms and getting insanely horny beyond their normal limits.

Ken Dow

Love what you're doing, You're on the right path, Can't wait to see what you cum up with next.