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Hello all!

So, since I am going to split up releasing AML6 into 2 different parts, I wanted to lay out exactly whats left to do to get the first half released. Now, unlike my other animations, the first half will be a Patreon/Subscribestar only release. I will not post it anywhere else. I don't know if I will ever do this again but I wanted to give it a shot this once and see how it goes.

RELEASE TIME FRAME August 16th - August 26rd (somewhere in there)


  • I would ask that in watching this first half that you do not "spoil" the little surprise section for those that are choosing to wait until the full animation is done.
  • Please do not share or post this video on other sites. I know all my videos are posted all over the internet (even behind paywalls sometimes). There is not much I can do about that without dedicating a bunch of time and effort to that. I would much rather focus on animating and making these stories come to life. BUT the main reason I am specifically asking not to share this video is because this first half is going to be kinda an "unfinished" product. IE: I MIGHT go back and change/redo/add some scenes to this first half later on down the road (based on your feedback/ideas).
  • Be respectful when fapping to Bella.

Right now, the biggest obstacle I am facing is getting the fluid simulation completed. I am hoping and praying I can have it done this weekend. After that, it is simply just a matter of rendering everything out.

So, here is a to do list to get this Mary + Bella scene completed =)

 Animation Progress 100% - Rendering Progress 75%

  • Scene 1 - 10 = Done
  • Scene 11 - (0-1440) - Rendering (should be done by this weekend)
  • Scene 12 - (Done)
  • Scene 13 - (Done)
  • Scene 14 - (2970-3690) - Cum Scene (Running Simulation)
  • Scene 15 - 17 = Done

Final To Do List:

  • Finish Animation (DONE)
  • Get Additional Voice Work (Sending request this week)
  • Fluid Simulation (Hopefully will have this figured out by the end of the week)
  • Finish Rendering (75% Done)



More variety with the options, nice. Idk if you know how hard (ha) the decision is between waiting or not.

Joseph Moore

Yaaaass! Can't wait! ^_^ Your content is safe with me Red. ;D


No, I'm waiting for the full release so won't be doiing any of those when you release the first part, option? :P Thank you for adding that part to the requests. Please people don't spoil it for me in the comments on future posts :( I hae a gut feeling though, and it's isn't me thinking about Bella ;D

Andrew Rowe

It'll be difficult to do, I ❤ tiny women like Bella w/ her mostly titty breasts. And perfect little ass, pussy, and dick (gets me hard just thinking about her). About the sharing, no worries Red.


I wonder what the surprise section is... maybe after the sex Mary and Bella do some mundane married thing like their finances or something

Captain Dragon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 21:32:44 I PROMISE I wont tell if you whip me first? lol : > )
2019-08-09 14:44:47 I PROMISE I wont tell if you whip me first? lol : > )

I PROMISE I wont tell if you whip me first? lol : > )


Anxiously waiting for this release