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Heya all! First off, I wanted to say Marys cumshot scene is going well. I am around 30% done but should be much farther along by the end of the day.

Ok so, based on this poll:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/something-really-26042613 I have come up with an idea that I think will make most everyone involved happy.

So, my idea is this... I will do AMRL5 with the current models but I will just the Anna and Maggie scene. This will allow me to put quite a lot of thought and detail into the scene and try out some fun new things. And since it will just be the two of them, I will be able do complete it fairy quickly.

This will give me extra time to complete some more models for Amys Big Wish without having to "rush" them. (you can see WIP and previews of the Amys Big Wish characters here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/amys-big-wish-17037768  and I also post some occasional previews for them on Discord).

THEN after AMRL5, I will start on Amys Big Wish. One of the first scenes in Amys Big Wish will be a follow up to the AMRL series and will be a scene between Mary and Maggie with the new models doing some new stuff!

Amys Big Wish is really my dream futanari animation... I am going to make it a series/movie well over 2 hours long. I will even hire additional animators to help me complete it faster if I can get the Patreon support to a certain point. I believe with the new models/rigs I will be able to animate much faster as my current rigs are just really poorly done (they were my first rigs ever and I didnt know 100% what I was doing at the time).

Amys Big Wish will have just about every type of sex and sexual fetish represented with a really in depth story. I think it will be something very unique as I have not see anything like it ever in the animated porn world.

Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts or ideas below!

 OH and here is a SUPER SEXY preview of Marys cumshot! 



Upload seems to have gone awry.


Looks like the preview is the wrong thing? Keep up the wonderfulness and hope you are finding happiness getting to do what you love to do on this new adventure! I wish you the best of luck!


2 hours?! Holy..... I'm looking forward to that one.


Lol... well, kinda... its a preview of her cumshot animation in the "graph" editor in Maya... basically these are her animation curves =P


Is it just me or does Mary's cumshot look a little like picolo's special beam cannon?


I have a question. Will it be possible to do in your next clip a milking scene ? Like one of the characters ( Anna or Maggie ) milking other's penis several times and when she can't cum more, she'll just squeeze her big fat nuts to milk them even more.


Sounds like a super stellar idea, cool but is Bella ok? and so like can a futa girl get herself pregnant? :D


Sounds like a good idea, but something is wrong with the preview of Mary's cumshot.


Bella is.. well, doing Bella things. So, she is ok I guess =P As for your second question... maybe?! I dunno yet =P


And here I thought it was just a mistake, but I guess we've been had :-)


No worries. It was executed perfectly!


I am actually really surprised (saddended maybe?) at the lack of concern for Bella =(


Include Mary please. She is the main attraction.


We will see.... her rig is really poorly done and doing a lot of the things I want her to do are very hard. All of that will be MUCH easier with the new version of Mary though. And I will keep her new model true to the old one


I really hope you'll use Anna sometime again Red, she's a beautiful lady, really like her tattoo too. I would scream like a little girl if you'd made a scene with Bella and Anna getting it on :D

Christian Martelli

You know, hiring animators would be the next step toward having an actual studio ahah I'm so excited for ABW and curious about the new Mary and Maggie models (and the new things they'll do), will they have realistic hair too? Oh, and that's a perspective of Mary's cumshots we don't see very often, it was interesting and super sexy indeed!


Thank you for your concern about Bella! =) AND yeah, all the models will have "realistic" hair in ABW =)


Aww... I really like Anna too. ANd I would really love to do a scene between Anna and Bella =/


Sounds great, and I to am curious about the last question.


can u have Mary getting a blowjob under the table at a restaurant or under the desk at the office?


Oh now you're just toying with me because you know what the translate Y axis does to me! +TEASE !!+


Dude...this is blowing my mind insane. I have never heard of something hours long like this. LordAardvark is pretty close, but still 1-2 hours? Props for all the work you do. Every sexual fantasy? I read about Fira. Please have her get someone pregnant like Mary. I would love to see that image you made of pregnant Mary come to life. I know birth might be a bit far fetched, so if you could have pregnancy at least, that would be HOLY amazing. Talk to Lusty or ComV. They are great at that stuff.


Heya Myles! I believe it will be a very unique and special thing once its done. I do not want to spoil anything but I will say there will be pregnancy.


In a 2 hour movie it is very much possible to have a time skip 9 months ahead or the like, so Horaay for ABW!!