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Hello all. SO, first I wanted to apologize... I got a whole lot less done this week that I should have. With Patreon suspending my page I was a scared, nervous, anxious, depressed wreck. I had a lot of trouble concentrating and was literally checking my gmail every couple minutes hoping for an email from Patreon. The timing of this happening was really really bad. Though, I suppose there is never a good time to have your entire lively hood up in the air...

However, I did get a little work done and I have posted 2 new animation previews:

Scene 6 (Full Quality) Preview -https://www.patreon.com/posts/animation-scene-24837775

Scene 7 Preview - https://www.patreon.com/posts/animation-scene-24837843

I do not want to get into all the exact details as to why my Patreon was suspended, most of you can probably guess why. All of the exactly details are available on our Discord. But, I will say, I have had to make some minor changes to the animations and the release title of the AML series will change a little.

So, with all that being said, I wanted to say whats truly the most important thought on my mind, and that is thank you for being patient with me while I got this figured out. I got so many supportive messages and I tried my best to reply to as many of them as I could. If I did not personally reply to you, I just wanted to take a minute to let you know that I DID read every single one of them. And it means so much to me to be connected with such caring people.

Ok so enough mushy stuff... I am going to get back to work on the animation and try to make up for the time I lost wallowing in my own uncertainty.

Opps, one last thing. In the event you personally take issue with Patreon or would just prefer to support me but on a different platform, I have setup a page on SubscribeStar. It is very similar to Patreon. The link to my page on SubscribeStar is https://www.subscribestar.com/agentredgirl

The SubscribeStar page has all the same tiers as we do here on Patreon and I will post the exact same content on both sites.

Thank you! Sorry for the long boring post.


Ciarán M

I'm very sorry to hear about all of the stress and concern that this whole ordeal has caused you. Thankfully you're back! And I am happy for you and the relief that you no doubt feel now that it's over. I'm going to keep on supporting you here but if something like this happens again, I'll happily follow you over to SubscribeStar 😸. Once again, hopefully you're feeling much better and very relieved and now I'm going to have me a gander at those 2 new Animation Previews because I have been thirsting for some futa goodness 😹😻


Thank you Ciaran! And you DEFINETLY do NOT want to watch the Scene 6 preview... it has all kinds of futa grool and precum all over the place :(

Ciarán M

Oh for real?! Well, as horrid as that sounds, I'm afraid that I'll simply have to watch it, for science and research of course, naturally I won't actually enjoy any of it 😹


I'm with Ciaran - if Patreon creates issues again, I'll gladly go and support you at SubscribeStar. Don't worry - I fully believe all of your patrons would do the same. You do such amazing work and deserve to be supported without issue!


I really hope I can keep supporting you here and this doesn't happen again. I pay with PayPal and SubscribeStar doesn't support that, so I hope I won't have to move there. In any case, welcome back Red, hope you'll feel a bit better now that your page is back up! :)


I just want to say we support you and we'll support you on whichever platform

Darth Pax

SECONDED Tim! Well said! Don't stress on our account A.R.G., we are with you, delays are expected and no drama. You can stress on your own account, but don't worry about us, you have our support.

John McCarthy

Just stay cool ... it seams like for one reason or another , where all walking around on egg shells ... sorry to say it's not going to get better ...

William Cramer

For me - I would support you regardless of all the troubles - Your work is revolutionary and feel that we are part of an exciting and wonderfully new era in animation. Keep the faith Red.