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Hellooooo. First off, I have to say, I LOVE this new render engine. Holy cow. It is saving so much time already its just crazy. I am 100% up to date on rendering and I just love it. It allows me to really focus on animating and making the scenes a little bit longer than I would have in the past =)

So, here is a little preview of Bella heading off to get dinner started. I did leave her penis erect here because it will make more sense for her to stay hard for her little upcoming solo scene where she takes out her frustrations on Mary's dinner.

Direct Link:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/qsowu5a7ozj35pn/Scene5.mp4?dl=0

Please take a look, if you dare, and let me know if there is anything that needs to be fixed, changed, or added =)

Also, we are about to get into the first part of this sex scene. Seeing how rendering is going so well (fingers crossed) I am going to try to make this whole scene a bit longer than planned.

  All My Roomates Love 4.5 - Animation 16% Completed

  • Scene 1 - (Done)
  • Scene 2 - (Done)
  • Scene 3 - (Done) 
  • Scene 4 - (Done) 
  • Scene 5 - 1050-1295 (Draft) Bella,"Yes Mary"
  • Scene 6 - Mary,"Sweetie, open up for mommies cock"
  • Scene 7 - Maggie,"OK!" + Maggie getting into position
  • Scene 8 - Mary starts pushing her cock into Maggie's mouth
  • More to come, will update when I get closer to this part.



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Love that back angle

Ciarán M

Aw, I love how enthusiastic the new engine is making you and the speed that it affords you as well as the news that scenes may get to be even longer is amazing! As for this scene itself, I once again do not see anything amiss and it looks like you have once again done a terrific job! 😸 I was really curious as to how you would handle Bella's exit from the scene and I really like the way that you've done it. Having Maggie being clearly saddened and sympathetic towards Bella and trying to give her a reassuring smile and wave is so bittersweet and adorable, while the way Bella then waves back sadly is just heartbreaking! 😭 I really love the way you're building up the relationship between the two of them now and it's details like this as well as the wonderfully expressive faces that you've given the characters that really help to sell these feelings, so well done! 👏👏👏 And while I do like Mary a lot, I have to admit, the way that she brushes Bella away with that hand gesture just made me think "What a bitch!" 😹. Especially with the slow way that Bella turns around, lowering her head in sadness 😿 You also framed the scene really well with Bella being so far in the background, showing her current isolation from Maggie. The colours also work really well with her skin tones popping against the surround greys. And it has to be said, the view of Maggie here is utterly delicious! Especially when looking at the render preview which looks brilliant! The final render previews make me so excited for the final scene and knowing that it'll come faster just makes it even better! But looking at the image itself, I really like the lighting here with those thin rim-lights across Mary's stomach as well as along Maggie's leg and on each butt cheek, really makes those areas pop. The occlusion shadows also look terrific in separating each of Maggie's butt cheeks, the centre of her pussy and her balls from the inside of her thighs. (And thought just hit me, perhaps for a future pinup or animation, but it would be so hot to see one of the girls in that pose and at that angle, face down and butt up, taking a cock from one of the more well-endowed ladies like Mary or Anna 😻) Fantastic work on this scene, Red! 👏👏👏👏👏 The story is being pushed along very well here, you're doing great in setting up the relationships between characters and the framing/composition of the scene is marvellous!


Hmmmm... I perceived Maggie's wave more like "Ha, ha, I'm Mary's favorite now, we don't need you anymore." Which is sad.


I don't see any lip movement from Maggie when she speaks. Oh, but what a tease this scene is!


Heya Santa! Its actually Bella talking off camera but yeah this is a teasing little scene for sure lol


Aww.. its supposed to show the two of them being a little sad about Bellas departure...


Thank you Ciran! You know I went back and forth on Mary dismissing Bella with the hand flick... it is kinda bitchy :P not sure if its too much. Hmm...

Ciarán M

That is a tricky conundrum alright 😹. Given that Mary is supposed to be feeling jealous and annoyed with Bella, this outburst of bitchiness is understandable in the moment. Maybe in AML5 Mary could acknowledge her bitchy behaviour and apologise to Bella for it? Saying she didn't know what came over her and how she was feeling jealous/left out when Bella and Maggie were making love?


Sure enough. I listened better this time. Makes sense too. Thank you for the reply.

Ciarán M

Thank you! I'm so glad you like the suggestion and I'm happy to be of service 😸. It'll be fun to see how you handle having Mary apologise, maybe she'll let Bella do something naughty to her as penance? 😉 Well, I'll leave that to you to contemplate while I eagerly await AML4+ 😻

bobby stronzheim

MOAR PRECUM, looks good! love the back shot of Maggie and the sad waves. something I'd personally like to see is the same view of Maggie but with her shaft coming back between her legs, sounds weird but you have probably seen the pose before! also glad to hear/see the new engine improving your life, we are enjoying it as well :)


I agree moar precum and Maggie's shot from the rear looks so sexy, especially with Mary's huge hard uncut cock waiting for some attention. Can't wait!


Mary's definitely showing her unpleasant side here, but at least Bella gets her revenge.

Josh Renwick

I have said this before Red but you really know how to frame a shot. I want that image as a wallpaper so that I can stare at Maggie's sexy ass on my desktop. :)