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OPPS I meant to share this earlier but forgot to post it.

Here is the final draft of Mary's bedroom with the new props added. Please let me know if you see anything that needs to be fixed ASAP before I start rendering =)

Oh and Maggie is just there for fun, so don't pay any attention to her (don't be a perv!) =P

This is about the new props and the room!

*NOTE I am going to change the pictures in the picture frames to be of Maggie and Anna but havn't had a chance to do that yet.



Ciarán M

Ah, now this is just perfect! Those extra touches, the photo frames, mug, coke can, glasses and books all add so much life to this room, it really feels like a lived in space 😸. Great work, Red, I'm looking forward to seeing this room in the animation, its a wonderful location for lots of futa fun! And I'm definitely, definitely not paying any attention to the absolutely adorable and sexy little lady on the bed who is clearly trying to grab my attention with her waving, smiling and sweet, cute eyes. Nope, definitely not admiring her ample breasts, curvaceous bum or cute little naughty bits, I am 100% laser focussed on this room! 😉


Same :) Perfect like reel


Everything looks amazing Red. I love the details you've added! Just keep up the great work :) By the way, are you sure we can't perv just a lil bit on Maggie? lol

bobby stronzheim

God Maggie's pussy is a treasure. Room is cool too I guess.. (on a real note: room looks way more lived in, possibly a framed painting or something in the hall? just so it doesn't seem like ALL white walls?)


Good as long as youre not paying her any attention... though it seems you could be tricking me 🤔

Ciarán M

Tricking you? Perish the thought! 😂 My focus is purely on the room and absolutely nothing else 😉😹, no booty or bosoms are gonna distract me from the red sheets or additional props decorating this lovely, lovely room 😻


Looks great I;m tinking maybe some porn playin on the TV


Perfect. Sorry, was there something other than Maggie to look at? NO, seriously, the "clutter" is excellent. Enough to look like someone actually lives there without being too busy. Great job. Maggie too!!!


I love the art. A bottle of poppers on the nightstand....


I love the view. Such a round little ass Maggie has...


Off-topic; in my opinion freeze-frames rendered could be better than draft animation. Why you don't post images or fantasy arts anymore between animation film progression ?


Well, now that I feel I am back on track, I plan to do some fantasy requests every week or every other week


Mary having framed pictures of Anna and Maggie is a really sweet touch


I know...and I feel terribly guilty. But I'm powerless when there's a vision of such rounded loveliness before my eyes.

John Storm

Nice Renderscene :-)