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Heya all. Here is an update to Mary's bedroom (Props/Clutter not added yet). Please let me know your thoughts. Also, I will be starting on the animation on Monday =)

If you have any ideas for what type of clutter/props I can add to the bedroom, please let me know. So far, I have a coffee cup (worlds best mom cup of course) a can of Futa Cola, and a couple of iPhones. I dont want the room to look super messy but would love some other prop ideas.

Also, let me know your thoughts on the room in general. Is the rug ok? Is the painting ok? etc etc...



Matthew Speidel

Bookcase? Optionally with naughty/tribute titles on the spines


Love the painting, and the rug is a nice touch as it adds more color.


Painting is perfect. Lighting is perfect. Rug is perfect. Maybe a couple extra cluttery things like phones to make it look lived in like you said?


Maybe add a few knickknacks lying around? Books, glasses or anything really that you could find in a bedroom


Yeah... books, glasses, magazines will work! I do have a coffee cup, soda can, and phones planned for sure. Probably picture frames too


Well there ya go 😁


I really like the idea of book case, however, I am a littler afraid of adding something so large because it will affect render times more so than something small. I can give it a shot and see how it affects things though.

Ciarán M

Oh now this is looking great! I love the new painting, the red figure and brown frame really liven up the grey wall. I also like the changes you made to the bed and drawers. I originally thought that the more yellowish wood was fine but now that I'm seeing the darker wood, I think that this is much better, especially on the side of the room with the TV, the dark browns and blacks there contrast well with the grey wall. The rug is also great too, adds a large splash of warm colour to the grey floor. As for props, others have already made great suggestions like books and glasses, and you yourself have the mug, futa cola can and phones. I like your own idea of picture frames, maybe a few photos of Maggie, Bella or all 3 of them together could be a nice touch. Hope my feedback helps, I'm really looking forward to seeing this room in the animations.


I like the color scheme and picture behind the bed a lot. And maybe you have like a discarded pair of panties somewhere, maybe on the bedpost or on the floor right next to it


I don't know of anyone who puts a painting behind a headboard. Above, yes. Behind, not so much.


I'm just saying that I wouldn't hang art where I couldn't see it. Besides, I don't know about you, but when I've got the bed rockin', the headboard bangs into the wall. If there was art back there, it would get damaged.


ON tables beside the bed, box of tissues, alarm clock / radio, perhaps a family photo. Some curtains over the shears on the windows. A few CDs/DVDs on the entertainment center. Perhaps a small rubbish bin beside the entertainment center. And maybe her robe laying on the bed near the foot of the bed.


Oh, and on one of the bedside tables, one or more remote controls for the entertainment system. And her favorite dildo.


The things I would add would eliminate the big picture. I would put three images of Maggie Anna and Bella.


Hi Red, in my opinion your efforts are too focused on animations at all. You pubblish a single immage of a girl on the beach, sexy on the bed, etc What do you think about comics, a story. Every single day 3/4 images part of it; not a preview of the film but a fantasy in some drops. Now your work work seems to be fragmented. Thank you for your attention !


Heya Rera! I would love to do a comic... but I really want to focus on animation. The only reason I am not animating right now is because I am getting the scene prepared and waiting on voice acting. Once I have the voice acting in and the scene ready, I will be animating full time. Depending on how things are progressing, I would like to create comics in my spare time in the future.


Love the painting, but I do think shrinking it would be better, it does seem strange to have the headboard covering it up.


i want the same tv mary 's got ;)

Josh Renwick

Question: is Futa-Cola called that because it sounds like a clever name for a soda in their world, or is there an "xxxtra" ingredient in it like the coke in Coca-Cola?

Josh Renwick

Yeah, the painting is interesting and erotic, but it probably should be a bit smaller.