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An Important Question + Lots of Info + Long Boring Post

  • Yes, switch rendering engines ASAP! Start on AML5 with the new engine ASAP! 133
  • Yes, switch rendering engines ASAP! Do the Mary throat fucking scene as a standalone then start on AML5! 261
  • No, keep the current engine (AML4 will take another 30-40 days to complete) 28
  • I didnt really read this but I trust you to do what is best. Smiley face. 56
  • sad fap fap fap 25
  • 2018-12-26
  • 503 votes
{'title': 'An Important Question + Lots of Info + Long Boring Post', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, switch rendering engines ASAP! Start on AML5 with the new engine ASAP!', 'votes': 133}, {'text': 'Yes, switch rendering engines ASAP! Do the Mary throat fucking scene as a standalone then start on AML5!', 'votes': 261}, {'text': 'No, keep the current engine (AML4 will take another 30-40 days to complete)', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'I didnt really read this but I trust you to do what is best. Smiley face.', 'votes': 56}, {'text': 'sad fap fap fap', 'votes': 25}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 26, 16, 14, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 503}


Hello all! I have kind a big question to ask and there is quite a lot to it so if you can, please take the time to read this and let me know your thoughts.

So, to be 100% honest, I had really hoped to have AML4 done and released by now. However, the rendering is just getting crazy. The current scenes that I am doing are taking between 20-40 minutes per frame. Which is a LOT for an animation with at LEAST 3000 frames left to render. That is 62 DAYS worth of rendering (31 split between 2 computers rendering 24/7).

Personally, I feel really guilty about that because I do not want to wait another 31 days to release AML4 and I am sure you do not really want to wait another 31 days. I have been struggling with this aspect of the animation and I am beyond frustrated. I am buying a new 3rd and maybe 4th computer next week, which will speeds things up a lot but still...

Here is the problem, I can animate 1-2 scenes per day. AML4 (so far) is around 41 scenes (with at least 6 more planned). However, it doesn't matter if I animate 1-2 scenes per day if I can only render 1-2 scenes per week. Because in the end rendering is the bottle neck that keeps me from releasing an animation.

Again, the problem is I am using a render engine that has been discontinued and there is little to no support for it anymore so I cant really get help fixing the issues that are causing my renders to take so long. I am switching to a new engine, I have already paid someone to get my scene setup for rendering and they should have it ready for my by the 28th of this month (I will post a preview of the new  renders once I have them).

I have to say I am personally disappointed in myself and I feel guilty for not switching to a new render engine before I started AML4. I didnt realize at the time that things could get so bad with rendering. I have never had this problem and I am not quite sure why exactly it is happening but I cant really seem to find anyone to help me because my current render engine is dead.

I really want to release content much much faster and I feel it is 100% absolutely necessary for me to change render engines ASAP to make that happen so...

My Question: Would you be ok with me ending AML4 after Maggie and Bella's cumshots? I will have a quick final scene  where Mary says "Ok, mommy needs to cum now" or something and that would be the end of AML4. AML5 would pickup with Mary getting to face fuck Maggie and continue on as planned. This will allow me to release AML4 in a couple weeks (again, just because the rendering takes so long).

I could also do the Mary throat fucking Maggie and cumming as a standalone "short" so that I can release it super fast, maybe a week or so. Then go on with AML5 as planned.

Finally, I want to say thank you to everyone who is here supporting me. I truly love doing this and I wake up every day feeling so lucky that I am able to support myself and my mom by doing something I love. In the end, I really want to be one of the best 3d futa animators out there and I think a big part of that is going to be the speed at which I release content. As of now, this is the only solution I see to speeding things up while maintaining the integrity of the animation. I have wasted so much time on rendering that could have been spent animating and fine tuning my animating skill.

I am so so sorry for the long boring post but I want you to know this means a lot to me and I have been stressing about this for the past 2 months now and I want more than anything to do whats right by everyone here supporting me. I feel this is the best thing I can do to release content FASTER.

Please, let me know your thoughts and feel free to lash out at me if need be.

- Red



Not everything works out the way we want, all you can do is your best. We trust you to do what you think is best. That's why we support this project.


Take as much time as you need


There's always going to be something that could have gone better and I can't speak for everyone but I'm perfectly fine with waiting as long as you need to make sure the video is great. You've got our support otherwise we wouldn't be finding you so I know you'll do what seems best.

Ciarán M

Well firstly, I'd just like to say that I hope you had a great time over Christmas and enjoyed yourself 😸. Now as for the post here, don't beat yourself up over the time that it's taken to get AML4 finished and rendered, like you say here, you've never had this issue before and from what I can tell, there was no reason for you to assume that anything would go wrong with your rendering engine. And as you've said, you are swapping over to a new engine and once that's sorted, everything should be fine from then on, so no worries as far as I'm concerned 😸. As for your poll here, I've opted for the 2nd option, I'm happy enough to have the throat-fucking scene be separate from the main body of AML4 and Maggie and Bella both cumming together is a solid enough ending point with a fun cliffhanger for the Mary portion. Though I could totally understand anyone else preferring for it all to be together in one scene. But like I said, don't feel bad about the delay, it was an unforeseen issue and you're working to resolve it and no one can ask for any more than that. You are welcome as always for the support and it's a pleasure to see your work being created, even within the AML series you can see you getting better and better at your craft from video to video and it will be a tonne of fun to see more of your progress going forward.


I would like to see the scene as you planned it originally. So I would wait... no cutouts please. But of course it is your decision and I would have no problem to agree with that what you like to do. You’re doing a really great job 👍


You are way too hard on yourself!!


Bro love your work but you make $120k a year drawing porn buy yo ass a new computer!!!!


Thank you for the update. I can really tell you are dedicated to this. I voted the second option, but also wouldn't bmind a long wait for a fuller product.


Heya Josh and thank you! I currently have 2 super top of the line computers. Both cost over $3k, both were purchased in the last year or so. I am going to buy some additional ones to help. The problem is, a top of the line, 16 core computer shouldnt take 40 minutes to render a single frame of an animation =/ It would only take 3-10 minutes to render a frame in AML3 and for some reason now its take 40 minutes which is just crazy.


Thank you Edwin... I have just been stressing about this for the past 2 months and I just feel like I can do better and this has been a huge obstacle in my way that I need to overcome.


Thank you TA. I would love to have done the originally full 10 minutes of AML4 as planned. This rendering is just killing me =( Scenes that used to take 3-10 minutes per frame are now taking 40 minutes. At this rate, I will take me 10 years to finish my next project and I cant live with that... I promise I will keep the story intact, just in a different way.


Thank you so much Ciaran for being so kind. I really had no idea this could happen and I wish I understood why. There is so much work putting together an animation and I this is definitely one of my weaker areas in the process.


Thank you David =) I truly am doing my best with what I have... I know I can do better though, and I think resolving this issue once and for all will be better for everyone. Especially for my sanity... I would love to stop stressing about rendering.

Hanna Andersson

Our trust is totally and completely with you to do what is long term sustainable for you to be productive and inspired. If you need to take a step back and get the setup you need then that is more than ok. Thank you so much for your work and dedication.


Not that I know a lot about rendering engines, from my low level I think it would be best to render all aml4 with the same engine and start aml5 with a new engine although I really trust you will do the right thing


another option would be to further enhance the pc (if that is possible) if they take so long they may owe or that the pc needs more power or that they are too heavy and they delay because they have to delay.


Hi Red, just wanted to say thanks for the update and to stop beating yourself up over stuff. You are doing an awesome job and I think I can state for everybody on here that we love the stuff you do.


do what you need to do. theirs no point in slogging through things. take the plunge and make the switch and youll probably be better off for it quicker.


Do what you think best. I love your work.

John McCarthy

Like Edwin said , do not blame or be hard on yourself your still learning the bizz , give it time you'll get there ... Your second option is just fine ... (( PEACE ))


Hi Red - would rather see ALM4 released as it was originally intended - in full! You do what's best - don't worry about time - don't compromise content - and don't stress!

George Herman

RG! I think you're doing a terrific job! I know nothing about rendering but listening to you talk it seems that it's really hectic with the machine you have.

George Herman

I am fine with whatever you decide. I would love to see the AML4 end with the Bella cumshot as you mentioned and have the Mary and Maggie blow job as a short, but that's my opinion only. Again, whatever you/everyone decide is ok with me, j just want to see AML4.


Heya, do whatever you think is best Agent! Personally I would like the oral scene as an addendum to part 4, plus if you end up compiling all the episodes into 1 once AML wraps up, a delay so you can get a new render engine at this point seems totally fine to me. Keep up the good work, your animation/characters are really hot!


Do whatever you think best. There aren't any forums or support groups to help? Gotta be somebody out there that knows your old render engine. I think I'd get the new machine's, try them out, and then decide what works best for you.


Due to ITS complexity, your art requires time.In my opinon 3 second needs one working day. Above all every second need that your fantasy flow through machine. Don't give up RG !

Jonny Seed

I like the continues story, so I'd prefer everything to be in some story videos. I'm happy to hear you have a faster setup coming but I guess if vote for ending on the cumshot and starting the next AML from there.


It would be like a sequel, a teaser to pick up on the next AML


You're being too hard on yourself Red. What you're doing is very difficult and time consuming and as I found out myself when I dabbled a little the learning curve is simply insane so please don't worry if things aren't going exactly as you planned. From all these comments its clear your patreons are behind you and personally I wouldn't mind waiting as quality takes time, but if you think it would be better to switch to a new rendering engine then I support your decision 100% as nobody is in a better position to make that determination than you.


Could we see an animated sample?


I think every question in the poll should end with fap fap fap XD