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Heya all. So, I just wanted to post a little info about my upcoming project, Amys Big Wish. The reason I am bringing this up now is because I made a fairly large change to the script of AML4 and wanted to clarify my goals going forward. My dream, from the day I started doing this was to create a full length movie. And with that being said, let me talk a little bit about Amy's Big Wish.

Amys Big Wish FAQ & Characters:


Ultimately, I want Amys Big Wish to be a 2 hour movie. Yep, 2 hours. There are something like 13 "main" characters for this project and maybe 5 - 10 "side/supporting" characters. I plan to release each scene to Patreon as its finished (probably 4 to 10 minutes at a time). Then maybe 20 minute "episodes" publically. Think, Disney + Hentai + Sitcom (eventually replace Sitcom with "Movie").

If I have to be honest, AML initially was just about me trying to learn Maya (the software I use). However, its turned into a little more than that and what it is now, I am very happy with it and the way its been received. Ive said before I love doing this and it makes me so happy that I can support my mom and myself doing this.

Anyway, on that topic, I wanted to share something somewhat personal with everyone. I have hired someone to help me finish the characters for Amys Big Wish for me. They will be rigging, skinning, texturing, and fine tuning the modeling for me. Its not cheap. In fact its costing me more than $13,000. But I have 0 issues doing that because it will save me, personally, 2 months of work. And more importantly, if all goes well, I will be able to start on Amys Big Wish almost instantly when AML is done. Which means more content for you, faster. As a side bonus, it will allow me to focus solely on AML until its done, rather than splitting my time between the two projects.

I wanted to share that just to help everyone understand how committed to this I am and that I am in this for the long haul. And I also wanted to mention that if my Patreon gets to a certain point, I will find a "partner" to help me animate (maybe the same person who is helping me with rigging and skinning). While hiring someone to finish my characters or hiring a partner are not necessary (I could do it all myself) I really want to produce the highest quality content I can at a more regular pace. And I feel that these things will help that vision come true.

In regards to Amys Big Wish, the story is actually done already. In my heart I believe it is a really good story. There are a few people who have seen/helped with the story and they are excited about it. There are things you'd expect and things you'll never see coming. Characters you will love, hate, pity, and sex acts that you will love and some you may not like.

While the overall story is done, the dialog and sex acts are not. So there will be lots of room for Patreon polls and ideas there. Heck, I am still finalizing all the character details so there will be lots of Patreon input for these characters as well.

But I wanted to throw out a little warning. I will be much more secretive with the Amys Big Wish stories. I will still post animation previews several times a week but I will be selective with what dialog and story elements I include in those animation previews. There are a lot of story elements that I hope surprise, shock, upset, or cause some sort of emotional reactions. Also, while there will be tons and tons of sex (I will address almost every sexual fetish I can think of), Amys Big Wish will have more of a solid story and even some totally non-sex scenes (though I will do my best to limit those).

So, what can you expect from Amys Big Wish?

  • A real, intricate, complicated story, seen from different points of view.
  • People falling in love.
  • People falling OUT of love.
  • Gigantic horse cock futas? Yes
  • Average cock futas? Yep
  • Tiny cock futas? Yes
  • Complex relationships? Yes
  • A good mix of vaginal and anal sex? Of course
  • Urethra sex? Yes a LITTLE not going to go crazy with this.
  • Inflation? Yeah but ^
  • Feet stuff? Yeah, I havnt forgotten about you all!
  • Pee? Yep
  • Boring stuff like brushing teeth, doing laundry, and making coffee? Yep a little of this stuff too
  • Total utter, even uncomfortable slave girl domination? Yep
  • Sweet romantic love making? Yes
  • What the actual fuck was that sex? Yes
  • All the way through? Yes
  • Other stuff that is not physical possible? Yep
  • Cum? No... opps I mean yes, everywhere you could ever want it to be.
  • Better voice acting? Yes, I will talk more about that another time
  • People being mistreated? Yes
  • People being pampered? Yes
  • Pregnancies? Yep.
  • Wedding? Yes!
  • Sexy clothing, bulges, panties, boots, latex, whips, pantyhose, handcuffs, upskirts, dildos, buttplugs? Yes, yes, yes etc...
  • Fucking just for the sake of fucking? Yeah!
  • "Niche" fetish extra scenes? Yes
  • Commercials? (WTF) Yes, I even have planned commercials for products, services, places that will make you laugh or maybe even cum! Weenie Girl is a good example (the place Bella is working at in the latest requests). Weenie Girl needs new waitresses every now and then just like any restaurant. Do YOU wanna be a Weenie Girl?
  • Threeways? A few
  • Orgys? Maybe 1

I guess my point is, I am going to try to hit on just about everything at one point or another. Its going to be a long ride but I truly feel that at the end of it, it will be a really good story and contain a ton of beautiful, nasty, funny, raunchy sex.

For the most part, I feel I have the skills to do everything I have planned. There are a few things I will need to learn and those sections might take more time than others. But my overall goal is to quit my job, do this full time, and release a fully completed animation segment every 30 to 45 days.

There is no way I could have ever even dreamed of any of this without your support so thank you so much once again. If youve been here for a week or a year, I just want you to know that I truly appreciate it and I hope that you know I am open to input, criticism, and committed to you and these projects.

Ok I will shut up. I just want you to know where I am going and where my head is. I will take in as much input and feedback as possible. I will get better and faster at this. And I will be much more prepared going into this next project than I was with AML.

Thank you for reading this, if you made it this far! My next post should be AML3. I will be posting it sometime in the next 3 days ASAP.



Very glad to hear you are in it for the "long haul" as you said, we would miss you and your excellent work. Also super psyched about ABW and how excited with it you seem to be.


Oh and forgot to mentione that its really admirable, you wanna do such a large variety of things in ABW and your not afraid to shock or make people uncomfortable. Helps with telling a story I think, when there are few boundaries

Futanari Fan

This sounds very impressive; something for everyone with the opportunity for individual viewers to widen their tastes. I have never been that keen on sub dom but I can see that this might give me the opportunity to find out more and perhaps enjoy especially as there will be characters for whom this is appropriate. And that of course is the huge strength of your proposal, characters and narrative. It will be complex and you will need to develop the several narrative arcs carefully so that they intertwine in a comprehensible and logical way. But I am sure you are up to this task. Your experience with AML, especially to listen and respond to the views of patrons, will stand you in very good stead. All good wishes and cannot wait for AML3.

Ciarán M

Wow, I wasn't aware of the rather vast scope of Amy's Big Wish until now, it is both impressive and commendable just how much you want to do with it 😄. I'll be looking forward to seeing and hearing more about it and the progress that you're able to make with the assistance that you'll have throughout (and the sex, the sex will be fun too 😉😂). In the meantime, great work so far on AML and the many pinups that you've produced, I've been having a great time following your work and it sounds like that's going to continue for a good long while to come 😄

Frank Celestino

Excited for the future of your animation enterprise. As always, don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything that we can potentially help with. I may not be able to animate (although I have just started tutorials for sfm), but I'm sure there are other things that myself or others could offer.

Futanari Fan

Totally agree with Frank Celestino here - always willing to help


2hrs!!??!?!? that is an ambitious project! and WELL worth the patreon investment! one thing i do love about you is feedback... LOTS of updates and polls. far more interactive than any other patreon i have seen... THANK YOU!


I CAN'T WAIT sounds like some true artistic work is coming and im excited i love everything you do and are planning to do i appreciate everything ..thank you for all the hard work and dedication i can't wait to see your dreams come true

Kelly Harris

That wasn't boring at all. Sounds like a dream come true for everyone. Cheers!

Martin Knopp

I'm so excited and i just can't hide it! :D


Good video... except.. what am I paying for? Exactly.


If you need any voice over work, feel free to reach out.


Heya Dickhead... well, really you are just helping to support me so that I can spend more and more time and money developing these projects. Truly, there is literally no way I could do this without financial support. The costs associated with doing this are very high. On top of that, there is a tremendous time investment. Anyway, I really do appreciate it and it means a lot to me to have yours and everyone elses support on Patreon