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Heya all. Sorry, I am just so excited I had to share this. SO... I messed around with my render settings a LOT more today ANNNND I was able to get my render  time WAAAY down while keeping the quality the same! I cant express how happy I am and what a relief this is. I spent the entire day working on this since like 7 am until now.

ANYWAY, So, I will be able to render quite a bit faster starting tomorrow (I am letting the render I have going finish first). I am still going to render a couple long sections on the render farm but the cost will be much less now as well!

What does this mean for you? It means youll get AML3 faster! I will provide a more specific date someone later next week.

Anyway, lots of good news. I am very happy! =)

The end.



Woohoo! *Happy dance* nice one Red. :)


I cant even explain what a relief this is! I was literally up until 4 am last night tossing and turning all night thinking about this, googling and reading articles, watching trainings... UGH i feel like I am going to explode with happiness


Maybe "reward" yourself and have a nice long sleep? Lol


Awesome! I'm glad your time diving deep into the interwebs and watching "how to" videos paid off! I can't describe how irritated I get when I can't resolve something after soooooo much research!


That's great news...but remember it's Saturday tomorrow and time for R&R..NO not that one!..this one! ROCK 'N' ROCK 🍺🤡👩‍🎤👩‍🚀👍


Awesome! Nice job 🙂


Nicemade my and a bunch of people's day I bet.


That's fantastic news I am happy for you😄🙂

william russell

Fantastic, but don`t burn yourself out. Go outside and some fresh air,stretch and give your eyes a little rest.


Great news! I hope you can relax over the weekend.

Michael A Sams

That is GREAT NEWS Red Girl...I KNOW that AML3 is gonna be GREAT...I am VERY anxious for you to start on a video of the other girls you have created. You are VERY DEDICATED to your work Red Girl...Love ALL your Futas