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First off, for any new Patreons, you can view lots of previews of AML3 here:


So once again I have both computers rendering overnight. Its a very slow process sadly. I wish I had figured out the settings I have now when I first started working on AML3.

Anyway, the 1080p rendering is really taking quite a lot of time. It adds something like 2-4 minutes of rendering per frame. Over 10,800 frames, that really adds up. I have played around with the settings a little but cant really get the time any lower without drastically reducing the quality. Also, I have a lot of closeup sections. Which take literally 2-3 times longer to render.

I may put $500-$1000 or so toward using a render farm if I feel its taking too much time. 

OK so as far as a release "time frame" I think it will be between the 10th and the 20th of July. If it is at all possible to get it done sooner, I will do everything I can to make it happen. Again, right now, I am just waiting on the final product to finish rendering.

Thank you again for supporting me on Patreon. I feel there are a lot of great people here who have helped me out so much in a lot of ways and I am very grateful to have your support.



Love your work red! You're awesome. :)


It's worth the wait perfection,takes time

Will Sherman

I think you should post as scenes finish. Maybe hide the content so if people don’t want to see, they don’t have to. Just an idea


It's too bad more people voted for 1080P (by 10 votes!) instead of 720P as 1080 takes much longer to render even though there's virtually no difference visually.


Don't rush yourself. We know you'll give us the best!

Futanari Fan

Agree with Rhoric and AML1 and 2 are still pretty good for fap fap


You create amazing work, AML3 will be worth the wait :)


Thank you so much all =) I will not have this issue with the next part and I will be able to release it much faster, I promise


I dunno =( It makes a difference on certain screens from what I understand. But to be honest, this is only an issue because I didnt finalize my render settings before I started animating. Which I will never do again because this is a frustrating problem to have.