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Hey all. So... I have not been rendering as much as I wanted to because I have been unhappy with the way my final renders for AML3 have been turning out.

So I spent the whole day today trying to figure out how to make it look the way I wanted to. It has been a ton of work... lots of  trial and error but I think the new render settings look a million times better. I wouldnt say its perfect but its brighter, prettier, and Marys skin looks much much nicer to me.

SO... I guess the bad news is, I am going to have to re-render the scenes that I already rendered. This doesnt mean I have to redo any animation at all, it just means I have to render the final quality images over. But I hope you agree that it will totally be worth it.

The GOOD news is, well, it looks a whole lot better, I think AND now that I have something that I am happy with, I can have both my computers rendering all weekend and every night over night as well.

So, with that being said, I will be rendering as much as possible from here on out until I am all caught up to what I have animated. I will still be animating during the day on my main computer but I will set it up to render at night.

Here is a side by side of the old and new lighting/shaders/render settings. The main picture for this post is just a shot of Marys butt with the new settings. For no reason in particular, I just think it looks cute.




Her skin tones look way more better and her cock and balls look way more brought to life LOL😨🤤😍😁👏👍


I agree. Definitely worth it.

Sgt Mac



I agree, better to wait to get something better like shown above then to rush


Worth the wait, do what gotta do. We fans are a patient bunch... st least i think we are.


You go girl. We're not going anywhere. Waiting patiently for your perfection!

A Right Handed Fellow

Wow I can can definitely see the difference now. Side by side it almost looks like the old render was done in black and white


Don't feel bad at all. Your thoughts always lead to more amazing qualities in your work; looking forward to the final product.


Well worth the extra effort.

Michael A Sams

Ohhhhhhhhhh YESSSS...Marys butt is PERFECT...And I would like to ask you if you would show more of Mary's large clit ^_^ ^_^ To me there is no better turn on that a large clit bulging out...I would LOVE to see large clits on some other girls too...And as for the new brighter rendering...ITS PERFECT...I am SO pleased that you are a "perfectionist" dear lady...


thank you :) i think the large clit is very srxy too so and i want to show it off a little more in aml3 for sure