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Here is a little preview of Maggie doing her best to get Bella hard... while getting a little into it herself. 



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I love how stretchy Bella's penis is!


Eh, the stretchiness of Bella's cock feels too unrealistic, like she's made of rubber or something.


Aww I thought it was cute =( well, she is only really stretching it to about the length it is when she is hard though? Does that help at all?


Hi,although it's not finished yet,I agree its to elastic but I see what your trying to achieve & that's good as always.


I think that it's more immersive when her erection grows to that length slowly. When I see her penis stretch back and forth that quickly, it "stretches" my suspension of disbelief. ;) I'm fine with unrealistic body proportions, because that's the art style. Unrealistic movements like this feel more in line with early cartoons.

Larry Berner

I think the stretchyness is super cute too! Please keep it. Maybe change the stretched length to a little bit less than erect length, would make it more realistic.


I will adjust the amount of the stretching so its not so much