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Do you guys think its a good idea for me to put together a trailer? I did a trailer for Part 2 but I am not super sure if it was a good idea or not.

I dunno... lemme know your thoughts



if you do a trailer put it on public websites so it could be shared


Personally I don't need it, but making one and posting it publicly might bring you more patrons, which might help counter the effect of the person from Pornhub who's signed up on Patreon in order to steal your work and post it there, which to judge by your comment about part 2 being posted there appears to be what has happened.


In fact, post it publicly and widely on all the appropriate porn sites to counter other folks from putting it out there. I found you via your pornhub posts, but if I'd seen your work posted by someone else I wouldn't have found you.


Just my 2 cents but if it will get you more exposure I'd say a trailer is a good idea. Or do you feel the previous trailer did more harm than good?


I personally won't watch it, but I cant say if you should do it or not =)

Sgt Mac

Your Call, I Could See A Trailer For Your Future 30 Min Version, But Just The Surprise And Expectancy Of # 3 Among Your Fans Will Be High And Anticipated. Will Be Interesting To See How You Handle A Pregnancy In The Future. Much Love--Sgtmac