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Hello folks,

I figure I should explain a little about my policy on access to the previous Art Packs for Patrons.

I give the links to the previous two month's content and not to all of the previous content out of fairness to the Patrons who joined earlier. I don't think it would be fair to the earlier adopters who have supported me longer if someone who just joins gets access to everything. I think there should be some exclusivity for their support.

On the subject of volume of monthly content: It should be understood that the old Art Collections I sold are compilations of art done over years, if not decades. I think it's unreasonable to expect one hundred to two hundred art pieces be produced in a month's time, every month for my Patreon.

That being said, it's unfortunate that some of you are disappointed with the content they're receiving for their donation. I will be producing more content and of higher quality, but there will never be anything on the level of the Art Collections. I feel anyone disappointed by that fact should withdraw from my Patreon and use their funds for other things.

I don't want people believing they are wasting their efforts supporting me. I like to be fair and try to make things worthwhile for people. I don't expect to please everyone. I expect people to do what they feel is best for themselves.




No worries here! As a patron, I do sometimes wonder about honest patrons who simply "missed the boat" and do want access to such things. But how to deal with those scenarios is very subjective, and I feel that your compromise is mostly fair. :)


I'm fine with that. I never expected anything as large aw your art collections. I was fairly certain the amount of art would vary from month to month too and I've never been disappointed with the amount yet. And I was never expecting to get a head shot from you thanks to this, so I've been very happy so far.


I'm sorry if I caused any trouble with my comments, I still want to support you since I think you produce the best macro art in the fandom. For the previous months' art packs, what if you provided one or two of them for each month that we gave our support so that we can eventually get the content that we missed out on? It also might be a good idea to have so many of each kind of artwork that people enjoy in each art pack rather than focusing mostly on one particular fetish. For example, I'm not too interested in the art that's focused entirely on busty women or the characters' naughty bits, but I like art of characters rampaging and how you draw paws. That way there could be something in each art pack that can be enjoyed by the patrons no matter their tastes :)


im ok with that and i will continue to support you. but i really expect a little more for 10$ a month.


As for the exclusivity of the monthly art packs, why not make it so that the later backers can pay a certain amount to view them? It would be a real shame to miss out on that art :(


I sent you a message a while ago but I haven't received a response :(