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god things are really in shambles lately lol, dont panic but stay up to date my friends!!!



Yuri Belislav

awwhhh shit, feels like the whole world's falling apart anymore... take care of yourself Pastel, we're all sendin' love and support!


It seems like there's always something new causing more stress for artist nowadays. Hope things with patreon don't go too crazy so you can maintain your income! Even if you have to go somewhere else, I'm sure the majority of us will follow! I know I will!


While I may not be in the loop of what is fully going on with Twitter (especially with the pointless rebranding) and with Patreon having technical issues, I would like to instead, say this. Pastel, your art truly inspires me to continue to seek out wanting to better myself as an artist. To go beyond just "pen, pencil and paper" only. On top of your NSFW art pieces, I just love your art in general. It is because of you mostly, that I am really into skunk furries in general. (regardless of gender) I find them to be sassy, cute and hot. You also helped me to see that the "fart" fetish, can be quite enticing if done correctly. I have known about your works for almost 5+ years now and I am so happy that I am finally able to support ya for a bit and spread the word about your unique art. I hope things get better, keep inspiring lads like us with your unique/wonderful art style and keep your head up high. We are all going through something that was either unfortunate and or confusing, when it comes to loss, being sick, being laid off and etc. We just have to remember that in order for us to truly enjoy our lives, "We can not keep harping on the things we despise, but the things that we despise the most that happened to us, is what shapes us into the wonderful beings that we are." It is what made you into the MAGNIFICIENT person/artist that you are. Thank you for continuing to be a great contributor and an excellent addition to the furry community. We love you Pastel! UwU


Genuinely one of the sweetest comments ive heard 😭😭💕💕 thank you so much! I love and appreciate all the support and ill never stop making art even if it gets tough, even if it doesnt keep me financially stable any more and i have to get a new job, it truly would suck the best part of it all has always been sharing my work and that will always make me happy😁😁


do what you need to be able to keep yourself up man! we're all here to support with anything you do going forward and take all the time you need to keep yourself strong love you dude!