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Hey there guys! First I wanted to thank y'all for all the support and patience for this month, it's thanks to all of your support I got to work on the stuff I love!

About the game stuff, you'll have all the content updated until the next week, so please check the September Folder until then

Since I got to fix some bugs for old characters, for now you can use:






The  named characters are working with the new system, the game will be  updated until everything's working as it should (you can download the  game whenever you want), you'll have a response on this mail when  everything is ready. Thanks for your patience <3

For those who stay, thank you so much! I have a lot planned for Halloween, it will be a lot of fun!

For those who leave, thank you for being here, and I hope you enjoyed all the content made for this month

I'll be talking to you when FnL its fully done, take care guys luv u >w<




I haven't got the reward yet

Lee Ah-reum (ALLIE)

Should I receive a folder or no since I joined in halfway through the month?