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Here's a small preview for the upcoming mini animation for this month! Since the next big animation is going to be POV related I'm trying to get one or two mini animations out to have a bit more tummy related samesize work in between! Planning to have this one finalized by the end of the month and jump right to the next one, might be slightly slower than usual since this time of the year is heavy on deadlines, but a few over nighters should fix that! :D




Get a girl that will love you like how Zoe loves her prey. Animation looks great!

Meddwynn Ravencroft

Wait, the next big one is POV related? o.O; Please, tell me more!


I won't spill too many details yet, other than it playing out in Zoe's room and that it's going to take a lot of preparation due to the inclusion of voice over again!


Considering mostly full first person, yis!


hope to see more on the 24th.....it'll be a nice birthday treat ;)