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the event that made the thin line of tension between the two finally snap 🤭

(it may not stop here, but it's too early for me to start following the same idea💀)

FINALLY GOT THESE DONE... i started these 2 months ago... worked on something else last month to prevent project burnout... and then got a cold early this month that's kicked my ass and made this later than i wanted... which sucks because it means i'm late to starting the potm because i couldn't concentrate while coughing up a lung 😭 

but i'm on the mend now atleast ...so wish me luck on the POTM going smoothly!!! i still aim to deliver ;)




These two!!❤️❤️ Quite a treat indeed. Glad you're starting to feel better. No worries even if work is slow or late, health comes first. Good luck with the POTM though and hopefully you don't experience any setbacks.


Holy fuck, I already loved these two when I first saw em, now I just wanna see if they're up for having a third roomie 😳💦💦💦 I love em even MORE now