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excellent, now I have content to watch on my first official day's lunch break at my new job :D


nice trip to Jeju


Jeju Island is like the Hawai of South Korea but not as far. It’s a small islan right under Korea and takes 1 hour to get there by flight


Bet u know Busan because of Train to Busan right?

Kyle Twitch

That's part of it yes haha we also watched shows here where they talk about Busan!


Jyp is a big fan of basketball and NBA so that’s why u might see some NBA references/ sponsorships.


the difference between the unnie line and the maknae line 😂 yes mina is in the maknae line


Oh man i love twice friday


Nayeon majors "Acting theatrical / movie" in a university in korea


You will see them wearing Chicago Bulls outfits in this show.


Nayeon was really handling university and being an trainee/idol at the same time !! 😭👏


Jeju Island is also where TWICE filmed the outdoor scenes in the More & More MV!


If I remember right Twice and Got7 modeled for the NBA's fashion line back in 2016 so around the time this Twice TV was ongoing. Don't quote me on that though not sure if I'm right, just remember reading it somewhere haha.


The song they're listening to at 6:00 is 'Fire' and it's a collaboration between Conan O'Brien and JYP. Twice also appear in the music video as a sort of backup so it's good fun.


TMI 1. Jeju Island: the biggest island of South Korea Island which has 3 things a lot Stone, Wind, and Woman (do not think about weird side. It is about population) <img src="https://www.climatestotravel.com/images/maps/webp/Jeju-where.webp"> <img src="https://img1.daumcdn.net/thumb/R720x0/?fname=https%3A%2F%2Ft1.daumcdn.net%2Fliveboard%2Fdailylife%2F49f50508349147aa9fb5ebfca08733dc.jpg"> M&amp;M <img src="https://cdn0-production-images-kly.akamaized.net/-92GnB0ExCzpjYefcLdadwg0uDU=/640x640/smart/filters:quality(75):strip_icc():format(webp)/kly-media-production/medias/3142718/original/038202300_1591167156-101401985_184111882896091_7956892215092044204_n.jpg"> 2. Twice was model of NBA <img src="https://64.media.tumblr.com/75612009f1256d75c25436709ec5ace4/tumblr_o49bkx3Mf91uxbvlfo1_1280.jpg">


I hear you man I never expected to be this deep a once when I first got into this group. They are just so amazing at everything they do and their love towards us fans is unreal. Also imagine going on a trip with Twice.....mmkay bro.


I want to go to jeju island 🏝❤️


Basically Twice TV3 is a trip to Jeju Island for 3 days 2 nights. Twice roleplay as high school students, that's why they all wear school uniform. Fun fact: they wear their own uniform from their school, not an outfit prepared by the company. The game on the bus is to choose the "homeroom teacher" because it is supposed to have a homeroom teacher on every school trip. And Dahyun is the chosen one. On the first day, their schedule is to go to a maze and solve it, to have black pork (Jeju's speciality) and to perform a talent show (which is also supposed to be included in every normal school trip). I think that's enough to answer your questions of this episode :)


Sometime I feel like Mina is my spirit animal 😂 I drink with my pinkie up, love gaming and am really into Lego too

Mr Jackpots

Jeju island has a very mild climate compared to the mainland so it's very popular tourist destination with Koreans. They grow a type of mandarin orange (Hallabong) there that is world famous. The girls talked about it a bit and were sad it wasn't harvest time when they were there.


This is another funny thing about twice. The Mina car with the maknea line is so chill and cool and the more adult members have so much energy and party mood, almost constantly. Should be reversed but not for twice XD Also. Pinky's up!!! XD


Maknae line is actual mature line of TWICE hahaha


This is the first TWICE TV that I have ever seen as a whole.

Toan Toan

I feel you. The sibling-like bond they all have is pretty envious