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Seven Sins System Chapter 289. Morgana's Temptation II

"Right…" I sighed, my head swaying slightly from side to side as I dismissed the tempting proposition.

Her reaction was predictably petulant. "But, I still want to try yours!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with frustration as she crossed her arms and pouted like a sulking child. Her eyes remained fixed on me, imploring me to reconsider.

I met her gaze with an unwavering expression, my resolve unshaken. "No, Morgana," I reiterated firmly, my tone leaving no room for negotiation. I raised an eyebrow, my gaze steady.

She seemed undeterred by my response, her determination unwavering. The way she leaned in, her body language radiating an almost magnetic allure, was a testament to her skill in the art of seduction.

“Oh, c'mon!” she cooed, her voice a sultry melody that resonated in the air. Her hands moved to cup both sides of her chest, a deliberate gesture that drew my attention to her ample assets. "Are you truly immune to this?" she purred, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her theatrics and stared at her breasts, my gaze unwavering as I took in her attempts at seduction. It wasn't the first time Morgana had approached me with her provocative tactics, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

With a sigh, I shifted my gaze back to her face, my expression neutral. “How about trying to get on with Luci and my dad first before you come to me? I'll consider giving you what you want," I replied with a wry smile. It was a half-hearted promise, a way to deflect her advances while also acknowledging her persistence.

She regarded me with a raised eyebrow, her lips curving into a playful pout. "What's with that refusal?" she complained, her tone a mix of frustration and amusement. With a snap of her fingers, her Demon's Clothes skill was canceled, and her attire disappeared, leaving her in nothing but her natural form. It was a display of confidence that she wore as easily as her provocative dresses.

"How long are you going to keep denying yourself?" she teased, puffing out her chest in a brazen challenge. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and desire as she locked onto mine, seeking a reaction.

Without missing a beat, she launched into a series of seductive poses, her movements calculated to captivate any onlooker. She straddled her legs, her body language suggestive as she squeezed her chest with a sultry smile. She parted her lips in a provocative manner, and her hand drifted to her own clit, a deliberately explicit gesture that left nothing to the imagination. Yet despite her efforts, my expression remained unchanged, my composure unbroken. It was as if I was immune to her enchantment, untouched by her seductive dance.

“C'mon, look at me…” Morgana's voice was a low purr, dripping with an undeniable allure that could easily ensnare even the most steadfast soul. Her words were laced with the promise of pleasure and the undeniable pull of desire.

I shot her a stern glance, my expression unyielding as I met her suggestive advances with a wall of resistance.

"Enough, Morgana. Stop pushing your luck," I retorted, my voice tinged with a mix of irritation and exasperation.

She heaved a dramatic sigh, her forehead creasing with a pout of frustration. "This is unfair," she protested, her tone a mix of genuine annoyance and mock disappointment.

"It's not about fairness. It's about principle," I responded, my voice steady.

With an impatient click of her tongue, Morgana displayed her annoyance, her sultry demeanor momentarily replaced by a flash of irritation. "Tch… Fine. I'll play by your rules," she conceded begrudgingly.

"Luci first, and then you," she stated with a hint of displeasure. Her frustration was evident, and she made no effort to hide it. "That means you get the leftovers from Luci!" she added with a scowl, as if the prospect of being second choice was a blow to her pride.

I offered her a nonchalant shrug, an uncaring expression that masked the amusement that flickered beneath the surface. Morgana's attempts to provoke me were as predictable as they were entertaining. "Whatever suits you," I replied with casual indifference. The truth was, I knew her provocations were designed to rile me up, to elicit a response – and I was determined not to give her the satisfaction.

Without saying anything else, Morgana got up from the sofa and went outside.

Julia's voice broke the silence, her words a contemplative murmur that held a hint of fascination. “Demons sure are interesting…” she mused, her eyes fixed on the spot where Morgana had disappeared just moments before.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of my lips in response to Julia's observation. "Interesting is certainly one way to put it," I replied, my tone carrying a touch of amusement.

I leaned back against the plush sofa, my gaze shifting to Julia as I considered her words. "When you say 'interesting,' are you referring to all demons or just Morgana?" I inquired, curious to know the extent of her perspective.

Julia's response was swift and direct, her focus unwavering. "Morgana," she clarified, her voice carrying a mixture of fascination and incredulity.

A chuckle escaped my lips at her response, a hint of amusement threading through the sound. "Ah, well, Morgana is certainly in a league of her own," I conceded, my words accompanied by a knowing smile.

“And you,” she added.

Julia's next comment brought a raised eyebrow from me. "Me?" I inquired, my tone light but genuinely curious.

Her response was immediate, her words a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "I thought you would sleep with her," she admitted candidly, her gaze fixed on me.

I leaned forward slightly, my gaze meeting hers. "I'm a possessive devil, remember? I don't share my woman and am not a collection," I stated clearly.

Claire's arrival injected a fresh burst of energy into our conversation, her curiosity evident in the way she chimed in. "This makes me wonder. Is it a demoness' way of communicating?" she pondered aloud, her eyes reflecting a mixture of fascination and puzzlement.

I chuckled softly in response to her question, the corners of my lips lifting in a wry smile. "Kind of," I confirmed with a nonchalant shrug.

Julia's curiosity seemed to be piqued further by this revelation, and she directed her attention toward me with an inquisitive expression. "I see... Now I understand why you act casual when you ‘did’ it," she mused, her words carrying a note of realization.

Claire posed a question that shifted the focus to a different aspect of my relationships. "Then why did you only have Ivy?" she queried, her gaze fixed on me as she sought to delve deeper into my connections.

Her question caught me slightly off guard, and for a moment, I found myself grappling for an appropriate response. "That's because I lost someone in the past…" I admitted, my voice softening as I allowed a hint of vulnerability to seep into my words.

My gaze shifted to meet Julia's, a mixture of emotions flickering in the depths of my eyes. "And that demon looks like you…" I confessed, the admission slipping from my lips in a hushed tone. 

Note: I will upload Morgana's pic in my discord channel.



Merci pour le chapitre et l'image.