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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 290. Departure To The Healer Tribe II

With the clinking of utensils and the satisfied hum of conversation, breakfast gradually came to an end. Plates were cleared, and the atmosphere shifted from the lively chatter of a shared meal to a sense of impending departure. Evelina and I were embarking on a journey. The sky carriage awaited us.

Leaving the dining hall, we were met by a small gathering of dragon soldiers. Among them stood Eir, a loyal and my constant companion.

I exchanged a nod with Eir, acknowledging his presence. The dragon soldiers prepared for departure. With a graceful movement, Evelina and I stepped into the sky carriage. The dragon soldiers took their positions, and the sky carriage lifted off the ground with a gentle ascent.

My gaze was locked onto the expansive view outside the window, where the cerulean sky stretched out as far as the eye could see. It was a day of unparalleled clarity, with only a scattering of clouds breaking the expanse of blue.

Beside me, Evelina's vibrant energy seemed to radiate, her excitement practically tangible. The impending visit to the healer tribe territory had clearly stirred a sense of anticipation within her.

My own mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a tapestry woven from the various threads of responsibility, diplomacy, and my own inner contemplations. The journey ahead was expected to take around three hours.

I stole another sideways glance at Evelina, noting the complex emotions that played across her features. I didn't say much to her but just closed my eyes and decided to sleep the rest of the way. I decided to fold my hands and rest since I worked until last night. I had a lot of thoughts that filled my head. So even though I slept, my brain didn't really sleep.

As the subtle currents of sleep pulled me deeper into their embrace, I was dimly aware of a soft rustling nearby. It was a sensation that barely grazed my consciousness.

Moments later, a comforting warmth enveloped my form, and the sensation of something soft being draped over me permeated my awareness. With my senses slowly awakening, I recognized the weight of the fabric that now covered me — a blanket, no doubt retrieved from the drawer beneath the seat. The sensation of warmth and comfort enveloped me like a gentle embrace, coaxing me to linger in the realms of slumber just a bit longer.

As expected, after three hours of travel and a half-hour break to rest, we arrived at the healer tribe territory. The sky, a canvas of blues and oranges, was a breathtaking masterpiece that held the promise of a tranquil day. Yet, amidst this picturesque backdrop, a phenomenon of magic and beauty captured my attention—the ethereal display of an aurora.

Streaks of vivid colors danced across the heavens, weaving intricate patterns of greens, pinks, and purples. It was as though nature itself had taken its palette and painted the sky with hues that defied the ordinary. The aurora borealis, a mesmerizing dance of lights, adorned the canvas of the afternoon, a rare spectacle that often graced the healer tribe's territory.

This celestial phenomenon, while breathtakingly beautiful, held a deeper significance within the realms of magic. It was a manifestation of the healer tribe's protection, a symbolic cloak of safety and sanctuary that enveloped the land. The vibrant colors were a visual representation of the magic interwoven with the very fabric of this realm, a testament to the power and care that the healer tribe channeled into their surroundings.

[You have entered the healer tribe's territory. Your health points will increase by 1 point per hour!]

The announcement showed how great the healer tribe was. The tribe's land wasn't as big as the other tribes, but it was sacred and had extraordinary healing properties.

Amidst this enchanting backdrop, a dragon soldier soared alongside us. Its roar reverberated through the air, a resonant proclamation of our arrival that held none of the menacing undertones of battle. Rather, it was a symbolic herald, a declaration to the land that our coming was one of peace.

The rhythmic cadence of these roars, occurring every fifteen minutes, painted the journey with a sense of ceremony. It was as though the very skies were celebrating our passage, marking each step with a solemnity that spoke of respect and reverence.

Beside me, Evelina's eyes sparkled with excitement as the capital's sky tower came into view. Her anticipation was palpable, and her joy contagious. I couldn't help but share in her enthusiasm, my lips curling into a smile as I held her hand in mine.

“It seems you really miss your home. How come you never told me?” I asked her in a gentle voice. Of course, what I meant was before my hibernation.

She turned to me, her gaze soft and thoughtful. "It's not that I don’t want to tell you," she began, her voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. "It's just that my home became a place I couldn't return to, not with Uraugh's threats looming over me."

I nodded in understanding. Her response held a bittersweet truth, a reminder that the weight of responsibilities often dictated the paths we tread.

A sigh escaped me, a blend of regret and acknowledgment. "I forgot about that," I admitted.

Another roar sounded, a sign that we would land soon. The dragon soldiers, with their powerful wings, took the lead as they accelerated their pace. Their synchronized movement was a testament to their training and discipline, a well-choreographed display of precision. As they descended upon the sky tower, their wings unfurled with a graceful yet commanding sweep, their forms casting long shadows on the ground below.

Their landing was deliberate and assured. Each soldier touched down with a soft thud, their claws finding purchase on the surface of the sky tower. As they turned into their humanoid form, they formed a protective perimeter, their vigilant gazes scanning their surroundings to ensure that the area was secure.

With their assessment complete, they signaled their approval. And so, a matter of seconds later, our sky carriage glided down toward the awaiting platform of the sky tower. The transition from the skies to the solid ground was executed with finesse. The landing was smooth and uneventful, a gentle descent that demonstrated the mastery of both pilot and carriage.


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