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Seven Sins System Chapter 267. Power Up

"If you can't remember, then why are you angry?" I queried, hoping to elicit some clarity from him.

He looked at me, his eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and resignation. "Then what should I do?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of desperation.

I took a deep breath, contemplating my response. It was clear that he was lost and in need of guidance, despite his formidable nature. I understood the weight of his past actions and the burden he carried within him.

"Take a rest," I advised, my voice gentle yet firm. "You are not supposed to be consumed by anger and bitterness. It's time to let go of the past and find peace within yourself. Just leave everything to me."

His expression softened, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. Slowly, he closed his eyes, as if accepting my words of solace and placing his trust in me.

After I managed to convince him, a series of announcements appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations! Your trials are over!]

[You have passed two tiers!]

[Congratulations! You got rewards!]

[You got+ 200% bonus HP!]

[You got+ 200% bonus DP!]

[You got+ 100% bonus ATK!]

[You got+ 100% bonus M. ATK!]

[You got 100 quest points]

[Name: Azrael Shadowraven of Nightfall]

[Age: 523]

[Level 105] [Exp: 12.00%]

[Race: Royal Demon]

[Title: Lord of Wrath]

[Seal tiers: 2]

[HP: 150680/150680] [DP: 5090/5090]

[ATK: 1980] [M.ATK: 1980]

[ATK: 1980] [MATK: 1980]

[SPD: 350] [DEF: 350]

[Congratulations! You got new skills!]

[Dark Storm (Requires 5 DP) : This skill enables the user to generate dark clouds, conjure lightning bolts, unleash gusts of wind, and unleash devastating blasts of concentrated darkness. Dark Storm can be used both offensively and defensively, and it often instills fear and confusion in opponents.]

[Hell Inferno (Requires 5 DP) : The ability to conjure and manipulate intense, searing flames that are infused with demonic energy. They can create blazing infernos that engulf their surroundings, unleashing waves of heat and fire. The flames produced by Hell Inferno are exceptionally destructive and can cause widespread destruction.]

[Blood Curse (Requires 5 DP) : A skill that involves using blood magic to cast curses upon targets. Users of Blood Curse harness the power inherent in blood to create potent and malevolent spells. It can afflict their targets with various curses. These curses can range from physical ailments and weaknesses to mental afflictions and misfortunes. Blood Curse is a dark and forbidden skill, often associated with rituals and sacrifices.]

[Necromancy (Requires 5 DP) : A skill associated with the manipulation and control of the dead. It could be used to commune with spirits, raise and control undead creatures, and manipulate life force energy. Necromancers can summon skeletal warriors, zombies, or other undead beings to serve them.]

[You will be removed from the dream sequence!]

I slowly opened my eyes, the blurry vision gradually giving way to a clearer view of my surroundings. The darkness of the Echoing Hall enveloped me, its eerie atmosphere sending a shiver down my spine.

"I did it... I managed to wake up," I whispered to myself, a mix of relief and uncertainty filling my voice. However, as my senses fully returned, a wave of disorientation washed over me. How long had I been trapped in this place? Time seemed to have lost all meaning, blurring the boundaries of time. An hour? A day? A week? A month? A year? A decade? A millennial?

I lost track of time, or rather, time lost its grip on me in this realm of shifting realities. It was as if the concept of time had fractured, leaving me suspended in an eternal moment.

Surprisingly, despite the disorienting nature of my surroundings, I found a strange calm settling over me. Perhaps it was the result of having witnessed something truly extraordinary, something that defied the boundaries of logic and reason. In the face of such inexplicable phenomena, I had no choice but to surrender to the flow of this surreal world.

With a sense of anticipation, I rose from the stone altar that had served as my bed. The barrier that had once confined me shattered into countless fragments, dissipating into the ether. I stood there, taking in the familiarity of the Echoing Hall. It remained unchanged, as if untouched by the passage of time.

"I wonder how Julia and the others are doing?" I muttered to myself, my mind filled with concern for my succubi. I began to walk, my footsteps echoing through the hall as I made my way through the hall. The path ahead seemed to be littered with tortures.

Despite the newfound surge of power within me, I couldn't shake off the overwhelming sense of fatigue that weighed heavily upon my shoulders. It wasn't just physical exhaustion, but a mental weariness that threatened to engulf me. All I wanted at that moment was to find solace in sleep.

I flicked my fingers. ‘Portal.’ With a swift gesture, I summoned a portal before me, its swirling vortex beckoning me to step through. Without hesitation, I stepped into its embrace, the familiar sensation of being transported washing over me.

Once I stepped out of the portal, I found myself standing in the familiar confines of my father's office. The room exuded an air of authority, with its polished mahogany desk adorned with stacks of documents and the scent of aged parchment filling the air. My gaze fell upon my father, who was engrossed in his work, his brow furrowed with concentration.

"Dad..." I whispered, the weight of my exhaustion evident in my voice. My legs gave way beneath me, and I collapsed to the floor in a heap, the fatigue finally overpowering my weakened body. The weight of my journey finally took its toll.

Startled, my father's gaze snapped to me, his eyes widening in shock. The papers on his desk were scattered, forgotten, as he rushed to my side. "Azrael!" he said in worry.

But as quickly as he had reached me, I felt the world around me start to fade. The edges of my vision blurred, and the room seemed to spin. Darkness crept at the edges of my consciousness.