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The Incubus System Chapter 751. Transformation I

The silence lingered, stretching out between us like a taut wire, as we both took a moment to absorb the weight of the choices at hand. I leaned casually against the wall, my arms still crossed, my gaze fixed unwaveringly on Miranda. I refused to let my guard down, not for a second. I knew better than anyone that she could have a few tricks up her sleeve.

I watched as her eyes darted around, her brows furrowing in deep thought. The tension in the air was palpable, each passing second feeling like an eternity.

Ten minutes had slipped away in the blink of an eye, and yet she remained silent. My patience waned, and a note of frustration crept into my voice. "Your time is up, Miranda," I reminded her sternly. "What is your answer?"

But still, there was no response. She seemed lost in a sea of uncertainty, her eyes darting back and forth as she searched for an elusive answer. I could almost hear the wheels turning in her mind, the battle raging within her heart.

I let out a resigned sigh, my brows furrowing in a mix of disappointment and understanding. It seemed that she was unable to come to a decision just yet. As the weight of the situation bore down on her, I knew it was important to offer her an alternative.

With a heavy heart, I approached Miranda once again, crouching down in front of her. I held her gaze, and my expression softened. "Since this decision troubles you so deeply, perhaps it's best to let it go," I suggested, my voice gentle.

Her eyes widened, a glimmer of hope flickering within them. But deep down, I knew that simply forgetting wasn't a true solution.

"Live as someone new," I continued, my voice tinged with both resignation and compassion. "Start fresh, free from the burdens of revenge and the memories that haunt you. It won't be easy, but it might be the right path for you."

Those words made her look at me, her eyes narrowing as a whirlwind of mixed emotions swept through her gaze. It was as if a tempest of thoughts raged behind those captivating orbs, but she remained resolute, refusing to let any words escape her lips. I could read her like an open book, deciphering the unspoken plea for more time etched upon her features. Yet, despite the silent appeal, granting her that respite was a luxury I couldn't afford.

"Just forget everything, Miranda..." I repeated, desperation lacing my words, my hand instinctively reaching out towards her, ready to unleash my Mind Corruption.

"Wait!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with an unmistakable urgency that resonated within my core.

“Did you change your mind?" I ventured, my voice dripping with curiosity.

"Yes!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and apprehension. I watched as her chest rose and fell with the weight of the decision she had just made. The air crackled with an electric current, charged with the intensity of our shared moment.

I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding, my grip on her gradually loosening. The relief washed over me like a cool breeze on a sweltering summer day. I withdrew my hand, allowing her the space to gather her thoughts and adjust to the gravity of her choice.

"But one request," she added, her voice quivering with vulnerability. Her words hung in the air, a tantalizing mystery that begged to be unraveled. My curiosity was piqued, and I locked eyes with her, silently urging her to continue.

"Say it," I demanded, my tone laced with a touch of urgency. The weight of her unspoken request hung in the air like a thick fog, clouding the space between us.

Her eyes, filled with a mixture of desperation and fear, met mine. "Please," she implored, her voice quivering with vulnerability, "don't make me kill humans." The words hung between us like a fragile thread, teetering on the precipice of her deepest fears.

"You have my word," I declared, my voice firm and resolute, "I will not force you to stain your hands with the humans’ blood. There are already enough willing servants who revel in such darkness." The words tumbled out with a chilling finality, a reminder of the grim reality that surrounded us.

A profound sense of relief washed over her delicate features, mingling with a trace of lingering sadness. She whispered a heartfelt "Thank you," her voice barely audible amidst the weight of our shared understanding. I caught a glimpse of the sorrow etched within her, a familiar ache that resonated deep within my own being. It was as if the scene before me evoked a sense of déjà vu, reminding me of the transformative moment when I first embraced my own identity as an incubus.

I let out a weary sigh, my frustration mingling with a tinge of resignation. My hand gently cupped Miranda's chin, tilting her face upward to meet my gaze. Her eyes, wide with uncertainty, mirrored the multitude of thoughts swirling within my own mind.

"Believe me, Miranda," I began, my voice a soft murmur laced with sincerity, "being a demon isn't as bad as you may think. But make no mistake, it comes with a price. You'll unravel secrets hidden within the shadows, witnessing the darkness that taints this world. Some of those revelations will shatter your heart, unveiling the true extent of the filth that permeates every corner of existence. The line between good and evil, black and white, will blur before your very eyes. I hope you are prepared for the weight of that truth."

I reiterated my warning, hoping to impress upon her the magnitude of the path she had chosen. The contract that bound us held the power to restore her lost memories, unearthing the horrors she had endured in the clutches of Myra's lover within the demon realm. It was a twisted twist of fate that I, ironically, had been the one to rescue her from the incubus, only to find myself entangled in her life once again. Despite my attempts to grant her a semblance of normalcy, in the end, she had to get involved in demons again.

However, this time around, it was her own volition that led her down this treacherous path. She would hold her own power, carving her destiny amidst this chaos.

"I'm ready," she declared, her voice filled with a mix of determination and apprehension. I couldn't help but detect a lingering trace of doubt within the depths of her eyes. It was as if the weight of her decision had momentarily flickered, overshadowed by the uncertainties that lurked within her mind. Yet, her unwavering answer propelled me forward, convincing me that this was the right course of action.

"Alright," I responded, my voice steady yet laced with a tinge of urgency. "Trust me, Miranda. Close your eyes and surrender to my power." The words tumbled out, a gentle request intertwined with an assurance that sought to assuage her fears.


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