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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 173. Rebellion and Ambush III

The sound of the rebels' battle cry echoed through the air, sending shivers down the spines of the elite soldiers. They knew what was coming, and they prepared themselves for the worst.

Suddenly, rebels stormed at them from all directions, their weapons raised high as they prepared to strike. There was no time to waste.

"Battle formation!" Frost shouted, his voice carrying through the chaos. 

The elite soldiers quickly obeyed, forming a tight circle around the royal couple as they prepared to defend themselves.

Running was the best option, but they quickly realized that they couldn't get away. The rebels had secured the area with a Magic Barrier, trapping them inside. They had to fight! Besides, the king already predicted this and they already had enough preparation to fight what was ahead.

The elite soldiers gritted their teeth, determined to protect the royal couple at all costs, and cleaned up the rebels once and for all. They stood their ground, their weapons at the ready as they prepared to face the rebels head-on.

The battle was intense, with both sides fighting with all their might. The elite soldiers were skilled fighters, but the rebels were determined and fierce. They fought with an almost unnatural ferocity, their weapons flashing as they struck down their enemies.

But the elite soldiers were not to be underestimated. They fought back with equal ferocity. 

Angel stood tall and proud on the battlefield, his sword dripping with the blood of his enemies. His movements were precise and calculated, each strike aimed to kill. He fought with a cold-blooded determination that sent shivers down the spine of his enemies.

With every swing of his sword, the rebels screamed in horror as they fell to the ground, their bodies sliced open by Angel's sharp blade. He was a force to be reckoned with, and the rebels knew they couldn't stand against him.

But Angel wasn't the only one fighting fiercely. Rose, who was by his side, also did the same. Her poison whip lashed out at the rebels with deadly precision. The tip of her whip was coated with a deadly poison that killed her enemies in one scratch. She fought with the same determination as Angel, her movements were graceful and deadly.

Meanwhile, Frost fought with his dual swords, his blades flashing as he froze his enemies in their tracks. His swords were imbued with the power of ice, and with every strike, he froze his enemies solid, their bodies turning to ice in an instant.

Together, the three of them fought side by side, their weapons flashing as they struck down their enemies. The battle raged on, with the elite soldiers and the rebels locked in a fierce battle for survival.

Minutes passed and the battle came to the end. Finally, it was the elite soldiers who emerged victorious, their enemies defeated and scattered across the battlefield. As the elite soldiers searched the area for any remaining rebels, Rose couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust and horror at the sight before her. The ground was littered with the corpses of the rebels, their bodies twisted and contorted in the agony of their final moments. The smell of blood and death filled the air, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Angel stood beside her, his sword still dripping with the blood of their enemies. Despite the cold and calculating way he had fought, Rose could see he was analyzing their situation.

After the area was clear, Frost made his order again, “Search the smoke source and eliminate them!” Then he turned to the wounded soldiers. “The others, treat the injured,” said Frost to them.

“Yes, General!” they said.

As the soldiers searched for the source of the smoke, they scoured the area, carefully checking every nook and cranny. Eventually, they found what they were looking for. Tucked away amongst the brush and undergrowth were several tubes of fireworks.

But as they examined the tubes more closely, they realized that these were no ordinary fireworks. These were special tubes, designed specifically to release thick smoke that would obscure the vision of their enemies. It was a clever trick, one that had almost succeeded in catching them off guard.


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