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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) -  142. Euphorion's History Book IV

"That late?" he said in surprise, not expecting him to have taken that long to read this book. Spontaneously, he turned his head to the window, trying to catch the dim light of sunlight between the curtains, but what he saw was the darkness of the night.

Realizing the night was getting late, he returned his gaze to the desk.

"Wait a minute," he said before she let out a word. His hand took the book and placed it in the box carefully before he put it in its original place.

Meanwhile Rose noticed all of it. Especially the book. From the cover and how old the book was, she could already guess that the book was the history book of the Euphorion kingdom, about Andromeda Continent to be exact when the royal warriors defeated the ancient dark king hundreds of years ago. She even remembered that her family also had a similar book back in Scarlet Stone Castle's library.

The question was why did Angel look pale after reading the book? Was it because he has the same power as the dark king? So he was afraid that people would overthrow him one day?

"Shall we eat?" Angel said once he came to her. Although he tried to cover his pale face as best as he could and maintain his composure, still, his sweat showed something else.

Noticing his expression, a frown appeared on Rose's forehead. Her eyes fell on Angel.

"You look agitated. What happened?" she said in worry. Deftly, she took out her handkerchief and wiped the sweat off his forehead. She remembered how sleepy he was, to the point he decided to sleep instead of working as usual. But she believed her herbal drink should have made him feel better. After all, she had checked his health when he slept. So she guessed it was because of the book.

"I'm fine. I'm just pushing myself too hard lately,” he replied. He couldn't possibly tell Rose all of this or say that he wanted to go to the ancient dark king castle on Erebus Mountain. She would not agree with him. Even the four elemental spirits would not agree with him. He also still had to learn many things and look for a lot of clues on what happened in the past and draw a connection with what was happening in the present.

"Really?" said Rose in clear disbelief. She took her hand away and put away her handkerchief. "I don't think it's the cause," she said again. As if on cue, both of them walked out of the library.

"Is it because of my pale face?" he asked.

“And your expression. I know you're unwell. But not because you're sick," she said without stopping her steps. “Mind for telling me. I might be able to help you,” she added. What she caught from his expression were traces of fear and anger. So she guessed this also had something to do with his past trauma.

Angel didn't answer. He just walked in silence, he even answered all the guards who greeted him with a simple gesture or ignored them entirely. He was deep in thought, considering whether he should tell Rose or not.

Personally, he didn't mind this since it all happened in the past. But the question was, would this affect their relationship?

Rose, who was walking by his side, immediately noticed the turmoil of emotions in his expression.

“If this is hard for you, you don't have to tell me. I just want to make sure you are fine," she said sincerely. She had almost never seen that kind of expression on his face before. At least not over a book like this.

"It's not the case. I just don't know how to explain it and I'm afraid--- that's going to change how you see me," he admitted.

"Does this have anything to do with your past?" she guessed before she glanced around, making sure the corridor was empty before she approached his ear.

"Or does this have something to do with the crystal and the ancient dark king?" She made a bull-eye guess.

Since she gave the right guess he finally decided to say it.

"I'll tell you in the dining hall," he said. He could only hope that Rose could understand his dilemma.


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