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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) -  128. The Underground Mercenaries IV

Angel told everything following the script. While Flare occasionally glanced around the room, either to look around or to pick up any sign from the Black Devil soldiers.

Based on Flare's prediction, Angel and she should be able to clear all the mercenaries in this room in one hit. But they still had to be careful since based on the leader's statement, the mercenaries had more members and he hadn't said where they were.

"That's all I can say," Angel concluded.

Doubt appeared on the leader's face.

"Hmm..." Steven hummed. His hand stroked his beardless chin repeatedly. "It won't be easy. Your target is a high noble who has a lot of money and connection. He's even quite close to the king."

"Yes. That's why I came to you. Can you help me?” he asked once again.

The leader shook his head from side to side doubtfully.

"It's not easy. I may not only have to pay for it with my members' lives but also with my organization.”

Due to the leader's statement, Angel decided to provoke him a bit.

“I don't think it will be that bad. I'm sure you must have sent your members once or twice to kill the king." He tried to find out more.

With just that guess, the mercenaries took out their swords once again and aimed them at their necks. He and Flare raised their heads in reflex.

"If that's a guess, you should watch your mouth, Sir Bradley," Stevan threatened.

Angel glanced at the sword that was attached to his neck before returning his gaze to Stevan.

"I didn't mean to offend you. Actually, it's a compliment. Your organization is very famous and has a very good reputation but the royal soldiers can never catch you. I'm sure someone important must have contacted you to kill the king," he quickly reasoned.

“The king has many enemies. Isn't my husband's question normal? After all, isn't that what you're most afraid of in our case? Because our target is quite close to the king?” Flare quickly continued.

“At least we want to know our chance. If you can't do it, we will find other ways or mercenaries," Angel added.

The leader laughed at their words.

“I'm not sure any other mercenaries would have the guts to do it,” Stevan said confidently, gesturing to his subordinates to lower their weapons. And they did.

"How are you sure about that?" Angel made sure.

“Because we were the only ones who accepted our previous client's offer. No one else dared to do it," said Stefan confidently.

"So you did try to kill the king before?" Flares made sure.

"Yes. But we failed. It was an impossible mission from the start, so all the members who participated already knew the consequences. So…” He leaned on Angel.

“I think I have no reason to refuse your offer as long as you can pay us a good amount of money.

“I see… So even Prince Ilex of Asteria came to you. I'm sure your reputation is already very well known." He tried to dig deeper information.

The leader frowned.

“Prince Ilex of Asteria?” Stevan repeated before a laugh escaped his mouth. "No. not him but the woman."

"Women?" Flare asked Stefan for more information.

"It's Prince Ilex's whore. She even gave a new offer to us," said Stevan arrogantly. Only his organization accepted the offer to kill the king so he couldn't help but flex a bit.

Without mentioning a name, Angel Dan Flare immediately realized he meant Ivetta.

"Oh, I see. May I know what her new offer is?” asked Angel curiously.

His last question was answered with a mocking laugh from the leader's mouth. A few seconds later, his laughter stopped and was replaced by a serious look that intimidated him.

“Curiosity killed the cat. If I were you. I won't ask too many questions, Sir Bradley," the leader emphasized.

After the words left his mouth, a whistling sound came from outside. It made the mercenaries turn their heads to the window.

Angel's smirk grew since it was a sign that his soldiers had successfully completed their task.

"Since you won't tell me, I shall find out myself then," Angel muttered.


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