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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) – 117. Bath With The King II

"You---!" Rose was about to complain but Angel interrupted her.

"I don't want to make empty promises, Rose."

It left Rose speechless since what he said was true. This wasn't a battlefield and he wasn't her patient, nor was he sure he could keep himself from stealing glances at Rose.

A long breath escaped her mouth.

"Right... Just try not to do it," she said nervously. Without waiting for an answer, she approached the bathtub and decided to start peeling off her clothes there.

"Very well," Angel replied before he approached the bathtub and started to take off his clothes. A small table beside each of them was for their accessories, but they didn't use it since they didn't wear any accessories. So there was only Major Bernard's badge and his handkerchief on the table.

Angel took his shirt off. With this, all that was left on his body were his trousers.

"Do you need my help, Rose?" he asked without looking at her. He was sure she would need him at least to get her corsets off. It was impossible to get rid of it without the help of others.

"It's fine. I can handle it myself!" She answered. But contrary to her answer, as he expected, Rose struggled to remove her corsets. What was left was only that and the inside of her dress, so it was the same as being naked.

Her hands reached on her back and tugged the knots, but they didn't come off easily. She had to pull them out one by one so the corsets would loosen up before she could release them.

Hearing the rustling sound from her dress, he knew what was happening without even having to look at it.

"Are you sure? I'll take off my pants," he announced her last chance. He wasn't sure Rose would let him get close to her if he was completely naked.

Rose's blood suddenly froze. Her face reddened even more when she imagined she had to ask Angel under those circumstances.

She pressed her lips. Her heart was starting to beat fast. She tried to find another way out. Her hands tugged at the knots faster, but that only made it even worse. Panic swept through his mind. She knew she had no other way but to accept Angel's help.

"On second thought, I need your help to take off my clothes," said Rose quickly, blushing in embarrassment.

He chuckled quietly.

"Fine. Turn around, I'll come to you," said Angel.

Upon his request, Rose couldn't help but glance at him. At least before he approached her, she wanted to check his current state. Her sight immediately caught his half-naked body.

She knew she should have looked the other way, but instead... Her eyes were fixed on him. It was his scars that made her gaze lock on him.

Since she didn't answer, he warned her once again.

"Rose, I'll come to you."

His voice alarmed her.

"Ah, yes," she answered. She immediately turned her body the other way and waited.

Angel approached her. His eyes fell on Rose. With the corset covering her upper half, he could see her skin clearly. The candles that illuminated their tent only added to the romantic atmosphere.

Angel stopped behind her and held out his hand. His eyes were fixed on her neck and open shoulders. Somehow he wanted to caress her and hugged her from behind, but he held himself back.

Without a word, Angel's hands began to pull the knots one by one, loosening her corsets. His every move alarmed Rose that she was so close to him, that she was within his reach.

Once the corsets loosened, he took his hands away.

"Do you need anything else?" asked Angel.

"That's enough. Thank you," said Rose. Her hands pressed the corsets against her chest, preventing it from falling.

"Then I'll go take a bath," Angel said. With this, he informed her that he was going to take off all his clothes, so if she needed his help she should be ready with that.

He moved away from Rose and took his trousers off before he dipped into the warm water. Rather than an aromatherapy scent, a medicinal smell pierced his nose. It was a medicine to neutralize the poison that might be stuck to their skin. It was Rose who had prepared everything. Luckily the smell didn't bother him too much. But he needed to soak in it for a few minutes to make sure the poison disappeared completely.


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