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Seven Sins System Chapter 58. An Empath?

"Take a seat," I said once I was near the bench. My hand reached for the gym towel that was on top of my bag and wiped my sweat off my forehead and neck. My bag looked more empty after I returned all the lunch boxes to the owners.

Evie, who was standing next to me, took a seat. She had changed into her training clothes with a simple cream crop top and skirt.
"What do you want to talk about, doc?" she asked.

I put the towel back in my bag and sat on her side. After a long exhale, I opened my voice.
"How did you know, it was Julia who made my breakfast and lunch?" I asked without further ado. My eyes were fixed on her.

My question left her speechless. Her shocked reaction when she found Claire and Fiona in the infirmary indicated she didn't overhear our previous conversation.

"Answer me," I asked in a calm tone. She was too weak for angel spies so I didn't think she was one of them. But the fact that she stalked me showed she had a certain intention.

After another few seconds of pause, Evie finally opened her mouth.
"I was a bit curious about your statement. About your private dinner with Miss Julia. So I decided to find out the truth," she started our conversation.

"I saw Miss Julia go to the male mentor dorm last night and decided to follow her. She might not go to your place but to Mr. Theo's. But then, I saw Mr. Theo in front of the female mentor dorm. So I was sure she went to you," she explained.

"That doesn't answer my question," I replied.

"This morning I saw her again. She was sneaking into the female mentor dorm. So I guessed she was the one who made the food for you," she added.

"What made you curious about us?" I asked curiously.

Her brow furrowed.
"How can I explain it..." she muttered in obvious confusion.
"It's a bit complicated. But I just want to know about you," she added.

Okay, I was so confused. Despite her confession, I didn't catch any jealousy though I was sure she knew I'd slept with Julia. Besides, her attitude was very different from Claire's which clearly showed that she liked me.

Her confession was a little flat. Plus, she was a bit quiet, so I was having a hard time guessing what was on her mind.
'Should I use my tentacles to read her mind?' Well, I should, although it was a bit too much. But I decided to find out more. I wouldn't do it if this was only a simple crush between student and mentor.

"Then?" I asked her to continue her explanation.

She turned to me and shook her head from side to side.
"That's all."

I chuckled softly.
"I saw you and your friend near my dorm around midnight. What were you doing there?"

Her surprise was clearly visible on her face.
"W-What? How? I mean... You're on the 10th floor," she stammered in shock.

"My eyes are sharper than an eagle, Evie," I said calmly.

"It was a coincidence. I went out to accompany my roommate to the convenience store and saw you standing alone on the balcony. You looked in pain as if you had just lost something precious in your life. So I ended up watching you from afar. That's why I made lunch for you. I just wanted to cheer you up," she admitted.

Okay, that answered last night's question. But now another question came to my head.
"What makes you think I was in pain? You can't even see my face from that distance," I asked with a frown.

She was silent for a moment before she spoke again.
"If I say it, I'm afraid you'll laugh at me..." she said in hesitation.

"I promise, I won't."

"I'm a little sensitive and can feel other people's emotions since childhood. It doesn't always show up, only sometimes. But this is the first time I can feel other people's emotions from afar like this." Her gaze showed her seriousness clearly.

This time, I was the one who was deep in thought.
'Is it because of the dream?' I guessed. No one knew my state, yet she knew my emotions. Then another guess crossed my head. This was the only plausible explanation for her flat confession.

I glanced at her.
'Is that why she was quieter than the others? Because she is an empath?'

An empath was a person with the paranormal ability to apprehend the mental or emotional state of another individual. A talented one could connect to other beings at a deep level that went beyond logic and words, and fully see and feel others' past and present.

In other words, if her power continued to grow, she could detect that I was the devil.

"That's weird. I didn't feel anything last night. I was just out to get some fresh air," I decided to cover this up. I could cover my skills with my Fake Status skill, but not with my feelings or emotions.

"Is that so..." She looked disappointed.
"Um... I could be wrong. Maybe I feel something else or it's just my instinct," she reasoned in panic. Yet I could catch the confusion on her face.

I gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder.
"Maybe what happened on yesterday's mission affected you. I know you're worried about me but I'm fine," I reassured her. I mentioned yesterday's incident to give her a reason for why she felt that way.

"I see... Maybe I was too worried about you." Despite her words, her doubt was clear in her voice.

"I thought you were stalking me. I'm sorry for suspecting you." I stood up and tidied my bag.

She turned to me in surprise.
"Eh? There's no way I'm stalking you. I mean for what?" she said in a panic.

I shrugged.
"Who knows?" I said in a nonchalant tone.

After I took my bag, I gave her another pat on the side of her arm.
"Take a rest, Evie. See you tomorrow." Then I left.


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