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Seven Sins System Chapter 57. I Can't Say No to A Free Dinner."

"Excuse me, sir. I'm also a combat doctor, can you teach me a thing or two?" one of the students mustered up his courage to greet me.

"You should ask your mentor permission for that," I refused politely. Teaching other teams without their mentor's permission could cause problems among mentors and I wanted to avoid that. In Fiona's case, Julia had given her permission from the start.

Another student approached me.
"Excuse me, sir. I just wanted to ask for your advice in case we are fighting a big monster. Do you have any suggestions for DPS?" he asked.

Since he was only asking for my advice, I decided to answer him.
"Aim for his balance first, then strike his blind spot or weakness," I replied.

"That strategy was awesome, can you tell us what it was?" Another student joined without further ado. Of course, he meant my team's strategy.

"Just combine your usual strategy with Hit and Run. It will work better in the forest," I replied.

More students were getting closer to me.
"Do you have spare time for mentoring our team?" another asked.

"Every mentor has their own style. I can't mentor another team without your mentor's approval. That would be against academy rules," I explained.

"But you were mentoring Miss Julia's team," he tried to bargain.

"He only taught Fiona a couple of things since they are fellow combat doctors. Not mentoring my whole team. Mentors have strict rules about this," Julia suddenly interrupted our conversation. She couldn't say that she had approved this either. The other students would think their mentors were unfair if they did not give their permission.

"Thanks, Julia," I whispered to Julia who was standing by my side. I would be the enemy of all the mentors in the academy if I accepted this.

"Think of it as your reward for today's duel," she replied in a low voice.

But that was not enough to make them give up.
"Then teach us one or two," said one of them.

"We also accept your suggestions," another insisted.

"Or maybe a bit of strategy," he added.

I raised my hands a bit and shook my head from side to side.
"Sorry, I can't. I already said it, you have to ask your mentor first," I reasoned.


Luckily, the bell saved me.


That ring indicated the training session was over. I should be training Fiona now, but in this kind of circumstances, it would only invite chaos.

I turned to my team.
"I think that's it for now. I will send the next schedule to the chat group."

Fiona was silent since she knew we couldn't practice in such a crowded place.

"Fiona. Send me your number. I will tell you when." I didn't say it clearly since I didn't want the others following her. After all, since she was a combat doctor, we didn't need a battle arena, to begin with.

Her face brightened.

"Right. See you tomorrow, guys," I closed the training session. But my index finger moving from Evie to the nearest bench indicated I wanted to talk to her. Just like what I said in the infirmary earlier.

"I'll change my clothes first," Evie replied. Which I answered with a nod.

I was about to go to the bench to wait for her but Claire came up to me.

I turned to her.

"Did we do well today?" she asked.

"Absolutely. Especially you." I gave her a gentle pat on her shoulder.
"You parried the monster well. Your timing was perfect. You can tank and deal damage at the same time. Keep it up," I complimented her.

"Thank you..." she smiled.

I thought our conversation was over, but her humming sound meant it wasn't.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Do you have any plans this weekend?"

"You mean this Saturday? Not yet."

"Then can I ask for your time to accompany me for shopping? I need your advice to buy a gift for a friend."

"Sure. But I never did this before, so don't expect too much from me," I warned her. I was sure my gift's taste was a little absurd for the mortal's taste. While I didn't know what mortals like nowadays except money, gold, and jewels.

"I understand. Thank you, doc," she replied. After she waved her hand at me, she left.

This time, it was Julia who approached me.
"Should we have dinner together?" she asked. Most of the students had left, so she could ask me openly.

"At my place?" I made sure.

"Um-hum," she hummed.

"How about dining out? I won the duel. We should celebrate it. Bills on me," I suggested.

She chuckled.
"I can't say no to a free dinner."

I brought my face closer to her ear.
"I don't say it's free," I whispered. A mischievous smirk on my lips.

She turned her face away and looked at me with a frown.
"You seriously gonna bribe me to 'do' that?" she asked.

"From what I read on the Internet. Yes," I said with an innocent smile. Trying the mortal's small talk once in a while didn't sound bad either.

"I thought you were just gonna order me to spread my legs or something." Her surprise was evident in her tone. Yet from her smile, I could tell she was happy.

"I'm just trying to be polite."

"From where you came from, is there anything like this?" she asked curiously.

I let out a short chuckle.
"Noble or not, demons don't need small talk on this. If we like what we see and the other says yes. We will take it. We have public sex booths on every block of the street. So it's simply lust not love," I explained.

She cringed upon what I said.
"Is that too harsh?" she asked.

"Every demon has a contraception spell. So they are well protected. But I never use one though," I said with a nonchalant shrug.

She froze upon what I said.
"Why?" she asked in shock.

"I need my successor and not all women can bear royal demon's children. So I will plant my seed as much as I can," I replied with a sweet smile.

My hand went up. My index finger grazed her lips. My devilish smile on my lips.
"And you... If you are pregnant with my child. You will be my queen. Don't you want it?" My voice sounded like a poisonous temptation.

Realizing Evie had returned from the changing room, I lowered my hand.
"See ya at the dinner, Julia. I'll be waiting for you in front of the female mentor dorm at 07.00 PM." Then I left it.


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