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Dragon King's Harem Chapter 143. Vicious Encounter

Ignoring Arter's presence, Jyne turned and walked down the corridor without a word. Arter immediately chased after her and walked by her side.

"Let me guess. A failure?" teased Arter mercilessly. He guessed this since according to the guards she had only been in for a while and from her sour expression.

"None of your business," Jyne said curtly. She turned her gaze in another direction out of annoyance.

Arthur took a deep breath.
"He did the right thing. You should be ashamed of yourself," he warned her. Usually, it was the man who chased women aggressively, but in this case, it was the other way around.

"I said it's none of your business," she said again in the same tone. She sped up her pace, trying to leave Arter behind but to no avail.

Upon her rude attitude, he blocked her way, stopping Jyne.
"This is my business," he said firmly. His face showed his displeasure.

Ignoring her brother, she turned, trying to pass him from the other direction. But Arter shifted to block her.

Jyne glared at Arter in displeasure.
"Move," she ordered angrily.

"No," he said in the same tone as hers.

Since Arter wouldn't move from his spot, Jyne shifted to the other side, trying to get past him. Again, Arter blocked her.

Fed up with Arter's attitude, Jyne turned around and decided to take a detour further. But Arter chased after her and blocked her path once again.

"Father has left this matter to me. So I will be the judge. The Dragon King has done the right thing by asking and taking you in a noble way for the peace of the two tribes. Like a true warrior. Why would you want to taint it?" he let out all his annoyance. He didn't even care if the guards heard him. What Jyne did really got on his nerves.

Jyne glared at him.
"Taint it? This should be my love story. Yet you messed it up. You humiliated me in front of the man I love and treated me as a trophy from your duel. It's you and father who taint it." Just like Arter, Jyne also let out of her annoyance. What she wanted was to love and be loved. It wasn't a difficult request but she didn't understand why it was so hard for her to get it.

Arter frowned upon Jyne's statement. His anger was getting clearer.
"What?!" He couldn't believe that after all the efforts to find and protect his sister, Jyne said that he was the one who tarnished her love story.
"We're trying to give you the best, Jyne. If I didn't love you, I'd let you die on the streets. Besides, the Dragon King wants to prove himself and is willing to duel for you. It's signifying he is a real man. A man should have the power to protect his wife and he is willing to prove it. You should be proud of that, " he argued.

But she couldn't accept it.
"I don't understand, can't you just let me choose? I love him and that's enough for me. His status and position is a bonus."

"You read too many romance stories. The real world doesn't work that way. Love alone is not enough. Not everything can be solved with feelings and love. Only power can solve all problems in this world," he said firmly.

"Power..." she mumbled followed by a snort of sarcasm.
"That's all you have in mind. That's why I left the palace," she said sadly.

Arter snorted in annoyance and glanced at the other side for a moment before returning his gaze to Jyne.
"I don't understand. Didn't your journey teach you anything? Can't you see how expensive protection is? Or how are people desperately looking for it?" Previously, Arter was pretty sure her journey had opened Jyne's eyes to the outside world, but he was wrong.

Her memories flashed back to what she had experienced over the past few months. She had indeed learned many things after she ran away. She knew protection was an expensive thing. What she enjoyed at the Palace was a great blessing for the commoner.

On the other hand, she also learned how people could feel sufficient with their little happiness. A table full of food, a small house and their loved ones were enough to make them laugh happily. No overwhelming power, no competition, no fake pleasantries, no political games.

"I've seen it all and learned a lot during my journey. But that hasn't changed my mind," said Jyne firmly. She could remember how a cheap meal on the street could make a child smile as sweetly as an expensive gem. It was the most sincere smile she had never seen in her palace.

"We did it to protect you," he gave up due to her stubbornness.

Jyne smiled wryly.
"Thanks for reminding me. You've said it from time to time." Despite her words, she said it in a cynical tone.

Ending their vicious encounter, Jyne decided to return to her room. After all, Argod had already said that he accepted the duel and would not take it for granted out of respect for her brother and father.

But just as she was about to pass, Arter caught her wrist.
"You know... This is why father and I decided to test the king." Then he turned to Jyne.
"Because you are stubborn and like to act as you please. At least I hope he can tame you and change you for the better. If not... Maybe you who will give him trouble one day." It was a warning and also a reminder for Jyne.

Jyne turned to Arter.
"I wouldn't do such a stupid thing," she replied in the same threatening tone.

He let out a mocking chuckle upon her statement.
"You almost did. It was the king who prevented it. He is a wise man," he reminded her. Of course, he meant what she just wanted to do.

"This is my body and my heart. I will give it to someone I love and deserve it." Jyne pulled her hand in rage. Her gaze fixed on Arter also said the same thing.
"You have no right to control me," she added.

"But remember Jyne. You are a princess. Your body and heart have belonged to the kingdom from the start," replied Arter coldly.

Those words hurt her. Her tears overflowed and almost dripped from her eyes in an instant. Without answering, Jyne quickened her pace and left.



Good chapter!!


Was just asked why do I look like I want to kill my phone... Answer, this 'beother' that cares more for prestige than the feelings of his sister. As an elder brother, I wish to kill this man and his father.