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The Incubus System Chapter 110. Treading On A Thin Ice
"Master, let me tidy up your shoes," said Foxy as she took my shoes. Currently, she was already wearing her clothes while I was still tidying mine. Well, she just went 'Puff!' and she had her clothes on.
"Just be careful," I reminded her.
"Okay." Slowly, she disappeared before me, making my shoes float in the air.
- Clek!
My bedroom door opened and closed by itself, showing Foxy was out of my room.
Meanwhile, I approached my desk to check Damian's cellphone since I didn't bring it today. There were two messages on my cellphone and some missed calls. I quickly opened it.
Pearl: Damian, have you seen the news? Are you alright?
'Ah! How could I forget to tell her? '
My hand moved to text her back.
Me: I'm sorry for the late reply. I'm fine. How about you? Did the police ask you about the incident?
As I waited for her reply, I opened another message.
Mia: Damian, where are you? Are you okay?
I suspected Mia just heard this news from the TV, just like me since she didn't look worried when I met her this morning. I replied to it.
Me: I'm fine. I just got home and didn't bring my cellphone. Looks like the demon's attacks have gotten worse lately -
While I was still typing the message, my attention was turned to the window in front of me as I saw a demon hunter walking quickly towards Mrs Clea's house. Not wanting to waste my chance, I approached the window as I pressed the enter button on my cellphone, even though my message was incomplete. At least I didn't want Mia to think I ignored her since I already read her message.
I quickly focused my attention on the demon hunter who was sneaking into Mrs Clea's house. Her status appeared above her head.
[Name: Ruby Roseflame]
[Level 31]
[HP: 712/712]
[MP: 178/178]
'Ruby?' My heart was pounding as she entered  Mrs Clea's house. It was clear that Mrs Clea was related to the Demon Hunter Association as I expected. I suspected that her closeness to my late father was based on the same thing.
- Clek!
The opening door sound was heard again, indicating Foxy was back. I turned to her.
"Foxy, I need your help."
"What can I do for you, master?" she said without cancelling her hiding skill.
I sat in my chair and leaned my back, my hand extended to her.
"Take my hand," I said.
A second later, I could feel Foxy's hand touching mine. Then I closed my eyes.
'Access servant's body, Foxy. '
[You are connected to Foxy.]
'Full Synchronize!'
[Full Synchronize in 3 ... 2 ... 1]
This was my first time doing full synchronization to my servant so I had to touch her directly. The darkness in my sight began to change with the view of myself sitting on my chair, my hand falling weakly as if I was sleeping.
I moved Foxy's hand to close her book on my desk to make sure I could move her invisible body perfectly.
'Ma-Master, my body moves on its own.' Foxy's trembling voice resounded in my head.
'It is me. I will borrow your body for a moment. ' Actually, I could ask her to sneak out by herself but Ruby had a much higher level than her, that's why I decided to do a full synchronization so I could use my skills in an urgent situation.
Quietly, I walked out of my room with Foxy's invisible body, walked down the stairs, opened the door slowly and headed for Mrs Clea's house. Unlike when I came out of my house, I was more careful when I started to approach her house. Even though Foxy's Demonic Aura deactivated, Ruby could immediately detect if there was something strange.
When I arrived in front of Mrs Clea's house, I realized that there were some CCTVs in front of her house. I never realized this before since their location was hidden from the plain sight. But since my eyesight was sharper after becoming a demon I was able to detect it now.
'Damn, I just know I'm treading on a thin ice.' I thought as I remembered how carelessly I deactivated my form and opened my portal in my yard several times. But I was guessing those CCTVs didn't reach my house.
With that much CCTVs, I couldn't possibly enter it in a normal way. It would be weird if they saw the door opening and closing by itself. That's why I used another Foxy's skill. I imagined a mosquito.
Slowly, even though I couldn't see my body, I could feel my body getting smaller and lighter. Everything around me grew bigger as if I was in the giant's world. The grass around me looked like a jungle in fantasy stories, pebbles looked like boulders and dust looked like little pebbles.
I flapped my wings and my body lifted slowly. My eyes stared at the door in front of me and noticed a keyhole there. I flew past the keyhole and into Mrs Clea's house with ease.
'Piece of cake.'
But then I stopped as a thread of laser stretched out in front of me. I looked ahead, even though the house looked normal but some of the same lasers stretched out from all directions, making sure no one could pass through it without permission. I flew past the lasers, I didn't know it was the alarm lasers or the killer lasers like in the movies and I didn't want to find out.
I swept my gaze around for oddities or traces that showed where Ruby or Mrs Clea were. I had to admit, apart from those weird lasers, the rest of the room looked like a normal house. Some toys that were scattered on the floor made anyone who came knew there was a small child living here.
"You are really annoying. How much longer do you want to stay in this pathetic place?" Ruby's faint voice made me realize where I had to go. Strangely, even though the voice sounded so close but rather than a door, the sound came from behind the wall.
"I'm going to stay here as long as I want. Besides, I didn't ask you to come here today," Mrs Clea replied curtly.
"Tch!" Ruby clicked her tongue.
"You are still acting like that even though I wanted to report-"
Before Ruby finished her sentence, a child's voice interrupted her. I guessed it was Alan, Mrs Clea's son.
"Yey! Yey! Yey! Yey!" From his voice, he sounded so happy playing there.
"Alan, stop it!" Ruby said irritably.
"Yey! Yey!" Alan's voice grew louder.

I looked around once again to find an opening or a gap to get into the room and saw a small device like a projector when I glanced down. Realizing that the wall was fake, I flew right through it and arrived at a room that looked like a luxurious office. A large desk on one side of the room with several computer screens. One of them showed CCTV views throughout the house. While others showed CCTV views inside a big office with some people in demon hunter uniforms passing by and a screen saver was on the last screen.
Large bookshelves were all around the place and there wasn't a single window there, even though I remembered, there should be a big window facing the yard there. At least that's what it looked like from the outside.
Ruby and Mrs Clea sat on the sofa in the middle of the room. While Alan jumped happily on the sofa. Even though it was dangerous, Mrs Clea didn't care or pay attention to her child.
"Can you make him stop?" Ruby said irritably.
Gracefully, Mrs Clea's hand reached out to Alan.
"Alan, return to your original form."
Alan's body was covered in bright light after the light disappeared a large eagle with silver feathers replaced Alan. Its claws looked so sharp and the tail feathers looked elegant and scary. Yeah, scary because I could see the tip was so sharp. Likewise with its wing tips. That bird landed on Mrs Clea's wrist carefully without scratching her. My heart was pounding when I saw it since it was the first time I saw a real elf's familiar.
[Observation skill succeeded.]
[Name: Clea Moonstar]  [Age: 36]
[Level 52]                             [Race: Elf]
[HP: 1527/1527]               [MP: 345/345]
[Skills: Holy Chain lv 5, Mana Strike lv 5, Holy Blast lv 5, Holy Orb lv 5, Thunder Strike lv 5, Judgment lv 1]
[Emotion: Annoyed]
[Love meter: 0/10]
[Condition: Normal.]
[Weakness: Chest, Neck, Head, Ears. ]
[Talent: Summon Elf Familiar. ]
[Relationship: Divorced. ]
[Profession: Demon Hunter's Chairwoman.]
[Name: Alan / Silver Eagle]
[Level 21]
[Race: Elf's Familiar]
[HP: 412/412]
[MP: 175/175]
[Skills: Sharp Claw lv 3, Feather Spike lv 5, Wing Blade lv 3.]
[Emotion: Bored.]
[Condition: Normal.]
[Weakness: Eyes.]
[Talent: Wind Resistant (Wind Element Attack - 20% damage).]
'It's her ...'



Awesome. Well that makes since, the boss living next to the old top hunter but there has to be more?


Thanks for the chapter Waifu


Great chapter!!! I just love this story!!