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Jake returned to consciousness, standing within the checkpoint hallway before Labyrinth Section 151. He felt like he had only blacked out for a moment, but the phantom pain of having his head chopped cleanly into four pieces could still be felt.

He had known from the beginning it wouldn’t be a fight he could win, and true to his prediction, it wasn’t. The B-grade was far more powerful than Jake in every way, making it utterly impossible for him to keep up and land any meaningful blows. Especially after its transformation, Jake didn’t stand a chance at all. He managed to stay alive for quite a long time, but whatever weak attacks he did land didn’t even leave a scratch. The metal monstrosity was simply too durable for him to do anything.

The only time he managed to damage it was during Moment of the Primal Hunter, where he managed to disable one of its scythe-arms temporarily. It was a minor victory but a meaningful one. Jake had barely entered mid-tier C-grade, and he had already managed to injure a B-grade… and it wasn’t even that weak of a B-grade variant. In fact, he would rate it solidly as a slightly above-average creature.

Of course, if it had been something like a True Dragon B-grade, Jake would have been annihilated near-instantly. The prefix “near” only being there because he still had Moment to keep him alive for an extra second or two.

Sighing, he did still find his loss a bit sad. “Oh well, I guess I still have a ways to go before I can fight B-grades.”

“You’re, what, level 257? If you could fight B-grades straight on, I would have put in a complaint with the system itself to have you banned for being too overpowered. The fact you managed to even put up a bit of a fight and last that long is already plenty impressive. Also, what kind of overpowered skill do you have to help you close the gap? My dungeon tools to measure your power and stats read quite the spike the moment you decided to fight that B-grade… actually, don’t answer that; the Viper is currently giving me very unpleasant looks.”

“It’s from my secret skill called The Power of Friendship. It gave me stats because I knew you believed in me and that I could win,” Jake joked with a completely serious look on his face. “Through the power of friendship, any obstacle can be overcome.”

“I know that’s a joke, but those kinds of skills totally exist,” Minaga pointed out.

Jake smiled, knowing that very well. Yip of Yore and, to some extent, Ell’Hakan were perfect examples of this. Their ability to get power from stories and the beliefs of others was ridiculous in Jake’s mind, but did he really have much to say?

Big Game Hunter did something very similar, except it only worked when he faced foes of a higher level. He also knew it was this skill Minaga detected. It wasn’t his highest rarity skill, but it was the signature skill of his class. No, his entire Path as a hunter. It had upgraded every single time he evolved it, and he was certain it would continue to do so.

Even now, it provided Jake with a lot of stats. It was like an extra free boosting skill, except it didn’t have any of the drawbacks, actually made boosting skills even better as it increased stats, and all it required was for him to fight higher-leveled foes. And that was the C-grade ancient rarity version of it.

What would a divine-rarity version of the skill look like? One wielded by a god? Could Jake truly say it would be any less ridiculous than whatever Yip of Yore was doing? Well, yeah, he could because his skill actually made sense to Jake, while Yip did some weird, complicated, and manipulative shit to get his power up, while Jake just had to be the underdog rising to the occasion.

Shaking his head to himself, Jake decided to stop dallying and get a move on and complete the section. He just had to redo what he had done before, with the only change being one number that had changed.

Attempts remaining: 4

Sure, one could argue Jake had wasted a life by fighting the B-grade, but Jake believed the experience was worth it. If he hadn’t done it, he would have wondered what it would have been like to fight it, so now he could just skip any B-grade gatekeepers without any regrets. His remaining four lives would be used as intended and give Jake a bit of leeway if he did fuck up and die to a trap or messed up his routing in a particular section. Something that was getting increasingly likely as he felt like he was trying to do some unsolved math mystery in every damn section.

Alas, it had to be done. And at least Jake didn’t have to do it for this section as he had already done it once. With swift steps, Jake moved to the gate leading onto the section as he looked up and smiled.

“Hey, Minaga, can you keep giving me your power of friendship so I can overcome this Labyrinth Section that I already failed once?” Jake asked teasingly.

“I think you should go fight that B-grade again. You nearly had it. I am sure you can win the second time around,” Minaga tried to bait Jake into making a horrible decision.

Jake entered the gate as the timer started, and the section began. Shooting down one of the hallways, he answered. “Alas, your words earlier convinced me of my inadequacy. I shall henceforth avoid all foes.”

“No, no, you misunderstood me. I just meant that with more practice, you got this. It was totally weakened toward the end and nearly out of resources and stuff. Come on, give it a go,”Minaga said, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

“Even if I tried again, I would only find death,” Jake answered as he kept moving quickly, weaving around corners and jumping up and down floors as he proceeded through the cube labyrinth.

“Alright, I digress. Maybe you won’t win on your second attempt… but surely, all good times three? You got five attempts. With that many, surely you can beat it! Heck, with nine lives, you managed to best a Primordial in battle. What is a mere B-grade gatekeeper to one such as you! Come on, do it for friendship! You just have to believe in me, who believes in you! Be confident! Believe in the power of friendship and go face that B-grade with every single attempt until you either win or leave with your dignity intact!”

“Damn, that’s a long speech to convince me to go suicide four times to a B-grade, so I don’t clear any more of your labyrinth,” Jake said, soon closing in on the trap-filled hallway he did the first time he attempted this section.

“What? Why would I ever do such a thing? These are groundless accusations. I’m innocent until proven guilty, and you have no evidence of such preposterous claims,” Minaga responded in a huffed-up voice.

“Wait… oh, I know why you’re trying to stop me now. I get it, I get it…” Jake muttered as he would soon reach the hallway with the many traps. Another reason he had faced the B-grade in this section was due to how close it was to the entrance.

“… alright, you got me. What kind of dumb theory have you conjured up now?”

Jake purposefully avoided answering until he was in front of the trap hallway again. “Oh, I just figured that… ah, damn, I am here already, huh. I just gotta focus on this, so I will answer after, alright?”

“You waited on purpose,” Minaga said in a bitter voice.

“Can’t talk right now, busy,” Jake grinned as he jumped into the trap hallway. Having already done it once more, Jake quickly made his way through, dodging everything way more smoothly the second time around. He didn’t even lose an arm.

“Alright, let’s hear it. Come on,” Minaga said. Jake, deciding to be generous and not make him wait any longer, deigned him an answer.

“Well, I just guessed you were trying to avoid a lawsuit for false advertisement because your Minaga’s Endless Labyrinth isn’t truly endless. You want to stop me from discovering this by making me quit now so I don’t discover your dirty secret,” Jake said with faux confidence.

“Are we just doing conspiracy theories now?”

“No, no, hear me out. It makes sense. Let me first clarify: all of these Labyrinth Sections are designed personally by you, right?”


“So, with that being the case, you’re telling me you created infinite sections? No, of course not. That would quite literally be impossible to have done. Assuming you designed all of them, there must be a limited number, thus making it not endless, and your claim saying it is a dirty, dirty lie,” Jake argued flawlessly.

“Ah, but there is a flaw in your theory. Even if there weren’t endless sections, it could still be considered relatively endless. If there are so many sections that it’s impossible to clear all of them in fifty years or if there are ones that just become straight-up impossible later on, it would effectively be considered endless, as no one can reach the end,” Minaga countered.

“But then it wouldn’t be truly endless, now would it? What if someone with my Bloodline and a Transcendent skill that allowed them to effortlessly phase through walls appeared? They would be able to pass every section within minutes,” Jake kept up the argument, happy to waste some time.

Considering he wasn’t going to fight the B-grade again, he had to take a big detour of just running through hallways, moving walls, and dodging the occasional trap. Nothing super exciting, which made talking with Minaga and teasing him during this run a solid form of entertainment.

“Funny you should mention it… there was actually someone like that in the eighty-fifth era. It was someone with a Bloodline, though, that could phase through things. She did pretty well in my labyrinth, but considering she didn’t know the way like you, she did struggle quite a bit. Ah, by the way, the only reason I am even sharing this is that she ended up dying quite a dumb death in S-grade when she tried to use her ability to break into somewhere she shouldn’t have and got a hit put out on her, the Court of Shadows promptly carrying it out. Did I mention she was a professional thief? Yeah, not a well-liked gal, that one,” Minaga changed the topic away from false advertisement.

“Huh,” Jake muttered, accepting Minaga’s avoidance of consumer rights. “Say, got any more interesting stories about intriguing characters? Both good and bad.”

“Okay, a funny one, then. There was once a monk from the Dao Sect who entered and somehow convinced himself this entire dungeon was just an illusion. A prison of the mind. He was certain that he needed to achieve enlightenment and elevate his third eye to see through my tomfoolery. Yeah, anyway, he ended up wasting all five attempts in the very first section, still convinced even as he left that he was just a simple step away from success.”

“Doesn’t sound like the smartest cookie in the jar,” Jake chuckled.

“Yo, don’t go around insulting gods from the Dao Sect like that,” Minaga said in a joking tone, “Much less one of the Daolords. Ah, but not the Soulfist one. Another monk. Can’t say which one, that would be breaking privacy rules.”

“I am pretty sure you already broke those by sharing he was one of the Daolords. Kinda narrows it down to a handful, especially when you even exclude one. If I then also exclude the ones who became Daolords before you were around, it should be pretty easy to-“

“Oh! I just remembered this weird rodent C-grade who managed to do the entire labyrinth by using a form of divination I had never encountered before. It worked off throwing random acorns on the walls and going by the sound, deciding where to go. I thought she was fucking with me for the longest time until it was confirmed this was an actual form of divination magic. I fixed it with my next mist upgrade,”Minaga seamlessly changed the topic away from his own privacy violations. His second slight to consumer rights that day.

Jake and Minaga continued their banter as Jake ran through the labyrinth, now having to avoid quite a few things. Fighting gatekeepers was confirmed out of the question, and even the trap corridors were something he had to reconsider doing. He believed he could still do them for a few sections more, but soon he would reach his limits.

From there, Jake just had to hope he wouldn’t meet a section where doing a gatekeeper or a trap corridor was mandatory. That, or one where avoiding these two, resulted in Jake simply not having enough time to make the run, even at full speed. He did hope to do at least a few more sections, though. Wouldn’t completing two hundred in total be a nice round number to end on? Yeah, Jake was sure Minaga would appreciate him doing at least that many.

“You know what the worst part is right now?” Minaga said after a few minutes of silence. “At this very moment, you aren’t the only one barreling through my labyrinth near-effortlessly, making me question my current employment. It’s someone you know, too, but I am not saying who. Again, privacy rules and all that.”

“Oh?” Jake asked, genuinely curious. Who else could it be that managed to “break” the labyrinth? Was it maybe Jacob? Nah, his divination was like the definition of standard, even if it was very powerful. Casper? No, it couldn’t be Casper. If it was him or any other dungeon-focused person, Minaga would be fine with it. Arnold? No… if it was Arnold, it was because he would solve those riddles instantly, something Minaga also wouldn’t complain about, as that would still be him completing the labyrinth in its intended fashion.

If it was someone he knew, it also included someone like Ell’Hakan, but he didn’t think that guy had anything… wait… could she maybe…?

“It’s Sylphie, isn’t it?” Jake asked with a smile as he got an idea.

“I should really stop giving too many hints…”


In another version of Minaga’s Endless Labyrinth, a bird was flying through the mist, flapping her wings pretty casually as she bee-lined for the exit of the section. At the same time, she also had a very engaging conversation with Minaga.

“Again, can you properly explain what it means when you say you can still hear the wind?”


“There literally is no wind. It’s entirely calm, zero meters a second.”


“Alright, yeah, sure, there still is a smidgen of air-affinity mana in the air, but that is a requirement for the mist to have a medium to exist in. You need to fill the air with something, and what’s better to fill the air with than air.”


“That doesn’t really answer anything, now does it? Is it some kind of intuition? Instinct of some kind? An odd form of divination? Also, if you could do this, why didn’t you just show the way when you did my labyrinth floors?”


“What do you mean you wanted your uncle to also have fun? What even is that ability of yours? Wait… I got an idea… you are related to Sylphs, elementals that do not appear at C-grade. I do not have safeguards against their unique magic, even if most of it will be blocked by nullifying many general divination concepts, but if you rely on that, then maybe… say, for pure research purposes, can you tell me if the skill of yours is related to Sylphs?”


“I didn’t ask if it was related to Sylphie, but the wind elementals known as Sylphs. You do know what Sylphs are, right? You definitely should. I literally gave you that Dreamy Embrace of the Benevolent Sylph mythical item.”


“Well, yes, I do believe that can be described as a tasty item, but that doesn’t answer anything…”


“I am not giving you another damn mythical item for answering a question… couldn’t you just tell me? For the sake of scientific progress?”


“… no, I don’t really know this guy called Arnold…”


“Science isn’t the name of some club you join, but… actually, forget it. I am not going to get a straight answer no matter what I say. Jeez, you’re worse than that uncle of yours as what you have isn’t even a Bloodline…”

“Ree!” Sylphie screeched cheerfully.

“Oh… oh, so you say that what the wind says is related to your uncle? Wait, if your skill is a merging of the Sylph one and Records from his Bloodline… that would explain why it works so well, as it is a wholly unique skill never seen before, containing new and unexplored concepts… if I could figure out how it works, I could block it with my mist going forward. Alright, I may be ready to strike a deal.”

“Ree. Ree, ree, ree?” Sylphie entered negotiation mode.

“You drive a hard bargain, but compensation in the form of tasty things can be arranged.”

“Ree,” Sylphie responded cheerfully.

“… mythic rarity natural treasures are not just tasty things, but-“


“Well, yes, I did agree they could be described as tasty, however-“


“What do you mean I am arguing in bad faith!? How do you even know what that means!?”



First for once


Happy 800 ❤️


Congrats on 800 🎉


Nice round 800!


Smart birb, lmao. Tftc!

Daniel Hamilton

“Damn, that’s a long speech to convince me to go suicide four times” Convince me to “commit “ replace the word “go”


Omfg sylphie and minaga trying to bribe her is the funniest shit I've seen in a while

Alex R

even if [most it] will be blocked by nullifying many -> most of it


Thank you for the chapter :D Have a nice weekend.


Sylphie being as OP as Jake is hilarious 😂💀


She knows what that means because her uncle raised her right. :D


Sylphie chapters make me happy. Good murder bird.


Rule number 1: fucketh not with Sylphie


On reaching 800 chapters I have realised that that is book is incorrectly named. It should be called the sylphian hunter and her uncle😂

Catherine Jones

Glad to catch up with Sylphie a little. Her arguing with Minaga was worth the whole chapter.

Charlie Staner

Sylphie has a future as a contract lawyer


I need more minaga dialogue in my life, this is hilarious


Is this the first time in the last many weeks that we have not been left on a cliffhanger over the weekend?


So I like to view Jake’s path him basing his head against the wall that is the system until it’s like alright you’ve put in enough effort for that to work, and Sylphie’s path as her innocently asking the wall to move out of the way for her and it’s like sure why not.

Robert Vick

Sylphie conversations are soo good

Michael Fannon

Oh, I love Sylthie. She's just so awesome and makes friends everywhere she goes. I want her to go with Jake to the god meeting they throw for him after he manages to utterly embarrass Minaga, something all gods everywhere will love him for.


Love the Sylphie part.

Daniel Hamilton

It would be funny if, due to Sylphie a certain elemental primordial god shows up to the party.

Joshua Morris

Actually that would be a nice little spin off to get more of her point of view from when she is separated from Jake. Like when she spent all of the time with Carmen after Jake left Paradise. We could even get some more chapters from her parents point of view as they see her get stronger than them.

John Looney

Happy 800 Ree!


Ree ree ree 800

Joshua Morris

I'm with Jake on this. I think he had to stop somewhere, the only question is will Jake make it to that point.


Loved the bit at the end. Congrats on 800!


why does the Kamina quote keep popping up in everything that I've read lately?


True 😂😅 but that's not what is happening.

Xander Cadence

This chapter made me happy. Happy 800


You tell him Sylphie, good girl hahahaha


Once again, Sylphie shows why she is the best bird! Hope you’re on the mend!


Sylphie is the absolute best bird around, I still think it is a genius writing move to have her only talk in "Ree" and others understanding that xD Hopefully Sylphie and Jake get to travel together a little bit more after Nevermore, before this dungeon they actually rarely spent time on the road together, and they are an awesome duo, still waiting for the flawless synergy to appear between them. Editing note: First sentence of Minaga to Sylphie is missing the verb "hear" - [...] properly explain what you mean by saying you can still [hear] the wind? -

Jaydan Man

Do Jakes records get enhanced when sylphie does well?

Daniel Hamilton

Jake is going to unlock a unique title Called “Minagas bane”


I could go either way in this one. Grammatically you are correct, but Jake speaks Jake. He could commit fuck all or simply go fuck all. Same with suicide lol


Anyone else getting the vibe that any creature or creation Jake makes using his origin manipulation and tapping into primeval concepts, allows for his "offspring" to technically get small variations of his bloodline. A pseudo or quasi-bloodline if you will


Minaga is about to teach Sylphie why making deals with him is a big L


TFTC. Lol on the negotiations.


I'll be honest I thought I mentioned his records, but apparently forgot to 🤷‍♂️


Nevermore is the best arc yet

Dominick Gelardi

I don't know. I think "go" works in this case. Yes, you would normally say commit, but Jake's talking about doing something that is essentially suicide, not directly killing himself. Plus, that feels like something Jake would say based on past dialog

David Thomas

Damn, totally forgot about that little feather ball!! I love these challenge dungeons, but I also miss all the side characters! What’s that worm up to these days???


Happy 800! I love me some Sylphie! She is just the Best!!


What do you mean? this is the worst cliff ever. We may *never* find out whether Sylphie got the tasty Mythic-grade num-nums!


Either stop, or "phone it in" with procedurally-generated levels with just increasing trap damage and gate-keeper levels, or something like that. Either way, Jake will never let Minaga live down the humiliation if he reaches it.


We get left on Sylphian cliffhangers all the time! I mean she is TOO cute and when the chapter isn't about her, we are left hanging and deprived of all the exceptional cuteness that is The Sylphie!


I like Migraine of Minaga, obviously it explains as a god he shouldn't physically be able to get them but somehow it still happens.


Sylphie ❤️


Still eating all the tasty presents from the Chosen reveal, or napping in a disgestive food coma.


I bet Sylphie learned the bad Faith stuff to get more tasty treats out of Sultan.


The fact you managed to even put up a bit of a fight and last that long lasted

Simon Andriessen

Minaga is fynny on his own bur this interaction with Sylphy was even better. Arguing in bad faith, hah.


Uh as much as I agree with you, they have been on the road together longer than the entire series so far already

Leo Yankovic

Funny how that goes. In kinda annoyed by it and only liked the ape slaughterin arc less so far


You may be right, but atleast it isn’t a “Jake vs Valdemar final fight, be back in a month” level cliffhanger. XD


Great you are the target audience of my comment. We're you reading on the patrion from the beginning of it?


Thanks for the chapter! 😂

Mason W

Haha! Minaga makes a good foil for Jake and crew. I hope he continues to be a plot line outside of Nevermore.

Tim Schillinger

Nice one. Anybody's also interested in which Dao Lord is not the smartest cookie out there? 😂

Darnell Maxwell

Probably but to a much lesser degree since he played only 1/4 part of the ritual. It was an effort between him, the viper, Hawkie and Misty. He'd probably get significantly more from anything Vesperia did.

Matthew Paulin

Minaga and Sylphie conversation is the best thing you've ever wrote! Thanks for the best chapter ever.


Awww! I was wondering when the deadliest feather ball in the world was going to make a splash appearance! And she didn't disappoint by putting Minaga in his place just like her uncle:) Congratulations on chapter 800, very cool milestone! On to the 1000!


Poor Minaga getting bullied left and right


I'd love that so much. It's endlessly amusing to get her perspective vs reality. Like her stealth ability to completely hide herself... in an obviously unnatural tornado.


This may be the best chapter of the series.

Irakli Jishkariani

Sylphy is devil in negotiations 😆😆😆 More chapters for sylphy pleeeease 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


Iono about genius... it's entertaining, for sure, but reminiscent of Chewbacca, Groot, and every pokemon.


Thanks for the chapter, congrats on 800!


I'm starting to think that Jake has a legitimate run at "completing" MULTIPLE challenge dungeons, which should unlock an achievement in and of itself. Defeat the undefeatable grand champion in the coliseum? Check. Complete the test of character with an achievement? Check. Reach the end of the endless labyrinth? Check. What's next?

Chase Koehn

The wind loves none like it loves Sylphie. Tftc!


Omg, I'm loved the Minaga and Sylphy conversation. Also very fun new information. Sylphy has a skill that is combining her Sylph heritage with Jake's heritage. Very interesting.

Josh Fulk

Congratulations on 800 chapters!! Here’s to 8000 more!!

Steven Polanco

I missed sylphie. Honestly I love the chapters and sections of chapters that focus on other characters perspectives. Need some more (Not Really Nevermore) chapters


Seems like Sylphie will end of as the overlord of air.


good chappie

Richard Lee

Here's too 800 and hoping for 800 more! Congrats on all the success


lol the ending was hilarious


Never understood the appeal but considering what is happening it must be true


Happy Chappy 800! I had thought that Jake conversations with Minaga were the best but once more I find myself to be incorrect! This chapter reminds me of how Sylphie "negotiated" a higher blessing out of the Primordial (Stormlid?). Having Minaga at the other end was priceless and quite frankly, the screaming masses might demand more of it. 😜

Dion Crump

I’m not sure if you are hoping for his career as a prolific writer or if you want to chain him to a desk. Either way I’m here for it hand have some leg restraints… I did have to remove them from Brandon Sanderson but I don’t think he noticed we even put them there


We also have to wait till Monday to find out if Jake can do 200 sections. It'd be funny if minaga stopped at 199.

Stevean Bozek

You know, I thought Minagas conversations with Jake were funny as all hell but Sylphie is winning once again Best bird ever.


It's last, otherwise it would also be 'had put.' Such as, "The fact that you had put that item up for sale is ridiculous." What comes after, "managed to," isn't past tense. 'Managed' already tells us that this topic happened in the past


TFTC! 800 chapters let’s gooooo!


Yeah considering he’s made it into the b-grade sections (I think?) I’d say he has technically completed it 👍👍

John Balman

That ending 😂😆😂

Ted Burgess

I’m sensing the beginning of a beautiful friendship twixt Minaga and Jake & company; the banter is just too priceless to dismiss post Nevermore.


1) My theory is that this is (having to deal with Jake & Syphie) Minaga's karmic debt rearing it's ugly Interest-side. He's cause so much crap between his copies, the System decided do send him a double-middle-finger a la Jake & Sylphie regarding something he treasures quite a bit. 2) You don't attempt to win arguments with Boss Bitches. Minaga was naive, probably his unique lifeform showing, in thinking he could outsmart Sylphie who is the Wind-iest that ever Wind-ed.

Ivo Wißen

Nop Just from knowing her but all that know her get this It was statet from vesperia that he not los or win records after birth He get records for the creation but no records for life of the creation


There is a slight typo “My dungeon tools to” there should be a My dungeon has tools to


Technically? I feel it has been explained that way for gods, only miniscule. No idea how big it would be for someone at C grade


Having already done it once more —> having already done it before

Steven Myer

I literally checked my calendar because I couldn't believe it was friday and I wasn't left screaming about a cliff hanger in to the sky. I was convinced it must be Thursday. I'm considering this an early Christmas Present!

Corwin Amber

Now I just want to know the comments the Primordials group & Artemis are having since Minaga was so insistent on having a chance to show them this run by Jake :)


I would assume they also share records through some system fuckery within their “friendship contract” Jake already gains/shares records from being around others for a while. Tertiary influence on their records, if you will. And his impact on others also directly impacts him as well.


Sylphie is my favorite character


No better way to end the week than a Sylphie update.


Sylphie is simply the best.


You could be right but I don't know if that's completely right he kind of cheats with that kind of stuff there's probably some karma linking all of them together in the concept that they're all him but just copies but he can say something with one of his copies and make a deal that usually is airtight and then not fall through with it and that guy blows up and he has other hims still

Will Murry

Was that a Gurren Lagann reference?

Luke Scheffe

I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s just had a body working on adding a few more levels ever since jake showed up. Just in case.

Luke Scheffe

No, it’s currently correct, just a bit of a run on sentence. (My dungeon tools)(*the tools*) (to measure your power and stats)(*description*) (read quite the spike)(*what they did*)

Michael Fannon

Here's to more wonderful cliffhangers that have me screaming at a screen for many years to come.

dakota dodson

Minaga said believe in the me that believes in you. Its a quote from sunglasses dude to the mc of Gurren lagann


So I know that without stormild there, they aren't showing Sylphie in the viewing room, but I bet they'd have cracked up about good faith.


It's probably her "hear the wind" skill, that likely involves some of the concepts of Jake's supernatural intuition.


I think it's dragging a bit, but it does have some of the best moments in the series, including anything with Minaga, the fight with Valdemar and most of the interludes (I really liked meira's chapters and the one with that slave general that came to Earth). Really, it was mostly the colosseum that could have been a lot shorter.

gray matter

Interesting insight into Sylphie’s speaking with/listening to the wind skill. With this insight I think it would be funny if she got the 25% percent score where Jake gets 20%. She is a good bit faster than Jake and she doesn’t have to a dodge a lot of(maybe most of) the traps

Ty Cooper

The wind-iest that ever wind-ed. Lol love ending. Got me good.

Seen Death

If there was a regular race i do believe sylphie is notably faster than jake, but i think she would have a harder time with the teleporter sections, or places the wind is cut off? Its said shes "barreling through the dungeon" but when jake got to minaga level 75, he was said to be the current speedrunner, so although shes doing extremely well i think jake is still out preforming her

Michael Fannon

Stormild needs to show up to cheer her friend on. And then the gods need to invite Jake and Sylphie to a party for humiliating Minaga so well.

Michael Fannon

It's up there, but I still say the chapter where they entered the nevermore is the best. Jake's speech to mango man, the Sword Saint casually mentioning he wished Jake became his great-grandson in-law and that he had a harem, then the quick duel between the sword saint and the fallen king, to top it off with Villy telling Jake to go be the badass he is.

Michael Fannon

If the house of the architect is about energy manipulation like has been guessed at, then Jake will do insanely well there too. If it is about building things, like make your own labyrinth or something, then maybe not so much. Still no clue about the neverending journey other than it is something Jake couldn't do when he was weakened. My guess is it is a choose your own adventure thing where each segment is a challenge of some sort where each is decided by the previous choices.


oh wow, Sylphy's conversation with Minaga had me giggling out loud - at 1 am when I was trying to keep quiet. you're character interactions are very good! and your comedic timing is great!

Olof Karlsson

Thanks to the chapter!

Eidetic Eidolon

Jake will lose eventually, so there's no need to stop. Even after he forcibly loses, he will have invested MUCH MUCH less time than most others invest into the labyrinth.


I think the bigger issue is the monsters. She is strong but I don't think she can kill something 50 levels above her. Shed have to go around them before Jake so it would slow her down.

Tyler S.

Lets go F5 crew


Refreshing...constantly haha


They basically went solo through D grade, I don't call that being on the road together


Finally! Some Slyphie! Don’t make us wait so long next time!