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Jake was teleported out of the godly meeting and appeared in front of the Challenge Dungeons like nothing had happened. He couldn’t help but smile a bit to himself after what had just transpired, finding the entire ordeal quite amusing. It was also really nice to see Artemis again.

He couldn’t lie… there was something about her divine aura that was just fundamentally appealing. Jake hadn’t been able to hold himself back from teasing her a little, and based on her responses, he hadn’t offended her too much. In fact, he was pretty sure he had quite an interesting meet-up planned for after Nevermore.

Shaking his head, Jake tried to refocus on the task in front of him. He still had to finish Nevermore before anything else could happen, and he got the feeling that while he found Artemis’ divine aura appealing, she would very much like it if he performed extraordinarily well in the World Wonder. At least he was telling himself this because who didn’t want a bit of external motivation along with the internal one? Either way, Jake stopped dallying as he thought about the next dungeon to enter as a notification popped up in front of him.

*You have successfully taken part in a meeting between gods standing at the apex of the multiverse without compromising on your Path as a Heretic-Chosen. Instead, you have further proven yourself capable of standing tall even when confronted by the most powerful gods, acting far above your station. All while performing your duties as a Chosen and acting according to your Patron’s will – A new feat has been accomplished. Bonus experience earned*

Jake stared at the notification for a while, quite frankly having forgotten he could even get these. Sure, he had gotten one when he made William turn away from Eversmile and even when doing other heretic and Chosen stuff, but he pretty much only leveled his profession using alchemy normally, making it easy to forget this was a thing.

He hadn’t really expected anything out of doing this secret god meeting outside of meeting some gods… and looking at the following notifications, he definitely hadn’t expected the level of rewards to be so high.

*’DING!’ Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper] has reached level 252 - Stat points allocated, +35 Free Points*

*’DING!’ Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper] has reached level 259 - Stat points allocated, +35 Free Points*

*’DING!’ Race: [Human (C)] has reached level 254 - Stat points allocated, +45 Free Points*

*’DING!’ Race: [Human (C)] has reached level 257 - Stat points allocated, +45 Free Points*

8 fucking levels from just meeting a bunch of gods in some casual get-together? Wasn’t that wholly too much for something so completely non-extraordinary? Jake hadn’t done anything super special in his own mind and had acted just like he had when interacting with others… which was maybe the reason he had gotten this “feat.”

This was Jake’s first time doing it in a public setting and the first time for the system to truly recognize it. For anyone that wasn’t Jake, just being able to exist in that meeting would have been an extraordinary feat in itself, while Jake had even talked to them and gotten into a metaphorical dick-measuring contest with a Primordial. All in all, he had entered the meeting, acting not just as one of the random gods there but as a being standing on par with the Primordials.

As Jake considered the matter more, he also quickly concluded this wasn’t replicable and some secret super-fast leveling exploit. He could go back to the meeting again, and it wouldn’t really reward him as he wouldn’t “accomplish” anything in the eyes of the system. These feats would only give massive rewards the first time he did something. Jake did believe that if he continued to attend meetings and continued to show off, he would be able to get more levels out of it. He would also make a lot of enemies and feel wholly uncomfortable doing it, so it wasn’t going to happen, but as a Heretic-Chosen, this was a legitimate way to level.

He also guessed that one reason why the experience gained was so high was due to how little he did as a Heretic-Chosen and how much he did as a pure alchemist. Jake, doing something he rarely did, was probably rewarded extra by the system, a bit like how he got more experience from working on transmutations after making potions for a long time. At least, that is what he guessed as he shook his head and decided to move on with what truly mattered.

Getting 8 random levels was definitely nice, but it didn’t really change anything, and he still had to focus on the Challenge Dungeons to come. The Test of Character Challenge Dungeon had been chosen purely as a way to recover from the Colosseum of Mortals, and it honestly had been the one he wanted to do the least and the one he guessed he would do worst at.

This left three others that he all thought were a lot more interesting. This was despite Jake not truly knowing what they were about, just him relying on his own guesses and assumptions.

House of the Architect made Jake guess it had something to do with energy control or something like that. Maybe something with imagination and your ability to make up and design new things, or if he got really lucky, a Challenge Dungeon that was similar to his Puzzle Box from the Seeker, where he had to fix and work on mana constructs? Or maybe it was about creating physical structures where he could maybe cheat with his arcane affinity? Doubtful, but hey, maybe. No matter the case, Jake felt pretty good about this one.

Endless Journey was a bit of a weird one, but he took a shot in the dark that it wasn’t about riding some weirdly scary dog-looking dragon through the sky as if he was taking part in some neverending story that wasn’t truly endless. There was a good chance it had to do with traveling, though. Maybe some sort of endurance run? A set of traps for one to overcome? Maybe a story where you got chased by something or someone? There were many possibilities, but assuming it had to do with journeying around, Jake felt confident.

Finally, there was Minaga’s Endless Labyrinth. Jake didn’t believe many comments had to be made about this one. Minaga’s Labyrinth on the prior floors had been a piece of cake for Jake, and he looked forward to utterly breaking the poor Unique Lifeform’s dungeon while listening to his ever-increasing complaints about how much of a cheat Jake was. Needless to say, Jake definitely felt the most confident about getting a good score in this one.

All of them were valid options, and Jake could do them in any order. All would be a pick-me-up after the horrible Test of Character, too.

Now the question just was… which one should he do first?


While flying to Firebound Peak, the red dragon Albaromoz couldn’t help but sigh at how his life had changed. How he had gone from being a diplomat and teacher at the Order of the Malefic Viper to… this.

Albaromoz felt like the latest period of his life had only really revolved around one thing. Or, more accurately, one person. How could he have known that the fateful day he talked to a C-grade who participated in his lesson on Soulflames and made Albaromoz suspect he had a Bloodline would lead to all this?

At first, it had just been a simple mission to try to recruit him into the Emberflight clan. Nothing complicated that he, as an A-grade, hadn’t done many times before. It turned out to be a bit more complicated due to some unknown backer, but it wasn’t any big issue, right? Wrong.

They couldn’t find out who the backer was, and it quickly became clear why as the young Bloodline Patriarch was revealed to the Chosen of the Malefic Viper. A figure even he, as an A-grade, couldn’t casually approach.

And what’s more, he was far from a passive Chosen who just trained and did alchemy. Instead, he seemed to create chaos and “happenings” wherever he got involved. Ones involving the Dragonflights, too.

A great example of this chaos he could create was the entire ordeal with the Azure Dragonflight – also known as the Azureflight. Albaromoz wasn’t sure about the details; he just knew that an Azure Dragonkin blessed by the Venerated Azure Dragon had attempted to get close to a comrade of the Malefic Viper’s Chosen and somehow ended up offending the Malefic Viper himself, making the Primordial personally remove his arm.

This hadn’t led to anything back then, as no one knew the Bloodline Patriarch was the Chosen until after the Chosen ceremony was over. However, after, every faction dug up what they could on the Chosen, and through that, the Emberflight’s name was mentioned. Albaromoz was mentioned. Something that caught the interest of all the other Dragonflights.

Albaromoz had after the ceremony swiftly been called into a meeting with the Patriarch of the Azureflight himself present. As the person from the Dragonflights who had made contact with and talked with the Malefic Viper’s Chosen first, Albaramoz had become the go-to person if anyone had questions. As he had interacted with the Chosen before he revealed his identity, many believed that Albaromoz had known him better than pretty much any other person among the nine Dragonflights. Helen had also been called in for many things but had quickly been dismissed as all her meetings had been under the oversight of Albaromoz, making him the go-to. She also still had to focus on her personal growth and had many other jobs, while Albaromoz had far more time as an A-grade.

This pestering to know more hadn’t stopped. In fact, it had only gotten worse as other Dragonflights also wanted to know more about him. The Azureflight was just the beginning as more and more got involved. Especially his ability to manipulate Origins caught the attention of many high-ranking beings, as plans were slowly being formulated behind the scenes to try and get their hands on this ability one way or another. This had made him a busy dragon until, luckily, the Chosen went to Nevermore.

Albaromoz believed this would give him a reprieve, at least for a while. Sure, he would likely perform incredibly well in the World Wonder and gain much renown, but nothing chaotic would happen that required Albaromoz to be called to a meeting, right?


“Patron Fireplume,” Albaromoz kneeled deeply as he arrived at Firebound Peak and entered the Dragon Cave of the Grand Elder of the Emberflight who resided there. While kneeling, he also regarded the other figures who had appeared as projections in the cave. “Grand Elders.”

“Albaramoz,” Grand Elder Fireplume spoke. “Have you been following recent happenings in Nevermore?”

He got a bad feeling before he answered honestly. “No, I do not believe I have heard anything out of the ordinary.”

“Hm, so it hasn’t spread amongst the mortals yet,” another Grand Elder spoke.

“Perhaps best it is kept that way,” a third voiced their opinion.

“I concur,” a fourth chimed in.

Albaromoz was confused as he quickly pieced together that they discussed something only gods knew about. So why was he there? There were a few options, but considering the mention of Nevermore, there really only be one explanation.

“Child,” the second Grand Elder spoke up again. “You were the first to identify the Chosen of the Malefic Viper and his Bloodline, correct?”

“Yes,” he answered, getting confirmed what he already knew. Who else could it be but the Chosen.

“Before he was revealed as a Chosen, how receptive would you estimate he was to the contact we made?” a fifth Grand Elder asked. “I am referring specifically to his interactions with Helenstromoz.”

Albaromoz was a bit confused, as he felt like he had answered this before, and he quickly shook his head. “He seemed neither positive nor negative, just as if he preferred as little interference with his life and Path as possible. His level of interest in Helenstromoz was also low. Moreover, recently, she has begun to get closer to the Malefic Dragonkin called Draskil, who carries a Divine Blessing of the Malefic One. This Malefic Dragonkin is also on friendly terms with the Chosen of the Malefic Viper, to the level where they may even be considered friends.”

“I see,” the Grand Elder responded disappointedly. “Do you deem it plausible he will show interest in any other attempts to form a closer relationship with him?”

“Are you asking about deploying honeypots?” Albaromoz asked.

“Potentially, yes,” he continued. “Would it be worth it to try and appeal to him through talented women and men?”

“I do not believe so, no,” Albaromoz shook his head. “In fact, I fear it may have the opposite effect of what we intend.”

“A shame,” the Grand Elder sighed.

“If… if I may, could I know what this is all about? The last time, we agreed upon holding back from trying to reel him in and keeping a respectful distance? To try and assure that even if we do not better our relationship with him, we at least keep it neutral until he matures more?”

This was far from his first meeting, which other Grand Elders than his Patron attended, though this one was where most were present. When it came to the question about waiting for him to mature, it was something they had discussed many times prior.

As a C-grade, the Chosen had a long way to go on his Path, and many things could go wrong along the way. He could die to any number of incidents, somehow get stuck in his Path, begin to fall behind his peers, and lose the interest and Blessing of the Malefic One, or a myriad of other things. All of this is to say he was still very young, and his situation was volatile.

This was the primary reason the Dragonflights had all agreed to their neutral and passive approach. It had become clear that obtaining the Bloodline in early grades wasn’t going to happen, and investing heavily in making friends with a C-grade was rarely worth it.

If the Chosen ended up dying, the Dragonflights would lose nothing but an opportunity, while should he manage to step into the realm of the truly powerful, it wouldn’t be too late to approach him then. The Emberflight firmly believed they had a good shot at forming a friendly relationship with him if they worked on their albeit feeble connection through Helenstromoz and Albaromoz, even if they waited a few grades. At least they did before.

“Things have changed due to recent happenings in Nevermore,” the Fireplume Grand Elder said with a sigh. “A gathering of powerful beings is currently taking place in Nevermore right at this moment. It includes five Primordials, Nature’s Attendant, and dozens of representatives from factions, including the Draconic Accords.”

Albaromoz nodded, this being the first time he heard of something this monumental taking place. He just had a hard time seeing how that related to the Chosen of the-

“And less than an hour ago, the Chosen of the Malefic Viper was also part of this meeting.”

“What?” Albaromoz exclaimed before quickly gathering himself and bowing his head even deeper. “I apologize; I was simply taken aback.”

None of the Grand Elders seemed to care as the Fireplume Grand Elder continued to explain what had happened. Albaromoz’s eyes only got bigger and bigger as everything was disclosed to him, including the fact he had directly clashed his aura with that of the God of War.

Albaromoz soon understood… sentiment had changed. Remaining entirely passive was no longer an option, as many other factions would likely try to get in his good graces now.

“When the Chosen of the Malefic Viper had the… incident with the Azureflight prodigy, he was with some people, correct?” the Fireplume Grand Elder asked.

Instantly, he understood. “Yes, he was. From our investigations, he appeared closest to his fellow humans and was originally invited there by a snakekin named Scarlett, who also carries a Blessing from the Malefic Viper.”

If they couldn’t form a connection directly with the Chosen of the Malefic Viper, they would do the next best thing. They would get close to someone who already had a connection to the Chosen, and Albaromoz already knew who they should approach.

The Alabaster Crimsoneye Snake named Scarlett was a perfect target because few knew she had such a deep relation to the Chosen. At least they hoped it was deep… hoped enough for them to gamble on it as the seventeen Grand Elders present began discussing their approach.


Seen Death

First? edit: nope lol too slow


Thanks for the chapter!




Glad I woke up early just to read this chapter so I can go back to bed


Thanks for the chapter

Arrogant Savant

Jake's acquaintances are going to suffer again, rip


8random -> missing a space. Might consider changing "8" to "eight". Thanks for the chapter!

The Tallest Tree

Jake and Artemis...hmmm wonder how that'll shake out and what trouble will arise as a result

Joshua Morris

"How could he have known that the fateful day he talked to a C-grade who participated in his lesson on Soulflames" Jake was D-grade at the time. Love the story keep up the good work

Stevean Bozek

Oh boy, they have learned absolutely fucking nothing about Jake's personality. The more they try to force their way into his personal sphere to get close to him the more it annoys him and the less he'll like them and interact with them. Jake will just be Jake, if 50 of the biggest, baddest gods couldn't stop him from being true to his nature then how the hell do they think this will work? That poor A grade dragon, dude ain't gonna catch a break for the next few millennia


They will never learn right. Our little snake is not going to betray Jake for these idiots


Literally like last week I was missing Scarlett. Looking forward to hearing about her and what she's up to.

john henderson

I really hope that the dragons don't do anything dumb, would love to see a dope ass origin dragon in the future after all. Though from the sound of it, it seems like they're going to defy the accurate assessment of don't try the schmooze while seeking benefits approach. Hopefully they give something that's good enough to not be insulting I guess.


I don't think they want her to betray him, they just want an 'in' to him. Besides, pretty sure if one annoyed him, she would just eat them.


Thanks for the chapter!


It would be cool if dragons went from English to Chinese the closer they got to their origin... Up to zog


Dunno, but probably worth quite a few levels in the Heretic-Chosen class.

Tyler S.

Scarlet is going to get to try out her venom, hope she goes through a few before they find her a good one. Then maybe Jake can help with their children


The "Dragonic Accords", not the "Draconic Accords"?


Thank you for the Chapter Zogarth!!! Very good, best chapter ever, it's amazing

Tim Schillinger

Nice view from the dragons perspective. Examplary for all factions around. I wonder how many have to approach Jakes friends before something happens


"The thickening," the plot be 😆

Tyler S.

All of Jakes friends getting set up with potential partners lol


"Albaromoz felt like the latest period of his life had only really revolved around one thing. Or, more accurately, one person. How could he have known that the fateful day he talked to a C-grade who participated in his lesson on Soulflames and made Albaromoz suspect he had a Bloodline would lead to all this?" I believe you meant D grade here.


I normally don't comment, but you mention Albaromoz first meeting Jake at C grade when in reality he first met Jake at D grade. Just hoping to help editing. Sorry if I come off as dickish.

Omar Jimenez

Meira’s gonna be super sad he picked another elf instead of her. It might come out during her and the other girls’ complaint sessions. Nobody else will care.


Gotta love how just absolutely monstrous Jake's bloodline is in the wider multiverse


Thank you for the chappy! Let the speculation commence!


Nah, it's a good catch. We're all a bunch of editors that pay for the privilege lol

Omar Jimenez

Honestly, I think Jake would advise her to string them along and get as much benefit from them as possible.


He was also hiding his level. His presence and the fact that by now it should be known that Jake can hide his true level my lead to a wrong conclusion.


Welcome back! And thanks for the chapter.

Ty Cooper

Figured he would get heretic-chosen levels. Was hoping Jake got some more crazy gains from that meeting. Am I just greedy?

Michael Fannon

So I'm predicting a future chapter of the Jake's female friends club with Miranda joining in talking about how all of them are suddenly getting a lot more offers and how annoying it is getting. Only for Duskleaf to show up to gossip about what is happening in Nevermore. Duskleaf always struck me as a gossip.


He was hiding his level but he was doing so as a level 100 human. I get your point, and if that's the answer Zogarth comes to I'll accept it. I just think it's weird to refer to Jake as a C grade when he was a D grade and continued to be so for... like 80 chapters give or take after meeting albaromaz

Seen Death

Unfortunately, their options are very limited. The passive approach would most likely keep them neutral forever, because jake pretty much has or can get better things than most factions can offer. I think their decision to try to get on good terms with his acquaintances is their best shot at gaining friendly relations with jake, they might view it as annoying but there would certainly be benefits for them. It would be unlikely but maybe the person they sent could actually befriend jakes friends... but with jakes heritical personality which also rubs off on his friends it just makes it that much more unlikely to truly work out. People are kind of pressured to do something: for example if jake was friends with the ectomorphs as he is now, he probably would have asked the ant nest to leave the planet (he generally doesnt genocide groups when he has decent relations with them lol) but because that wasnt the case, at the time jake could have had a negative view on the faction- which is an example why people want to get in his good graces early (in my opinion). Its just too apparent that jake is going to be (or already is) a bigshot (although only c grade)

Seen Death

Easier to go from neutral to positive relations, than it is to go from negative to neutral (is what i was trying to explain with the examples), they wouldnt intend for it to become negative but leaving it to chance would generally be a poor decision (jake being a heritic, and most people not being aware of that just adds a ton of complications)

Seen Death

I mean, apart from the automata they wouldnt be drones (lol), they could send some generally likable people but with all of the different factions trying to do it jakes friends could very well be mentally overwhelmed lol




Ahhhhhh shit news has spread poor Jake XD clashing auras with valdys gonna be huge

Julian Lienenbecker

I need mooooore 🤩 Finally He is Back! I was craving those sweet sweet chapters


"The meeting to draft them really was a drag, so the name fits." - Some random Flight member in the background.

Seen Death

Would a humanoid chinese dragon have arms? Technically they could use magic (potentially more dexteriously) than having actual arms but idk i feel like its only a positive to having more limbs? Regardless, that could very well be the origin- maybe the dragons eventually grew extra limbs because it was convienent, which ended up semi-stunting their magic growth? (Because they didnt have to use magic as often/precise)-(im just making up potential reasons why their origin would be stronger than the "less origin-y" form they have many eras later)

Darnell Maxwell

Hey if this means that Scarlett will get a bunch of gifts to help her on her path then I'm all for it!


So they were better off going after anyone BUT Scarlett. They should have gone after the worm or the witch (it is too early to remember their names). They are both blessed by Villy's companions which he trusts and they both take up a lot of space in Jake's personal circles. Not only that but those two make Jake's life easier in some for our fashion allowing him to just be Jake. Giving them opportunities to get stronger and still be useful to him would be a very good way to endear him to their flight. I have a feeling they will end up making Scarlett mad or put her in a position that Jake finds repulsive since they don't know him well. Kinda like half of the multiverse gave him slaves.

Seen Death

Yeah, even if most people thought they were 'only' equal its extremely large news lol (its only been a hour and factions are already making plans for stuff- im kind of curious what the enemies of the viper/jake are up to aswell)

Michael Fannon

I'm interested in the reactions of the various gods after seeing Jake level up mutiple times just from a meeting.


Once he gets out of nevermore and is seen with Artemis any public display of affection is going to drive these sorts of schemers crazy because how can they accurately plot to get closer to him if they’re thinking of him like a mortal and he’s in a relationship with a goddess who will probably breakthrough as a godqueen faster due to her interactions with Jake.


We know there is a title for killing a god before reaching godhood but what about screwing one while in C grade?


With how other eras had entities that earth myth and religion was based on, the first era especially, I’d be very curious to see what Tiamat’s place is, if any, in the story.

mitchell kaiser

I love Scarlet she is such a sweetheart.


Miranda is back on earth which pretty much negates the ability of the dragonflight to get near her. When she leaves earth it’s only via dreamwalking to the verdant lagoon, visiting the order with Jake, or her upcoming trip to nevermore. They can probably get closer to sandy via lots of tasty gifts but sandy is also the chosen of Snappy so they’d have to tread extra careful around them due to it. The only way the dragonflight could get close to Miranda on earth would be via a proxy. Say, the wyvern Jake briefly met and was rebuffed by, I think it was during ellhakan’s invasion. So the dragonflight might not want to pick someone they think Jake might hold a grudge against. He wouldn’t becauseJake probably doesn’t even remember them, but the dragonflight wouldn’t know that.


They got the slaves to earth so I'm sure there is a way to reach Miranda. Also it doesn't need to be a person per se. Like how Jake got that compendium of tutors to help the slaves, the flight could give them something that would allow her the time to develop more and remove some of her admin tasks since in the last view we saw her that was one of her issues. I also would expect them to understand Snappy better than anyone since he was the god that was around while Villy was gone. I don't think they'd have too much of an issue with being able to help out Sandy (BTW thanks for reminding me of the names) in a meaningful way esp since he needs to devour.


Didn't she already do this with at least 1 teacher. Take the treasure and run?

Nick O'Gara

Knowingly screwing a God vs a hidden God would probably add a few bricks to his path.


I swear if they harm my Favorit danger noodle scarlett I will Invent a way to bring These over grown lizards to live only to kill them again no one does anything to our precious scarly !!!


And another pearson to the "Victims of Jakes fame" support group


I think only villy and maby a few pinical gods kann look through shroud of the primordial


me to I legit asked in dc about here current Status😅


Schemey dragons schemin' their schemes!


Be like Mario hitting the coin block: *ding* *ding* *ding*...


Either they do it right and Scarlett just improves tremendously, or she gets a few more dragonkin to eat. That's a win-win in my books


Not only that, the Wyrmgod is not showing Jakes recording to other gods than Villy, got explained like 3 chapters ago. And yes to the OC, I think wanting even more than 8 levels in one go is a little bit greedy xD

Gerald Morris

They gotta stop messing with his kids 🤣

Hunter Thornton

It’s amazing how the stupid lizard forgot to mention that Helen fucked up royally when she publicly outted him for having a bloodline and again when she tried to use Mera. Also does anyone else wanna know how the King would don in the test of character?


Lmao and everyone was telling the emberflight plotline was over with, pffft


Better question is how Sylphie does in the test of character

Nikolai Beckel

Melinda would definitely be better, going after scarlett is not getting them anything


Bro, the Dragonflights are going to end up extinct if they don't stop meddling with Jake or his peeps. And their honeypots are going to get Artemis seriously annoyed, which means Jake, who would already be annoyed by it, is going to be even more angry about it. I mean, gosh, they really are going to all die, aren't they?

john henderson

as someone who watched American Dragon Jake Long, can confirm that the slightly more chinese dragon was a stronger form than the european predecessor. As for a question of requiring limbs, I'm assuming we're talking soul shape, as the physical shape would simply be modified if that weren't ideal, my guess is that won't be the distinction. There are already different classifications of dragon, i.e. Villy vs. Helenstromoz, and its stated they're closely related to serpents, so it seems like the full scope is represented with varying power levels independent of form. My guess would be some sort of innate transcendence or bloodline that has been forgotten. Maybe an S++ tier arcane affinity.

john henderson

I think the system gave more than a fair reward, and if any of the Gods present wanted to reward him further, which wouldn't be wise, they'd have to wait until at least after Nevermore, seeing as it is ultimately system supervised for fairness.

John Balman

Snorts, again the unintentional chaos that Jake causes is just awesome and the fact that most people over think how they should approach him is even better LoL

John Balman

Jake's is probably going to become the most mortal acting God to exist all things considered, if you ignore his op I hunt deadly shit hobby

Owen Kaz

I think it will be the witches that will tell Miranda tbh


Thoughts on nxt dungeon?


Can't wait for minagas feel like it will be the best one but might save best for last


I hope Albaromoz ends up helping Jake with the Soul Cradle thing. We learned way back when that he had discovered exercises that would improve the chances of binding a soul flame and improved what you could do with it. Add in Jake's Origin shenanigans and he could end up making an extraordinary soulflame, and having a genuine bonding experience with Albie rather than some kind of setup from the Grand Elders.


I'm here for it. I hope Albie asks Jake for an 'in' outright and Jake's just like, "Okay, yeah. Anyways the soulflame" I think that would be a fun like side plot that could have interesting consequences later on with the dragonflights being on his side now.


I like the idea of the council of grand elders coming up with decades and centuries of schemes to get close to Jake only for Jake to knock on Alboromoz’s door one day out of nowhere saying he needs someone who knows about soul flames and I enjoyed that one class you taught me.

OutKast MerkeR

How long has it been since the beginning of the story? Jakes nephew must be like 8 by now right? Wonder if he will be part of this story in the future somehow!

Red Viking

And what's sad is that if they just have someone from their faction give Jake an interesting puzzle and challenge him in something they'd probably make friends with Jake for life.


I was starting to get bored of the Nevermore climb... until these chapters. Really since Artemis was introduced... having an event that could butterfly effect outside to trigger a bunch of updates with our friends still out is what we needed to keep things moving. Brilliant.

Benjamin Mages

It's quite unlikely she'll be intentionally harmed, they're trying to ingratiate themselves with Jake, not cause him to swear a grudge against them. They're going to try and make her like them so they can have her introduce them to Jake in a way he's more likely to accept. If Scarlett is genuinely helped by them and is appreciative of it, it might even work.


I want it to publicly come out that Artemis is close to Jake resulting in a bunch of gods trying to get close to Artemis which ultimately causes Artemis, the god, to join the girls' Jake-related support group.


This was a fun time, though I feel like Alby should’ve mentioned that they actually horribly pissed Jake off with the whole exposing-his-bloodline thing 😅 maybe he doesn’t see it as much of an issue as Jake does. Hopefully Scarlett gets something good from these mfers. Also I would really like a sneak peak of what the King and Sylphie are up to 😅


I would love to see a chapter someday that is set in the 94th universe with Jake having become a god. Even if it’s a side story with someone else’s POV about the “primal hunter”.

John Balman

Is he really that old now? I thought he was born during the tutorial


jake will probably want to show off in front of artemis, so minaga's here we go.


what about waspy ?

OutKast MerkeR

I'm not even sure! That's why I ask how long it's been lol. But with his 40 year time dilation with other Jake, and roughly 3 years in nevermore when he's out, I'd think he at least be 8 by then.

Luke Scheffe

Probably the best to give him extra time on the other ones. He can quickly cheese his way through the labyrinth, and then have some bonus time to really do good on the others. Both of the other two sound like they are likely to take a while to finish.


There are sooooo many plot lines to explore.


She was already apart of that group. Remember the girl club meeting were they vented about their fame through Jake. They even kept skore of proposals.


The viper hinted in the last book that it is possible for mortals and God's to smash. He made it seem like it was (godly) common knowledge.


Everyone wants Jake's friends to get Jake... But then they realize that Jake's friends are worthy enough on there own (or will be with Jake juice) for attention.


She's pretty inaccessible, now that she's off in the heart of the Empire.

Daniel Hamilton

Hoping Jake will get his version of the verdant lagoon, which he kind of is, Miranda, Scarlet, Mira and the succubus

Michael Fannon

Which just goes to show how powerful Minaga is. Even the Endless empire doesn't want to mess with him.

Michael Fannon

Depends on how long he is in nevermore. Should be around 4 or 5 before nevermore. The 3rd world court was 3 and a half years after he was born, and Jake entered nevermore about a year or so after that.

Michael Fannon

I'm pretty sure all the peak gods act mortal. Valdemar likes to fight and make people drink his experiments, Villy is a prankster, Minaga reminds me of a over-currious little brother, Tonken is a freindly grandpa, and the Holy Mother and the Blightfather bicker like a divorced couple (pretty sure they are). Jake is just going to act like that from the get go.

Michael Fannon

I kinda want Helen to end up there and then apologies to Jake after experiencing it herself.


"It was also really nice to see Artemis again. He couldn’t lie… there was something about her divine aura that was just fundamentally appealing. " Damn yeeees!

Michael Fannon

Any bets on which dungeon next? I'm hoping Minaga's just because you know Minaga is going to include Artemis and the other primordials in the broadcast viewing even if Villy doesn't.


Just a random thought about soul flame. Would it be possible for him to somehow cultivate an origin flame?


I could picture Jake’s chosen being a beast, one that would get access to some unique evolutions bc of Jake’s primal origin juice and his effect on records.


Yes Draconic is the correct spelling, which is why I suggested the edit. You're all welcome I'm single handedly raising the quality of this story.

Jason Hardman

I recall with the ectomorphs that they offered to withdraw the nest, but Jake declined, as they represent a way for his people to get stronger. He mostly just mentioned the hive patron Goddess to ensure there wasn't bad blood.

Bobby B

I say Jake milk everyone for all they have to give him. You know “retainer “ for his origin juice. Alchemical products and equipment..etc. With the assurance Jake will “one day”create origins for them.


It’s a simple table of action-> result with Jake: 1. Direct/forward approach -> sportsmanship style conduct and maybe respect to friends and enemies alike 2. Indirect/sideways approach via friends -> annoyance, wariness; (positive impact-> seen as a resource to be used but not trusted) (negative impact -> scholarly violence & negative impression for all associates in perpetuity) 3. Backhanded/sneakiness -> instant dislike and annihilation, big BIG mistake


Nope "This group consisted of Reika, Meira, Scarlett, Irin, Bastilla, and Izil" although others also participate sometimes. Helen isn't mentioned by name.


I'm looking forward to the house of architect. Seems like it will be fun to read. IF ANYONE IS LOOKING FOR A NEW NOVEL READ DAWN OF THE DENSITY GOD. I'm trying to help the author out because, it's a travesty it's not well known. The quality is as good as primal hunter. Hell 98% five(85%) and four(13%) star rating on Amazon. Not one 1 or 2 star review out of 575 reviews. I honestly didn't think that could happen.


Prima Guardian's invasion is set for something like 5 years after the 3rd world congress took place iirc. So his nephew would be around 8 at that point. Depending on how much real time has passed since Jake entered Nevermore the kid's probably 5-6 at most and would be 6-7 when Jake leaves Nevermore since his leaderboard run will likely end 6-12 months before the event (just seems unlikely he goes immediately from Nevermore to major event with no time to stabilize).

OutKast MerkeR

I gotta finish the audiobook for reminders lol, could've sworn it was 10 year gap for prima invasion....but if that's the case... Would love to see Caleb get a New powerful Class/profession for his son or even a weapon to make him a child prodigy rivaling his generation during the invasion

Michael Meyer

I think it would add a lot if you just made it a bit more dramatic speech (or something else like stuttering, but i can see how because he has seen them multiple times before it might not affect him as much) when addressing the elders because it seemed more like how jake would approach, with the addition of just a few proper names. i just felt that seeing as he is a a-grade in group. of gods, i would think he would be intimidated. maybe even by the auras. besides that, great chapter!

edgardo rossi

it's time for the F5 club


If you were an A-Grade, would you willingly disclose information that would upset your godly superior? I can see why he kinda held his tongue 😜


I would like that, especially if it included a snippet on how he's so feared because he used a Karmic curse to kill Eversmile while still in A -grade. Ha!


254 to 257 isn't 8 levels. Its 3. Just doing the math.


he is talking about the 8 levels he got in his profession from 252 - 259....you have to include 252 though ...so he WAS 251 and he got to 259 in his profession which is 8 levels.


Also, 254 to 257 is 4 levels, since Zog shows the first and last level up. His race level was 253 before.


I may be wrong but I thought he was supposed to get more free points for his profession than his race though I can’t remember the exact numbers


It's still not a great idea though. I imagine they'd be pissed if they realized they're acting on bad information.


Artemis hunts dragon because honeypot. Ha! That would be amusing. More miss arty, please please. That plot is so fun.

Olof Karlsson

Thanks to the chapter!


“Albaromoz felt like the latest period of his life had only really revolved around one thing. Or, more accurately, one person. How could he have known that the fateful day he talked to a C-grade who participated in his lesson on Soulflames and made Albaromoz suspect he had a Bloodline would lead to all this? “ Was D grade the day he went to the class on Soulflames.