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Jake had lots of stuff to address for sure and started with the most urgent one. With so many eyes on him, he couldn’t delay answering Valdemar’s bold proposal as he took a deep breath and jumped right into it.

“I am not sure this is the time or place or place for such an important discussion,” Jake said, trying to sound neutral to the question.

“But it is a discussion,” Valdemar grinned as he patted Jake on the shoulder. “You heard that, Vilas? Do you think this the time and place for such a discussion?”

His tone was very taunting as the Viper scoffed. “Are you seriously blatantly trying to steal my Chosen right under my nose? Kind of pathetic coming for the so-called god of war to fight a battle he should know he can’t win.”

“I never take fights that I don’t have a chance of winning,” Valdemar kept grinning as he stayed close to Jake. “My promises won’t be empty either. I think we all know your Chosen isn’t just some common C-grade but someone valuable regardless of his own power due to his unique abilities and Bloodline, so I won’t be cheap. And, honestly, do you think you can support someone like him better than Valhal can? Better than I can?”

Jake was a bit surprised at how articulate Valdemar seemed. Then again… Villy did say that Valdemar wasn’t stupid, just very simple. He was a bit like Jake himself in that regard… though the level of his own occasional stupidity was very much still up for discussion.

“Well, isn’t this something,” the Malefic Viper said with a smile that wasn’t really a smile. “My Chosen is not just some mindless warrior swinging around an axe; he is also a skilled alchemist. It is through his alchemy his Path to manipulate Origins was revealed… so let me counter. Do you think you can guide him to be a better alchemist than I can?”

“Odd, the version of your Chosen I saw defeat my image in the Challenge Dungeon didn’t look like some weak alchemist. From my point of view, you are sabotaging his Path by making him follow your Legacy. He should walk a path more aligned with his own Origin. A Path Valhal will gladly show him,” Valdemar said, crossing his arms. “How about this… someone like him is capable of choosing his own Path, right? Also, what was it you said before that big ceremony you did… oh yeah, that he can make his own decisions with his unique powers and that they only belong to him. Then shouldn’t we just let him choose, eh?”

Jake was far from an expert in political stuff, and he had a strong feeling Valdemar wasn’t either. With that in mind, he got the impression Valdemar had either been coached or at least given some tips. Maybe by Villy himself, but more likely by Gudrun. If she was talking to his real body while Valdemar focused on this avatar, he could easily relay everything happening within the room.

In fact, Jake was pretty damn certain everything happening in the room was being broadcast to many influential forces spread throughout the multiverse due to the representative gods. Which was part of the reason he had to be kinda careful. He couldn’t mess up Villy’s plan too much, right?

“I am not some pick-me god, and I find the very notion of having to even try and sell the honor of being my Chosen ridiculous. Being my Chosen is a privilege, not something to be coaxed into. If he is truly so foolish as to reject me as his Patron and give up on my Legacy and the Path he is currently walking with such great success, then maybe he wasn’t worthy of being my Chosen to begin with. Not with such utterly questionable judgment,” the Malefic Viper said, refusing to engage in the “discussion” anymore.

Valdemar just shook his head while muttering something to himself before looking at Jake, who was just standing there without really saying or doing anything. He was pretty sure that was what he was supposed to do.

“He must be exhausting to deal with, huh?” Valdemar questioned Jake.

Jake was pretty damn sure the question wasn’t actually rhetorical, and he had to stop himself from making some silly comment. Instead of saying anything genuine, he answered noncommittally again. “I don’t believe I should talk about my personal relationship with my Patron in a room filled with outsiders.”

That had to also be considered neutral, right? Damn, where was Miranda when he needed her… actually, it was probably best she wasn’t there, as he doubted she would have managed well with a few dozen gods, including a handful of Primordials, staring her down.

“That’s fair, that’s fair. But, you know, I am sure Carmen would be really happy if you joined us, too. She spoke very highly of you when she became a Runemaiden using my blood, and she even said her successful ritual was partly thanks to you!” Valdemar said with a big smile. “Ah, doesn’t that sound nice? Two powerful fellow humans from the same planet under one banner? Could bring you two closer, too.”

Valdemar saying this once more got the attention of the room. Jake also understood why after he discussed Runemaidens with Carmen. Based on what he knew, Valdemar had not openly announced a Runemaiden who used his blood and Records had been born before now, much less that she was from the same planet as Jake or that they knew each other.

This was pretty much revealing to the multiverse that Valhal already had existing connections to Jake as a person, ones even predating Jake joining the Order, which gave credence to his claim that Jake could potentially end up joining them and renouncing the Malefic Viper.

Gods weren’t the type to whisper among themselves, but Jake was confident many telepathic messages were being exchanged at that moment. The Viper also looked visibly annoyed, as Valdemar looked pleased with himself, awaiting Jake’s response - a response he took quite a bit to think about as he was trying to remain as noncommital as possible… by just straight-up ignoring the proposal.

“Right now, my sole focus is Nevermore and getting a good performance here, including the Challenge Dungeons I have yet to do. I believe it would be best for me to dedicate all my focus and attention to doing this World Wonder over anything else,” Jake answered, not really answering.

Valdemar nodded as he shrugged. “I guess that’s fine. No need to commit to anything here and now that may distract from what’s in front of you. Just know that Valhal still has its halls open for you.”

Jake nodded, happy that one had worked. Valdemar did give up way too easily, making Jake more certain than ever this was all – at least partly – some kind of play he and Villy had planned. Jake said only partly because he had strong feelings that should he agree to the invitation, the Primordial would have gladly dragged Jake back to Valhal with him after Nevermore, even if the Viper complained.


That went about as well as it could, Vilastromoz thought, as Jake and Valdemar did surprisingly well in playing their roles. Anything that had to do with scheming and Valdemar often didn’t go according to plan, much less when it involved both Jake and Valdemar, two people who weren’t known as the most politically apt. Yet things had turned out extremely well, with lots of doubt sown in the minds of the gods present.

It was a foregone conclusion that even if Yip of Yore himself hadn’t shown up – and definitely wouldn’t – some of the representatives present would be feeding him information on everything that was happening there. In fact, the Viper would bet he had a live view of everything going on.

Valdemar trying to recruit Jake wasn’t overly surprising to many factions, as Jake was ultimately a human, especially not after it was disclosed he had beaten Valdemar’s image in the Colosseum of Mortals, and to Yip, this would serve as further proof of the rift between the Order of the Malefic Viper and Valdemar.

It had to be noted that not much of this had been part of any of the original plans, but things had to be changed due to Jake.

Jake had proven himself both an annoyance and an asset to Yip of Yore’s plans, but also the Viper’s. Originally, Yip wanted his Chosen to defeat Jake in a proxy battle of sorts as part of his story, but that was no longer a feasible method, as the backlash would be bigger than the gains.

Killing Jake would mean removing his unique abilities to manipulate Origins, which would not be seen kindly by many major factions. It wouldn’t necessarily create enemies, but it would weaken the narrative that Yip was fighting for what was right and that Jake was just some evil follower of the Malefic Viper. So Yip had changed his plans from trying to kill Jake to doing something that would prove even more beneficial to his story:

Turning Jake to the side of justice. Turning him to Yip’s side, or at least away from the Viper’s. Having his Chosen renounce his Blessing would be a heavy blow to the Viper, especially in the context of the narrative that was being constructed. For the Viper to be so evil that even his own Chosen turned his back on him… surely Yip of Yore was doing the multiverse a favor by putting him down?

However, Yip also knew that personally recruiting Jake directly was out of the question. Ell’Hakan was an enemy of Jake, and their encounter in Nevermore City had only cemented this. That’s why Valhal had stepped up to try and snatch Jake away. While it would be better for Yip to get Jake on his side by himself, having Valhal do it was also a good outcome.

Of course, Vilastromoz knew this would never happen.

The Viper would not describe himself as the most trusting person, so he could admit that Jake being locked in when it came to being his Chosen was more of a positive than a negative in his mind. If Valdemar’s offer was truly genuine, Vilastromoz couldn’t even blame Jake for considering it seriously, especially not if Valdemar went as far as offering Jake to become his Chosen.

While he did trust Jake as much as he could, he also knew that Valhal would suit Jake nicely. Jake loved challenges and fighting, and Valhal would offer that in spades. Far more so than the Order of the Malefic Viper ever could. What’s more, Valdemar was a human, so if Jake had his True Blessing over the Viper's, there would be more synergy with their Records.

At least, he thought so… but with Jake, it was genuinely hard to tell. Because there was a genuine chance that the Records of Jake’s Bloodline would overpower any other related to his race, making it a moot point.


Feeling like one thing had been dealt with, Jake turned to another. His gaze pierced through the room toward the very back end, where a Beastfolk man was standing inconspicuously among all the other representatives. It was naturally Eversmile whom Jake had picked out instantly upon entering the room. Jake considered if he should do or say anything, but before he could decide, a voice entered his mind.

“I do find your ability to recognize me quite troublesome, if very intriguing. However, I would advise against revealing my presence here. Doing so shall bring you no benefits and only serve to hinder me needlessly. It may even impact the plots of your Patron, so reconsider before you make an unwise decision,”Eversmile’s voice echoed in Jake’s head.

“Oh? Why are you even hiding in the first place when there are already five other Primordials here?” Jake asked, not really bothering with the fact he was showing zero levels of respect to a god. “Are you doing some experiment or something?”

“None of that is of your concern,” Eversmile answered, pretty much confirming to Jake he was definitely up to something. “Nothing I am doing is detrimental to you or your Patron, so let be what should be left alone. That would be very appreciated.”

Jake was curious but also feeling petty at the same time. He still remembered how much Eversmile had messed with him during the Tutorial, how he had used William to fuck things up and had even made him come after his family…

“Well, I appreciate that you wouldn’t appreciate me revealing you. In fact, it makes it quite an appealing choice,” Jake sent mentally. “But I guess if you really want to stay hidden that badly… I can do you this favor. Wait, doesn’t that mean you owe me one now?”

He was fully aware he was just messing with Eversmile now, knowing how the Primordial’s Path worked. Also, if he could somehow make Eversmile owe him a favor, that would totally be worth it. Based on what Villy said, he was very serious about owing favors.

“You should be aware that is not how karmic debt is formed. There has to be a sufficient balance between the two parties for any debt to form, and you are not powerful enough to enter any kind of agreement with me,” Eversmile responded calmly.

“Yet. Not powerful enough yet,” Jake corrected him.

“Even if we say that is so, I would suggest not getting too much ahead of yourself. Remember you are only here due to the curiosity of others and who your Patron is, not truly by your own merit. If you wish to speak of karmic debt, then you are far from in a position to make any demand through threats, much less speak of favors. One could also say I am doing you a favor right now by even conversing with you. Or that I allow you to keep living despite the disrespect. I have plenty of cause to take action already, so how about you let off your petty threats? In return, I shall do you the favor of letting you off,” Eversmile said, his voice still calm but full of warning.

Jake felt an odd pressure and a slight sense of danger that was not at all unambiguous in its message: back off.

“… anyway, I hope all goes well on your end; I shall be minding my own business,” Jake responded.

He had fucked around and would very much like to skip the “found out” part.

Their conversation had been relatively long but had, in reality, only taken a few seconds as everything had been said telepathically. There had always been a natural silence after Valdemar had spoken, and only another full second or so after Jake finished talking with Eversmile did someone else speak up.

“Speaking of doing Nevermore, how is little Dina doing? I know my granddaughter isn’t the most experienced quite yet, but I still hope she has proven a valuable party member so far,” Nature’s Attendant asked Jake, changing the topic quite nicely while also advertising he had a close relationship with Jake.

“She is doing great; no complaints from here,” Jake answered with a smile, happy no longer having to consider his words super carefully. He also made sure to not even glance Eversmile’s way anymore. “I hope she is also doing well in her Challenge Dungeons.”

“I am sure she is,” Nature’s Attendant nodded. “Now, while I have you here… how about you come over here and tell me a bit about how she is doing? The stingy Wyrmgod refuses to share anything.”

Jake doubted Nature’s Attendant really just wanted to hear about his granddaughter, but he had no reason to reject a conversation. Especially not considering this was an excuse to talk to Artemis, who was sitting with him.

“That would be my pleasure,” Jake answered as he looked at Valdemar. “Unless..?”

“You go on ahead,” Valdemar waved him off.

Jake nodded as he walked over to Artemis and Nature’s Attendant, the attention of the many gods still on him. As he got over, he saw Nature’s Attendant casually set up a sound isolation barrier for them to talk in peace, something that seemed to annoy quite a few people present, including the Holy Mother, Blightfather, and even Valdemar.

Their dissatisfaction manifested through their presences that weighed down on Jake, Nature’s Attendant, and Artemis. Jake and Nature’s Attendant were fine, but Jake saw Artemis clench her fists, and without even thinking, Jake flared his own presence to cover her.

The pressure on her instantly lessened significantly as Jake’s aura clashed with that of three Primordials... slightly pushing them back to give Artemis breathing room. All of this was done under the gaze of dozens of gods as Jake felt the entire atmosphere in the room change after seeing what he had done.

I shouldn’t have done that… yep, I definitely should not have done that.







Tftc, listening to the new audio book should make for a good work day


I would do anything to stop being left on cliffhangers

Man of Sodium

So excited for tomorrow's chapy


As if Jake needed Eversmile to screw with Villy's schemes. He can do that all by himself thank you very much!

Bob Fight

Oops 😬

Bradley Taylor

I love it when Jake does Jake things


casually shieding of the presences of multiple primordials and many gods. tomorrow will be good

John Looney

Zog you dare assume I haven’t been listening to it at work since like midnight ish for shame lmao


C grade shielding a God. Lmfao. Jake is now the new sliced bread.


Now we need an Artemis POV... going to be incredibly sad if we don't get it before the long weekend

Lawrence Dillon

Lmao jake in a room of 50 gods just told 3 primordials to chill tf out for his lady thats way out of his league

Jonah Frazier

The end makes me think of that hagrid face meme.

Mateo Lopez

Now this was a pleasant surprise to wake up too! TFTC


HAAAAAA Jake's fuckin awesome but also totally fucked lmfaoooo at least he's got arty with him


Oh hi I'm Jake, the c-grade human. Pardon me while I use my aura to directly conflict and somewhat subdue 3 gods at the apex of existence


Causally pushes back the auras of some of the most powerful beings the multiverse has ever known, I wonder what will happen next.


If I see any whining in the comments I'm going to blow a gasket

Hayden Leech

Hahahahaha oh what a great chapter!

Michael Fannon

I called it! I called it twice! Valdemar casually mentioning Jake's relationship with Carmen. And Jake not thinking about protecting Artemis in front of the other gods. Oh, that is a wonderful cliff and a pure accidental show of power. Loved it!

Kris Piskorski

Get ready for many raised brows and slacked jaws in the next chapter


ROFL, villy has to be laughing his ass off about the aura thing. Though didn't realise villy had such trust issues....


Yup, Jake just once again fucked up yet made his position that much stronger by just using his aura to have the aura of 3 primordials fuck off


Master of cliffhangers


Jake's aura just said, "now calm down children and let us grown folks talk."

Alex Cox

Tftc, Eversmile is giving mixed signals... Is he on Yip of Yaps side? Or just fucking with everybody? Also recommend listening to the new audio book, so far a quarter way through and I'm just getting some laughs. Really enjoying seeing the growth of some characters like Meira and Miranda compared to reading and seeing them pop up every few chapters. Would love a Hawk chapter again tho


TFTC - need next one lol


Ohhh nooo i feel sorry for our snake pal


So, what kind of record will his heretic side gain by rebuffing multipel primordial presences i public? Universal heretic a thing?

Pablo Barbatto

Glad we have one more chapter this week!!!!

Kai Strohmeier

You should consider to make a book about all of Jake's blunders, i bet it would be hillarious to read😂 Tftc😁

One Winged Angel

Jake: "Eyyo Godqueens and Godkings, tone down the auras! My Godbae looks like she swallowed a lemon!" *Flashes aura that beats back primordial presence* *Entire room goes surprise Pikachu face*

Lawrence Dillon

Its about to be universal news that Jake has the most powerful bloodline in the multiverse, not only does he beat valdemars image but to combat his god aura along with two other primordials whew


He’s going to have a face palm moment after Jake ruined all his political messes


Ooooh this is gonna be fun haha.

Hayden Leech

Whelp. Easily the most interesting meeting of the whole series. Love it!

Alex R

so if Jake had his True Blessing over the Vipers -> Viper's It may even impact the plots of your Patron, so reconsider before you make an unwise decision,”Eversmile’s voice echoed in Jake’s head. -> Space between " and Eversmile

Adam Owada

Amazing build up to the eventual conversation between Jake and Artemis. I hope she remains an important character moving forward


Tomorrow will be fecking awesome and the 4 day cliffy after that will be pure agony


This stuff matters outside of Nevermore and adds on to the main story arc of the series, so I doubt there will be any complaints. Nevermore is just tiring for some of us, as the minor plots truly don't matter for the series as a whole. That said, this chapter was fantastic.


"He really should not have done that"


The alternative is to wait for the books. I prefer a cliffy every day rather than waiting for months :D


Lol at the casual flex.


Oh man, I imagined Hagrid mumbling the exact words every time he got tricked by Harry Potter 😂

Michael Fannon

After this power move, I'm pretty sure Artemis and everyone else thinks he's out of her league.


Ya done fucked up now Jake!! Ha

Samuel Lévesque

I read so many series where nothing is a cliffhanger... Things just happen... The fact that there's a cliffhanger almost every week means this is some quality stuff!


No, you definitely should have, Jake! I don't care what the consequences are, that was a definite plus! :P

David Thomas

“Pick-me god” got me, lololol

Mohammed Sheekh

I think this is a good way of showing jake is strong, but he needs to be reminded that the title of primordial is not a small matter. he tried to mess with eversmile and he was shown that he is still an ant in a room full of giants.

Justus Saucedo

You that instantaneous regret after pushing the auras away is great. Classic Jake. Thanks for the chapter.


Obviously neither. He is doing his own thing not caring for anybody else. Which means while he sometimes sides with someone or is fucking with everybody that is never what his action is about.


That's true for every arc get over it. It's the best arc in the series so far in my opinion and it's only going to get better. The only reason it's "tiring" is because you have to wait in-between chapters. Take a break and come back.


Loving it!


Dammit Jake 😂😂

Michael Fannon

Why? He is about to see the ultimate shocked faces of his fellow primordials. Wait, he doesn't have a camera... yeah, I feel sorry for him.

Stevean Bozek

Pretty sure she's simping for him hard already and just hasn't come to terms with it yet.


Hahaha, thanks for the chapter!

Darnell Maxwell

Some people wonder what's the difference between simple and stupid. Simple is Jake having an arcane affinity without properly knowing what it is. Just what it does. Simple is Valdemar accidentally creating a passive transcendent skill that feeds off his battle spirit. Yet not knowing how he created it nor what the cost is. Stupid is Jake using his bloodline to block the aura of 3 PRIMORDIALS IN A ROOM FULL OF SPECTATORS TO PROTECT ANOTHER GOD WHILE HE IS ONLY IN THE C GRADE!!!! CAUSE THAT DEFINITELY WON'T CAUSE WAVES AND ATTENTION HE'S NOT PREPARED TO HANDLE!!! Miranda we need you! Please come to Nevermore as soon as possible!


Thank you for the chappy! One thing is for sure, all those gods now know that he ain't your normal C-grade & his bloodline is a baller. Gods respect power, so while it may be upsetting for most, it will also intrigue them, too.


I agree. While cliffhangers can be frustrating, they keep you interested in the story.


I had a feeling the Primordials were all playing some 5D chess with Yip of Yore.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ha! Hahahhhahahahaha!! Can't wait for tomorrow's chapter!


Your only option is to deliberately stop reading mid-chapter, which isn't much better.


I kind of like how Artemis was so worried about Jake with all those auras and she's probably going to have a stroke realising what Jake just did

Michael Fannon

Least we know that if she hasn't already completely fallen for Jake, her panties are definitely soaked now.


Hopefully 2 side characters -- Holy Mother and Blightfather.


50 gods looking at each other with “WTF just happened?” expressions. Valdy gets even more excited and determined to recruit Jake.


I can already hear Valdemar laughing again xD

Ty Cooper

Oh man! This just keeps getting better. I cannot wait to hear the other Gods' reactions to Jake's aura.

John Findlay

Like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives... man you sure turned my action adventure into a drama. Lmao

Darnell Maxwell

I very much hope your talking about Artemis. Because as powerful and rich as Jake is. I think Miranda can do better. I don't know how sure could do better. When Jake ascends he'll be one of the most notable figures in the multiverse. I still think she can do better.


This is the most ive enjoyed this story in ages. Really enjoy jake casually interacting with gods and honestly kinda want to see him start a relationship with artemis, i felt they had good compatibility in nevermore.


No, it's really not true for the series as a whole. Nevermore is the only place to continuously introduce characters and back stories of people who don't exist outside of the dungeon / cease to exist when Jake leaves the floor. They literally don't matter. It's tiring, because Jake has been inside of Nevermore forever. The only exciting times (for me) are when he interacts with his party, with other real people on the city floors or with the various gods. A caveat to that is the images of the gods, as those memories are shared to their main body thus adding permanence outside of it only happening to Jake.


True, but he just made himself a much more valuable piece on the board.

Taj Malloy

Not Jake saying imma mind my business 😂😂😂


I feel like cliffhangers is part of the joy of life you cannot have ups without downs sometimes sadness is needed to know happiness and happiness is needed so you don't have sadness

Michael Fannon

I was talking about Artemis. Also, Miranda needs and deserves someone who doesn't constantly make her wish for S-grade antacids.


This will either help Jake's image or hurt the primordials. Yip could have a great time spinning this to show how "weak" the primordials are.

Azur Kris

The Primordials are like a dysfunctional family... and apparently also like petty kids... sometimes. Did they want to kill Jake or something? Even with resistance to presences, the backlash could have been pretty bad.

Seen Death

Im still kind of unsure why holy mother/ blight father are here, so id be interested in some clues aswell. Gods of that status dont move for small matters


First off most of those minor characters he meets outside of nevermore don't matter and didn't matter. Second between the wyrmgod, migna, artemis, nature's attendant, and many other gods we are getting more important characters than ever before in a short amount of time. Also they aren't just getting random pov chapters they directly relate to our main character and main story.


yeah, nevermore just doesnt feel so engaging tbo. and these shenanigans with gods- other than villy etc-are always so hilarious :)

Tyler S.

Get ready for a secondary character POV, lets go Sandy😂😂


Also imagine finding out all the primordials have been pretending to be in a fight just to fuck with you, for their entertainment


i think that they just dont usually interact with people who cant resist their presence?

Tyler S.

Probably still mostly just crack sweats instead of arousal due to the attention


“That went about as well as it could,” - well he jinxed it, didn’t he?

edgardo rossi

Next chapter Jake: "fuck... Sorry guys didn't mean to... "

frankie doerr

I imagine minoga I think that’s how you spell it is having a happy dance right now as the other gods realize how broken jakes bloodline is


Oh my days, so many good lines in this. From vilastromoz going "I'm not some pick me god" and Jake rapidly deciding to mind his own business, and then again at the very end realizing he accidentally made an earth-shattering misstep, i freaking love this chapter XD

Jumping Flounder

when villy was talking to jake about umbra he mentioned that when you get to be at the top you have to make choices on whether to kill someone who might become strong enough to kill you, before they get strong, or to cultivate them and get an even better fight. i believe this is what villys doing here, make sure yip is strong enough to push him on to the next level.


Reminds me of a video on YouTube, listing all the things doctor bright isn't allowed to do in the scp foundation. Jake's list would likely be nearly as long.

mitchell kaiser

Zog you dirty dog, can’t believe you left us on this cliffhanger. Can’t wait for tomorrow!


On the next exciting episode of the Primal Hunter... Minanga: "SEE!!! I told you his bloodline is Bullshit!"

Tyler S.

As much a I enjoy the series, it is felt that some of the story could have been sped through in a different way. With less drawn out conversations between the dungeon npc's or recaps of 'slow' levels during a city lvl. Then there is wheather or not double explanations of the same topic over consecutive chapters really slows down the pace. But a lot of Nevermore has been fun so that would make it difficult.

Seen Death

I do greatly appreciate the properly worded thoughts and points! I understand the people inside are essentially fake, but i dont think theres an unacceptable time spent introducing them. Its like when jake went to go shopping for gear on villys planet, we met the smiths, jake had a couple interactions with them, and were on our way. I agree interacting with actual beings is more important, but (atleast in regards to fighting) jake has gotten a lot more rounded since he entered nevermore. Nevermore is a nice reason for why jake got better at aspects, short stories in advance before having potential expansions on similar subjects in the real world (its not a death sentence if he goes underwater now, etc)

Seen Death

Also, although the test of character didnt really do much for jake, his negative review was enough to make the wyrmgod petty enough to bring jake infront of these gods haha. Very well!


See theres 2 kinds of cliffs. The ones that piss everyone off by ending just before a climax deny an arcs resolution. Then there are cliffs, like this one, that end just before a new arc starts. It leaves you with feelings of anticipation instead of dissatisfaction. Those sometimes feel similar. Knowing the difference takes the sting out of the second type when you notice.

Seen Death

I also appreciate how it happened, not by default but when the pressure increased which was also when jake was nearby! Good world building

Tyler S.

Had it downloaded but im currently finishing up another cant wait to start


Not to sound like I'm whining but story progress per chapter has really slowed down into 'where is the next cliff'

Micah Molina

Holy fuck. I'm starting to think you don't spend time writing this story, but spend it coming up with cliff hangers! Lol Good chapter!


Omg Jake’s got a girlfriend


What I do when a author gets to cliffy, like the first defier, is just wait a while to read then I can enjoy the story a lot more 🤣

Seen Death

I mean, i wouldnt really call it trust issues- more like realistic views. Hes lived since the beginning of the universe, it would be pretty foolish if he didnt think of potential ways his chosen could act, especially when giving a true blessing could have serious backlash if it didnt work out (which is why many gods dont give them to begin with)


Wow how much Jake has grown... He instantly understood what he did was QUITE stupid 🤣


I agree I've just been skimming never moor but this is gold!

Seen Death

Hes messing with karmic bonds between a primordial and a god whos supposed to have a chance at killing him, im sure he will greatly benefit from this scenerio, even if he was kind of pressured in some ways by a potential debt


There is that, but im more thinking that both Valdemar and Eversmile have outright sided with Yip, yet for all that neither seems openly antagonistic towards the Viper and in general the Primordials seem a lot more like friends and family that enemies. Part of me wonders why they arent really trying to kill each other to get to that next level. Is there one? I wonder if the Primordials are all just stuck, unable to progress because there is no next level no ammount of devoted followers or new records can break through. I have a weird theory that what they all want is for someone to surpass them, Valdemar certainly wants this... if only so he can fight that person. I have a few more theories but I hate to overshare them.


Gods can tone down there presence until their identity is learned then it's all on the person. At least that's my understanding.


Possibly, im just more amused by the idea of how Artemis felt more and more out of place until Jake arrived, possibly thinking "hey at least im a god amongst other gods here... that poor bastard is Mortal" only to realise that Jake just kind of casually beat down the Auras of 3 Primordials without really thinking about it. Though, it does show that Jake is truly a nice guy and probably accelerates the comments from her own image about seeing what Jake was like when he was able to stand before her.


Damn it jake, so close. Only One step from not throwing a rock into the glass 4d chess board that villys plan was slithering on.

Seen Death

While it still is crazy hes capable of it, these are mostly neutral auras he is combating. I dont think hed fair too well if they actually meant him harm


Eversmile never lies so how did he convince William that he had a bloodline? Also does it mean if he can provide false answers when he isn’t aware of the truth like him not knowing Jake’s own merits


My tinfoil hat theory is that they don’t try to kill each other based on whatever happened last time Villy went on a rampage and it took all of the other Primordial’s to stop him.

Seen Death

Yeah, he definitely wasnt thinking when he did that lol. If anything jake is already viewed poorly by eversmile, although any outcome is beneficial to his karma stuff- jake did cost him his blessed pet. Eversmile is one of the people nobody wants to get on their bad side, and jake is just terrible at politics lol


I'm loving it so much! I'm rooting so hard for Jake and Artemis becoming a thing on the long run

Seen Death

Yeah, i think its so difficult to find challenges at that level that they have to basically nurture one into existence to progress lol


I think he somehow granted him an ability replicating the effects of his own bloodline as the skill granted by the blessing

edgardo rossi

It's not technically aura I think it's more their thoughts having an effect on reality. I mean they are so strong that even staying near other gods makes them shiver.

Seen Death

I think the difference in power between him and the mortals are just too great to really be tied down too much. For example he might not be able to lie, but i think hes completely fine if he alters their memory to believe things he never said... or something similar. Mortals- especially such low grades, just cant resist


He’s probably just gonna become depressed from the sheer ridiculousness of his bloodline

Seen Death

Rereading- and yes that is absolutely the case lol. Even jake is so weak in comparison, any debt or favour jake could try to come up with, eversmile could just rebute it with a "ah sure buddy, here ya go im repaying the debt by not obliterating you for trying that dumb shit" actual quote from this chapter: "Or that I allow you to keep living despite the disrespect. I have plenty of cause to take action already, so how about you let off your petty threats? In return, I shall do you the favor of letting you off,”

Rui Lourenço

To be fair, he has the full backing of a Primordial himself, and he gave Vilas permission to bring him back if a God just smited him, so there's very little reason to not fuck around. As someone doing Nevermore he should also be under full protection of the Wyrmgod. And killing him would annoy a bunch of Primordials that are just dying to get their shot at an Origin empowered boost to their numbers. Basically, he's already pretty much untouchable. Annoying Eversmile is the least he could do after the fucker interfered so much in his Tutorial.

Rui Lourenço

I think the key thing is that 3 Primordials and the mouthpiece of a 4th being together in the same room is a big enough deal that they had to go there. And then we're surprised everyone was just chilling and watching TV.


Am I the only one that keeps on checking the scrollbar of the chapter while reading to check if I have more to read or to feel sad if it is near the end? 😂


I am thinking they expect Villy to protect him. And well Villy knows he doesn’t need too.


Next chapter is the last for this week. Extra long cliff 🥲🥲


Thanks for the chapter, it’s great to get back into the story elements.


How true is this statement “Remember you are only here due to the curiosity of others and who your Patron is, not truly by your own merit.”


Bro epic chap!! I do hope more than anything he puts Eversmile out on blast. Zog please, we need to get back at that guy!!

Sean Dawson

I liked the last part a lot! Seeing Jake having to think about what to do felt so weird and you could see his struggles. But at the end he was being himself and doing shit he probably should not!


The name of the skill technically says "bloodline". Eversmile probably only told the truth but left out certain facts. He probably referred to both actual bloodlines and the bloodline skill interchangeably without indicating he is talking about one or the other allowing him to confuse William.


He doesn't outright lie, but he can stretch the truth depending on the questions asked to him. Like what happened with his convo with YoY. So, he gave William a skill that looked like he had a bloodline due to the naming or description or whatever. It would not be hard to make someone believe something through assumptions for someone like a karma god used to manipulation.

One Winged Angel

- He had fucked around and would very much like to skip the “found out” part. Eversmile, of all the primordials, is probably more of a " Dont fuck with that guy" than Minaga. "You do know that i sever literally all Karmic Threads i dont find appealing yes? That includes everyone you have ever met, wish a mufucka would."


At least it wouldn't work on Villy so Jake would be ended knowing retaliation is likely

Hunter Thornton

He said he didn’t want the “find out” but then went and done it anyway. Does anyone else think that Jake might need a permanent telepathic connection to Miranda?


Jake immediately after flaring his aura "It was at this moment that Jake knew. He fucked up"


Is this when Jake gets revealed as a heretic?


You guys aren't counting right. Holy mother, blight father, Valdemar, wyrmgod, villy, eversmile, nature's attendant reping yaddrisil makes 7....


Jake: "Heretic, me? How could I be a heretic? I'm obviously better than all of you."

Red Viking

Haggrid moment.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Doubt, No one is even close to foolish enough to believe something so stupid. The only reason he can even contend with Villy is because he was gone long enough for his legend to fade and even then he still has to jump through hopes to get the narrative in his favor. If he even attempts to spin this to make Primordials as a whole look bad his death will be rather swift, and even if he limits his story to those involved he would make an enemy of 4 Primordials and Nature's Attendant doing so which is still a borderline death sentence.


Eversmile cutting karmic threads is a transcendent skill. Viper having a perfect memory is a bloodline. Was Jake taking viper records considered a bloodline thing (probably not)? But that clash between break the system skills seems to be in Eversmiles favor.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Nah they didn't want him injured, they expect Villy or wyrmgod to help him. The problem is that jake doesn't have resistance he literally doesn't feel jack squat when presence is involved unless the presence it self is given physical form and even then he might take reduced effects.


It's stated pretty clearly that getting back at him will cause more problems than it's worth. So maybe eventually but for now it doesn't seem likely.


Awesome couple of chapters, maybe upload the one from tomorrow now?


He's talking about Jake's aura pushing Anora's, Valdamar's, and the Blightfathers off of Artemis. It's going to cause an issue next chapter.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Exactly, People underestimate how protected from other gods he is right now. Vilas is basically just his older brother at this point, and any action against him in Nevermore would be an incredible insult to the Wyrmgod and maybe even Minaga. His origins powers also make him a universally coveted commodity for pretty much every major faction and harming him in any permanent way would likely make you disliked by a solid portion of the multiverse. Jake has more than enough protection to occasionally screw around with Eversmile after the BS that was the tutorial as long as he never takes it too far.


Jake reflexively pushing back the passive disappointment of three primordials. = Big news to the Multiverse. Jake then getting his aura actively squashed (but not harmed). = Big news to the comments section.


🤮 I would have reminded him he send someone after my family then smiled while looking in his direction. Wouldn't need to say anything.

John Balman

Lol 😂😆😂 knew it would happen


"That went about as well as it could, Vilastromoz thought" Next chapter "That went about as bad as it could," Vilastromoz thought.


"You should hit that when he can stand tall before you." "Yeah, i should check this boi out to get a claim in for when he grows..." A short while later, the boi protects the goddess from primordials while in C grade.... Usually Jake has no game, but man when he does he brings it.

Josh Cothran

Like a fuckin boss. Get off his woman!

One Winged Angel

Man you know thats gonna end up being a whole thing next chapter. Artemis being protected by a C Grades gonna get some attention from the peanut gallery. Artemis prolly done thinking now lol. Shes good and ready.

One Winged Angel

*Flares out presence to cover Artemis, looks back at all the primordials* "I will stir this pot, dont tempt me, yall may get me in a rush but not before i chuck a grenade in this bitch. Suppress your shit you ingrates." *Whole room stares in shock, Villy giggles, Vally chuckles, Eversmile stops smiling*

Micah Molina

I don't think so, just one at a time. It was said Minaga isn't bound by karma of any individual Minaga. That's why he can make a deal or bet with one clone and not be beholden by the system if he kills that clone.

Abbots Foley

Primordial Bar Fight!!


I mean, it's possible Artemis decides he's out of her league. But I doubt it. More likely Jake is her ticket to God Queen.


So anyone want to bet how many profession levels Jake picks up from this visit? I feel like he's probably gotten 1 already...

James Faulkner

AYEEEEEE, mask is gradually coming off haha

john henderson

You don't isolate yourself from society for countless millennia because you're an open and trusting individual. Remember that Villy was born a monster and spent a large chunk of his mortal life being hunted by everyone. That being said, he trusts his instincts on who he can rely on, he's just rational enough that he does so while understanding that there's a limit to how much you can rely on others.

john henderson

Yes and no, in this case the Gods were irritated that Nature's Attendant set up the barrier and so they intentionally flared their aura, so its a matter of them intentionally doing so. There is however a natural suppression that was there all along.

john henderson

This. The auras were meant to be suppressive but not directly harmful, essentially the Primordials were just ballooning themselves and Jake blew up a balloon of his own

john henderson

I mean, yes and no right, cause Eversmile could absolutely kill Jake with nearly no lasting consequences. That's just the level of being he is. 99.9999% of the multiverse would be beyond frustrated but have no realistic retaliation. Even the Viper and Valdemar would at best be able to hunt down Eversmile's divine clones, which remember they aren't even able to recognize. Though having them interfere whenever possible in his future business, and the potential for growth from Jake's own growth are prime factors for Eversmile to not kill Jake. He certainly wouldn't want to form the sorts of karmic bonds that come with killing a Chosen of another primordial, especially one currently so connected with so many.

john henderson

I'm assuming its more a Geneva Convention type pact of mutual non-aggression when it comes to that point, plus its been stated several times that Gods at that level don't leave their divine realms, and inside of their divine realms they could easily kill most if not all of the others. So better to just be friends.

Micah Molina

After rereading, two things. 1st: that cliff!? " changed the atmosphere" could go several ways. Good, as in exciting or amazed. Neutrally as in wtf or befuddled. And of course bad as in terror/ fear or heretical. Can't wait for tomorrow's chapter and the inevitable cliff. Two, Eversmile must be feeling like it's his birthday. So many new data points with Jake acting chaotic and all the other experiments he probable has going on in the room. Lmao

P enyuk

iirc it was mentioned that while giving out true blessings incurs a cost on a god, the god benefits from the achievements of their Chosen, and Villy is already in the positive from what Jake has done so far.


Jake doing Jake things. Eversmile telling Jake to piss off was warranted. It's nice to see someone go - "Ya I don't give a flying fuck who you are or how strong you'll be IN THE FUTURE. You're a C-grade bucko, stay in your lane" It's the reality check that Jake needs in my opinion. Having potential is great, thinking that having potential is some magic shield that protects you is big dumb. But this is great because Jake is gonna need a target dummy when he becomes a god.

P enyuk

"There has to be a sufficient balance between the two parties for any debt to form, and you are not powerful enough to enter any kind of agreement with me” *Jake checks 3 Primordials over-bearing on his Godbae*


good chappie

Will Murry

Jeez you can't help but, make the wait for the next chapter agonizing

Austin Richins

That would only serve to diminish the "feat" of killing a primordial, which is the whole point of him trying to kill one in the first place.

Ty Cooper

Villy will almost have a tear in his eye from being so proud. "Now that's my chosen!"

Bob Fight

Natures attendant isn’t a primordial and I don’t think anyone else knows eversmile is in the room

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!


around he fucked, find out he will :D

One Winged Angel

Ya not gonna lie im getting the feeling that no one wants to push a primordial as far as what happened when Villy lost his wife and....son? daughter? Pretty sure everyone had a sit down and grasped the "Mutual Destruction" aspect of pissing a primordial off. Its not that they couldnt beat him all together, it was just the fact that Villy destroyed and entire universe, or the lion share of one, more than a few of the primordials were sent back home with sucking chest wounds that took way too long to heal and get them back to functioning health. I think its less "hey i can kill you anytime i want" and more "We really need a good reason to swing, because if we dont then we are responsible for the fallout."

Austin Richins

"Villy giggles" Haha that shit... This is totally out of context, but every time I picture Eversmile, I see the "PAN" movie version of Hugh Jackman, rockin' a big ol' curly ass mustachio, but with his face absolutely fucked, to the tune of Attack on Titan. You know, the dead-eyed, thousand-tooth maw mother fuckers. So yay, I've created my own nightmare fuel and now I'm sharing it with everyone. Your welcome.


Can’t help but put a few possible pieces together. Gods from near every powerful faction of the multiverse watch as two primordials fight over Jake, and watch Valdemar gush about Jake defeating his image. Then watch as it turns out his bloodline is even more monstrous than previously known. All this after we checked in with Miranda and find out she’s coming to nevermore as things have calmed down. Feels like earth is about to get a sudden influx of factions wanting to put people on earth and the usual chaos of Jake’s actions will ensue as the world council tries to figure out what the hell happened that could’ve made their planet so desirable a place so quickly.

George Brkich

’DING!’ Profession: [Heretic-Chosen Alchemist of the Malefic Viper] has Gained 10 Levels!!!


I’m loving this whole mini arc it’s so good. Villy being all untrusting and possessive of Jake was great too, when he said he thought the blessing being unable to be revoked was a positive more than a negative. I love seeing little glimpses into how he thinks. Also, beginning of the second paragraph you put “or place” 2x.


I hope that “valuable piece on the board” is how this is taken. The ending was so ominous I’m not sure if we should be worried for him or not. 😂

Palmer Evans

Can someone please remind me why he’d get levels from this? Seems like it’s from his bloodline - would the reasoning be that he gets experience from being heretical?


I know he was in the positive but I’ve actually wondered about that, since Jake has twice now claimed part of the blessing, and Villy said that made it so he could give out fewer blessings. So I’m sure if there is a greater “debt” now, or if there was but Jake’s achievements have already outpaced that debt


I think this was actually addressed early on in the series, but Villy saying that none of them can actually guarantee that they can kill each other. I’m not remembering the words exactly but I swear there was a part where he was explaining to Jake that they would pretty much be in a stalemate if they decided to fight

Paperback Hail6

However I don't understand the part about him not having power. Personal power sure but Eversmile proved words are powerful. Just a casual "Hey smile how you doing?" Out loud would be hilarious and ruin everything for him if he is required to hide for it. That sounds like power to me?


heretical actions, as far as i remember jake has never actually taken any skills from his profession that enable him to be more heretical outside of the one that lets him look into villy’s past, which is heavily specific to just the Viper. Ergo, the only other way jake gets “points” for being a heretic is heretical actions toward gods, which he’s doing in spades since appearing in this room. simply not being cowered by numerous primordials, let alone however many gods in the room as a c-grade is insane in the eyes of this fictional world

Paperback Hail6

By the time he leaves the room I if his profession doesn't match his class I'll be shocked.


When I’m re-reading this later when the whole arc is done I’m gonna be hyped that there are this many chapters in this mini arc, even if right now it’s a cliff day by day

Paperback Hail6

Technically that statement would be 100% true. He didn't appear in that room on his own "merit." He appeared because valdamer bugged the wormgod till he gave in and invited Jake.

Paperback Hail6

The only way this mini-arc wouldn't be a cliff one way or another is if zog wrote like a 25,000 word chapter and that is unreasonable. I have read from authors that cut chapters at 1k-1.1k no matter if it is good or bad spot to cut the chapter. Honestly I much prefer the exciting cliffs they make sure you don't forget the series.

Luke Scheffe

His aura shouldn’t be enough for them to even feel him resisting at this point. For him to be able to affect them is incredibly impressive.

Luke Scheffe

To be fair, it would be really bad for all of them if one was killed. Currently, none have died, so they have a sort of myth of invulnerability about them. Not only does nobody try to kill them, anybody who tries has to overcome the records of everyone considering them unkillable. Once one dies, people start believing that it’s possible, and suddenly they have to deal with a bunch of people trying to kill them.

Brandon Dorrough

It's in his profession as a heretic. Any actions that goes against God's or their beliefs is experience points. One example is how he talked to Carmen and will about vlad and ever smile. He gained levels on both conversations


dunno if you particularly care but valdemar saying “well from my point of view” just seems like an unnatural way to talk

Klown Keidra

Really, all that would do is mess up Vipers plan, where he has already told Jake that Eversmile is a part of it. Eversmile knows this, and hopefully Jake also knows this.


It was that they were all so strong that none of them could stop the other from escaping to their divine realm which would make the person strong enough to kill all of the primordials working together.


So, of all the times for Jake to show off his bloodline powers, this was the BEST time for it. Remember, he's the Chosen of one Primordial, and another Primordial just tried to entice him into Valhal. Valdemar getting his Aura rebuffed is actually going to make him want Jake MORE and will laugh off the faux paux (sp?). All of these god's avatars are in the seat of power of ANOTHER Primordial who ain't no dummy and had already probably suspected as much. Yeah, sure the Blightfather and the Holy Mother are probably going to take offense, but right NOW Jake has probably FOUR Primordials that have his back because right now Eversmile now has a whole new avenue of Karmic data to collect. Jake is a unique experiment to Eversmile and you protect the golden goose that is dropping all of these Karmic bombs like they are free candy. Just having Valdemar and Villy by themselves as Primordial backup would be enough for both the Blightfather and Holy Mother to back off, 'cause who wants to start something over a lowly C-grade who could get unalived anytime between now and Godhood? Heck, the Blightfather could actually see that as an opportunity... My long-winded thoughts, anyway...


Primordials aren't exactly stuck, they can advance, Hence why Villy is behind all of the other Primordials in power because he took off 80+ eras. Also, Villy gained levels from Jake creating the Vesperant hive queen. Now, is there a Super-duper Primordial Godking/Godqueen level that they are ALL trying to get to and haven't? Who knows?

Darnell Maxwell

Here's what your misunderstanding. Like most litrpg protags, Jake is social awkward and doesn't like lots of attention. That's why he tried to keep his bloodline and status a secret when he joined the order. A Bloodline that helps you resist presences is neat. One that helps others as well is a strategic resource. One that can unearth lost races is extremely impressive. One that can do all that at just C Grad and make you even stand tall in a room full of Primordials! That's monumental and will attract the attention of every force in the Multiverse. This wasn't a stupid decision because it might offend the Blightfather and Holy Mother. This is a stupid decision because Jake keeps showcasing how unique and powerful ilhis bloodline is. Which will continually paint a larger and larger target on his back. Which will lead to him either getting killed or starting a war as people fight to claim it. There is a reason one of the rules in the multiverse is a ban on farming people for their bloodlines. The only way Jake could make things worse is if he talked about how he beat Valdemar. Or let it slip that he has a skill allowing to see the unfiltered past of any god he wants so long as it helps him upgrade a skill. Especially now that it doesn't have to be limited to Villy's skills and experience. I'm 90% sure that if the Holy Mother found out about that skill, she'd have Jake killed within the year. Even if it means going to war with Villy. You don't develop a transcendent skill that transforms the souls of everyone that follows you and lets them live out the rest of their lifespan on the first try.

James Lucas

Yep, I definitely should not have done that... Definitely the story of Jake lol

Bobby B

Called it! Eversmile knowing Jake sees him but Jake not revealing him. Another great chapter! P.S. Artemis…”Oh my♥️”


I'm glad Neverfrown puts Jake in his place for being cheeky then he goes and does that.


The aurizz is too strong

Josh Cothran

Prolly gained Heretic Levels from fucking around and almost finding out from Everslime too


That went about as well as it could, Vilastromoz thought, -> are you really really sure ?

Hunter Thornton

My thoughts exactly. Actually my buddy who got me into this agreed with. The only thing that would make it better is if she said “Hello. You have reached 1-800-Miranda. How may we help you today?


This chapter is so much fun! Only thing that would make it better would be a "next" button... 😅

Michael Fannon

He is likely being fed what to say from his wife. Of course it should sound unnatural.

Daniel Hamilton

Jake is sending out pretty strong don’t mess my woman vibes… love it.


W bf lmao