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”Based on current estimates, Haven should enter the Treasure Hunt with eight to ten D-grades. Neil and his party make five, then, of course, you, Phillip, and myself. I have no idea if Arnold will participate, and Phillip can’t get a straight answer from him either. I guess even he doesn’t know,” Miranda said, giving Jake an overview of how many they planned on bringing to the Treasure Hunt.

There were a few other potential prospects, hence the eight to ten, but it was rocky at best. If they could bring the hawks, it would be great, but sadly the system didn’t allow them to. Thinking about it, if beasts could enter, humanity would just be screwed. Jake was certain beasts existed within the forest that he couldn’t handle. And even if he could, he doubted there were more than a dozen on Earth who stood a chance. Something like the Prima could roll over most of Earth’s “elites.”

“Arnold isn’t simple at all. I reckon all those drones aren’t for show, and he has quite a few tricks up his sleeves. The dude is a damn solid craftsman, and he isn’t afraid of taking risks. He even made my new gloves for the most part and is working on my sword,” Jake explained.

“Yeah, he’s most certainly… wait a second,” Miranda said as she put up a finger. Her frown grew for every passing second until she looked back at Jake.

“The Fort just had visitors. A group of five D-grades. Lillian sent a message, and they may need assistance,” she explained. “There aren’t any issues yet, and while Neil and Arnold are there, Phillip is not feeling too safe about it. They haven’t engaged yet, and they are stopped in some vehicle outside of the city. Phillip is approaching.”

Jake frowned. He had just come from the Fort, and now they were visited by a bunch of D-grades. “Well, let’s go,” he said as he got up. Sylphie also got up with them, and Jake saw no reason against allowing her to come along. Besides, he doubted he could stop her from just following them in secret.


Outside the Fort, a levitating ship sat docked as a man on the deck was drinking tea. The four women also stood tentatively off to the side as they waited. Finally, a person came to the ship not long after and was invited up.

It was Phillip, and to be perfectly honest, he hated his job at that moment. He was sweating a bit at the auras of five goddamn D-grades. It was worse than when he went to visit Arnold and just damn stressful to deal with them as he didn’t know their purpose. For all he knew, they could be there to kill him and claim the city. At least he had already gotten the message that Lord Thayne and Miranda were on their way. So all he needed to do was buy time and hopefully not piss off whoever was on the ship.

Getting up on the ship, he truly saw how lavish it was. The entire ship was wooden with jeweled decorations. In the middle sat the man Phillip assumed to be the owner of the ship. He was a man who appeared to be in his late thirties to late forties and in what looked like a nice gray tuxedo from before the system. The man looked at Phillip as he got up on the deck and opened his arms in welcome.

“Come, join me at the table. Oh, and do tell me, this is Haven, is it not?”

His tone was friendly and welcoming. He turned to one of the women to the side: “If you would, dear.”

She moved over and prepared a cup of tea as Phillip took a seat. He knew he was utterly outmatched, so it was better to just play nice. It was a bit weird to have a D-grade pour tea for him, though.

“Thank you,” the man said as he nodded to her again. She took a step back, giving them some space. Yet, she was still close enough to move in if anything happened. Phillip had a hard time getting a read on the situation. It was very clear that the man was in charge, though.

“I guess this is technically Haven,” Phillip answered. “I’m Phillip, the man who tends to take care of this part of the settlement. May I know your name and your purpose for coming?”

The man looked at Phillip, and he felt a shiver run down his back.

“I go by Sultan. I am a merchant, and I have come here not to speak with you but the leader of Haven,” the man named Sultan answered.

“So you’re here just t-“

“Phillip, please,” Sultan answered, holding up his hand. “Drink your tea and wait with me. The important details are for Mr. Thayne and me to discuss. He is coming here, no doubt? I sense your impatience. There is no need; I do not come to cause trouble.”

Phillip opened his mouth but decided not to say anything. Instead, he just sat back and tried to relax. To be polite, he even took a sip of tea.

He hated to admit that it was exquisite.


Floating ship. Now that was fancy.

Jake got a brief briefing from Miranda about what was going on and headed off first by himself. Miranda and Sylphie would follow, but they were quite a bit slower than him. For the record, Sylphie was faster than Miranda but was still slow compared to someone like Jake or Hawkie. Over long distances, Jake would leave even Hawkie in the dust due to One Step Mile.

When he got close, he once more took to the air to see where his goal was. It didn’t take long as there was already beginning to be a lot of intrigue around the area. Jake even saw a few drones checking it out. The ship wasn’t exactly small either, so spotting it wasn’t difficult.

He began flying over, and halfway he was noticed. A woman on the deck looked in his direction and made the man who was sipping tea with Phillip aware they had a visitor. A dozen seconds later, Jake landed.

“Welcome,” the man said with a bow as he stood up. “You must be the Lord of Haven. Lord Thayne, correct?”

“Sure. Who’re you, and who are they?” Jake answered back as he walked towards the man, also motioning towards the man’s companions. He felt the four women tense up, but the man threw them all a glance, making them back down. Jake also took this chance to Identify all of them as he waited for the man to respond.

[Human – lvl 113]

“I am Sultan, a proud merchant, and these are my bodyguards of sorts. It’s a long story,” Sultan said with a smile as he waved it off.

Jake was a bit surprised at his level. 113 was not simple. Not at all. It likely meant that both his class and profession were up there. The four women, on the other hand, were a bit easier to get a grasp on.

[Human – lvl 101]

[Human – lvl 101]

[Human – lvl 100]

[Human – lvl 102]

All of them had only barely reached D-grade. Jake also got a distinct feeling none of them had achieved the Perfect Evolution. Meanwhile, he was absolutely certain Sultan had.

“A merchant, eh? So you’re here to peddle your stuff? Quite the unnecessary entrance for that,” Jake pointed out, shaking his head.

“Ah, quite the contrary. Now, all know that Sultan is here. Do you not see the crowd gather? The fascination of the masses? Alas, I am not here for them, but you,” Sultan stated, walked closer to Jake.

“Why?” Jake just asked, looking down at the man who met his gaze. They stared into each other’s eyes before Sultan looked away as he spoke.

“Truly, I have not gone wrong… I come to offer my services to you. I seek trade as much as I seek valuable relations. And who is more valuable than you,” he said, turning back to Jake. “A Primordial’s Chosen. Progenitor. Possibly the strongest man on Earth. For someone like me, who seeks out all of that which has value, tell me, what is more valuable than you?”

Jake stared at the man. He frowned before saying: “Phillip. Get out of here.”

Phillip looked confused at everything that was happening but didn’t have to be asked twice to leave. He had just been sitting there awkwardly from the beginning, and now he happily jumped down from the ship with a brief nod.

Sultan, without any prompt, waved his hand as a disc of metal appeared in his hand. He poured some mana in, and a bubble appeared around the entire ship, isolating Jake, Sultan, and the four women inside. Jake felt that it was a one-way barrier. As in, he could leave, but nobody could enter - a basic privacy barrier.

“So I’m right,” Sultan said, a huge smile on his lips.

That is when Jake realized. The man didn’t actually know about Jake. At least he didn’t know it was truly him. But the reaction to his question confirmed it to Sultan, making Jake frown. He wanted to ask how he knew, but Sultan answered without being asked.

“Like many others, I have been granted divine patronage. The gods chat, you know? They are aware that the Malefic Viper has returned, and there are even rumors he has a Chosen. One who is a Progenitor and from the newly integrated universe. One who is even on a planet with an Augur blessed by the Holy Mother. This naturally makes many wonder if some conflict could potentially arise from that. It just took putting two and two together from there,” Sultan explained casually.

“Good for you,” Jake said. He didn’t really care that he knew. It wasn’t some grand secret that he was blessed or a Progenitor. It really shouldn’t be that hard to put things together. There was one thing bothering him, though.

“I didn’t see you at the World Congress.”

“Because I didn’t attend. I was preoccupied at the time. Besides, I prefer to stay unbound. Ah, but that doesn’t mean I am not open to a partnership. I have many things to offer you, and I am sure you have plenty to offer me too,” Sultan said as he went over to the table and sat down, adding: “Please. Join me for tea.”

The man waved at one of the women, and she went into the small cabin of the ship. To prepare a new pot of tea, Jake reckoned. He saw no reason not to join him as his dinner had been interrupted anyway.

“You call yourself a merchant. What wares do you sell?” Jake asked as he sat down.

“Whatever valuables I come across. Herbs, ores, weapons, armor, whatever I believe I can make a substantial profit on, I will peddle. Please, you are more than welcome to browse later on. I am sure there are things that may interest you,” Sultan answered.

“I guess I’ll see,” Jake said, before just asking a question many likely wouldn’t answer: “How did you reach your current level so fast? D-grades aren’t that common yet, and you waltz in here with a party of five.”

“A lack of rest and a willingness to do what I deem necessary. I got a good start as I went through the usual cycle. Lucky challenge dungeon in the tutorial got me a powerful class while my own old-world experience proved useful when it came to my profession,” Sultan explained patiently.

As he finished, the door to the cabin opened again, and a woman walked out with a tray. It had two teapots on it and two new cups. Jake instantly felt something was off with the teapots. He felt the herbs within, but in one of them, he also felt something else. Poison. Jake frowned, but before he could say anything, Sultan addressed it.

“Please do not think me a moron. To attempt to poison the Chosen of the Malefic Viper sounds like the stupidest and most pointless thing one can do. I had my dear bodyguard here add some poison to it as I know those of your particular brand of alchemy tend to enjoy that. You are an alchemist, right? I saw the potions on the System Store and determined they had to be from an alchemist way ahead of the curve,” Sultan said with a small laugh.

That… was honestly reasonable. Palate wasn’t some grand secret but likely the most famous skill related to the Malefic Viper.

The woman poured from the poisoned pot into Jake’s glass and took the other teapot to pour into the other new cup. But Sultan stopped her.

“No, dear, just use my current cup. That one is for you,” he said with a kind smile, referring to the second clean cup.

For a moment, Jake thought it was just a nice gesture to have her join them, but he saw her face pale a little, even if her facial expression barely changed. After she was done pouring Sultan’s tea, he motioned for her to pour for herself too – from the poisoned pot.

With slight hesitation, but no complaints, she did it. Jake wondered what it was about… did she have some immunity skill too? He was under the impressions skills like Palate were rare…

“Now, let us drink,” Sultan said as he raised his cup. Jake did the same and took a sip. Damn. The tea was seriously delicious, and the poison within was also interesting. It was undetectable to anyone but someone like him with a skill specifically to sense it, and it was damn potent. About as potent as his best common-rarity poisons even. It did come with the requirement of the target having to consume it without resisting for the effect of the poison to take hold and activate. This type, compared to his poisons, was far more suited for… assassination. Wait.

The woman who had consumed her entire cup of tea in one gulp began sweating and shaking. Jake looked over to see her collapse to one knee as she began coughing out blood and dark veins appeared on her face. Tears of blood began dripping out of her eyes as she heaved for breath and appeared to be in immense pain.

What the fuck is going on? Jake very reasonably asked himself.

“Don’t worry, it won’t kill her, just hurt her a little,” Sultan explained nonchalantly, looking over at Jake. “I would prefer to talk about the upcoming Treasure Hunt and about me possibly working with someone to access your System Store, but I reckon you have questions?”

“What’s up with that?” Jake asked, referring to the woman. He was seriously considering if he should hand for a healing potion… but… she had willingly consumed the poison?

“As I said, a long story. But I shall give a bit of background,” Sultan said with a bit of resignation as he began his lengthy explanation. “She went by Gabi and was a talented young alchemist and healer. A nature healer, even. She was powerful for her level and excelled in all areas; thus, her level skyrocketed. Gabi went to Sanctdomo after the tutorials, and there she signed up at their party-finding offices and found comrades. She did great and kept progressing, yet she had a peculiar issue. Her parties kept dying. Odd coincidence, was it not? So thought others. She was found to slowly poison her party members and then kill them when they got too weak. Her class and profession ended up both revolving around this. She thought herself clever but did not know she was already under suspicion. In the end, she was found out and put in prison in Sanctdomo. But… Gabi was too valuable. Sanctdomo does not like killing those who have potential; she was only punished because she caused more harm than good. She was made to simply work as an alchemist in perpetuity to create potions. That is when I came along and offered a deal. I needed another bodyguard, and they needed rid of her. So, they sold her as a prisoner of war of sorts. And now… now she serves me and is bound to my will till the day she deserves freedom again.”

Jake sat there taking it in, not entirely sure if the man was spewing bullshit or telling the truth. There was one part of it he was rather sure about, though.

“So, she’s a slave?” Jake asked curtly.

“Not the word I would use, but effectively, yes. That is her punishment for her crimes. It was either death or servitude. I believe she has more worth alive than dead,” Sultan answered.

“And the three others?”

“All have similar stories. They are the scum of this new world who deserve no mercy,” Sultan stated, his demeanor still unchanged.

“And they all just happen to be women?” Jake asked, pointing out the obvious.

“Well, yes. Ah, but don’t misunderstand, that is not a fetish of mine. I prefer a willing participant. I am a merchant; I could just pay for a professional in any of the larger cities if that is what I was after. No, I keep them around solely for my own sense of vanity and childish fantasies while naturally also needing powerful bodyguards,” Sultan said without a trace of shame.

“The torture?”

“Ah, that one is easy. I am a narcissistic sadist who enjoys inflicting suffering upon those I believe deserve it, and I find it incredibly entertaining and ironic to torture them in similar ways to their crimes,” the merchant answered with a big laugh before turning serious. “There is no reason to pity those undeserving of mercy.”

The woman named Gabi was still cramped over on the floor, moaning in pain and coughing out blood throughout this entire conversation - the other three women just looking down at the deck.



...Well then. That’s a more complicated moral situation than I imagined. I sorta suspect Jake is still going to end up killing this guy... but maybe that’s just wishful thinking, because I definitely hate him.

Patrick Schuldt

Man, what a shitty Situation. If we apply our current moral values he is not that better than the girls. But I think Jake can understand this and will work with this dude.

Tomer Yud

Wondering if Jake will suprise us and not kill this dude


as long as they're not random people he just picked from the road, and that he's not training the girl like a poodle, and a fuck hole. I give zero fucks. the idea of grabbing someone dignified and turning them into a sex dog is gross and a bit infuriating as well.


All of this is not as simple as it seems and this is good. Too simple things are boring, this is clearly not and i can't wait to see how tings will progress from there...

Alec Griffith

You said intelligence allows people to process things faster but he’s not particularly fast when his intelligence is stupid high. Problem with high stats is you need the people to reflect them, big reason why people keep stats low in most novels. He can’t see through pretty obvious schemes maybe it’s because he’s still Naieve I guess


Assuming this dude isn't blowing smoke, I don't really see any issues with this development.


If this man isn't full of bullshit, and the woman thing is just coincidence, then this man is cool as fuck. Who outs themselves as being a self lover who loves torturing people?


huh... still a bit creepy. but different strokes for different folks I guess


I ... Kinda like him.

Derick Coiler

Hmmm Jakes reaction to this is going to very telling … Will he attempt to speak up on ‘injustices’ Will he not react in the moment but plan later? Will he contact Villy? Will he be unruffled by it? So looking forward to which way you aim this for Jakes character growth! Thanks for the chapter


I think it will come down to if he actually rapes them if Jake kills him.


The problem is that he isn't doing anything wrong. He isn't a bad guy. These are death row criminals. Mass murderers, if he is to be believed. What is so wrong with doing to them as you please since they have chosen to live a slave rather than die with dignity?


Ugh. I mean, I'm on board for some version of prison labor rather than execution, but handing them over to a self-proclaimed narcissistic sadist seems like a very sketchy way of going about it.


I hope this is simply a side story or an interlude. Just kill him already.


I love when you do this and make people get all moral in the comments lol. Also....preoccupied at the same --> preoccupied at the time


After reading everyone else’s comments, just kill him already, there are simply some people society has no need for. They are for lack of a better term cannibals, they kill or damage to destruction their own.


It would seem really out of character for Jake to believe anything this person says.


The explanation is very consistent with the story - and in this new world, it makes sense. Sultan is living life the way he wants to, and is powerful enough to do so, until he runs into someone who disagrees and has the power and will to kill him over it.


Wtf is happening? This dude is weard as fuck. And that way of dealing with prisoners ist just as fucked up. If Jake isn't killing or beating him in the next chapter and steals all his stuff and the fancy ship I'm gonna explode. In what world is it okay to sell of the prisoners to a narcissistic maniac?? He shoud seriously ask the aurur what the fuck he was thinking. Kill that guy he is worse than William.


The biggest questions in my mind are what (if anything) did Sultan do to Phillip, does Jake know what he did to Phillip, and why did Jake send Phillip away? If Sultan is telling the truth about the women (a big "if" in my mind, since finding 4 D-grade women already having committed crimes worthy of slavery and torture seems unlikely), then Jake might be able to let Sultan leave (he could never let him stay because Jake is strongly opposed to slavery). But if Sultan used mind powers on Phillip (one of Jake's people, in Jake's territory), then Jake cannot let it go. Even if Phillip is not seriously harmed, that still constitutes an attack, and not something Jake can easily forgive.


Jacob probably sent them over for Jake and Miranda to deal with,


It's actually very easy. Treat people like you woud like to be treated. You don't need a moral standard for that.


Lol, if you think it's okay to sell of prisoners to narcissistic maniacs to be their (sex) slaves you are just fucked up man. Sorry but what if your sister did something terrible? Does she will. be sold to a narcissistic dude who fucks her for his amusement?

Jeremy Patrick

Lol this guy has confidence if nothing else. Jakes gunna smack him around here pretty soon tho.


Lots of fucked people in these comments, big fans of sex slaves and capital punishment. You fucks probably love cops too.


There is no evidence yet that the women are "sex slaves", although it is possible Sultan is lying. As for capital punishment, I do not see how that can be avoided in the sort of world we are looking at. If the woman truly did what Sultan says, then humanely executing her is probably the best thing that can reasonably happen.


This could easily lead to more slavery in the future. That’s how most societies start enslaving people. They start off, only enslaving war criminals, and then move towards petty criminals and than to innocents.


If Jake wants a world without slavery it‘s up to him to set an example and kill that bastard. Otherwise he implicitly condones it as the de facto leader of Earth.


Are bad things done to bad people bad? Overall, yes.

Robert Downing

I mean Jake’s current best friend (Villy) is about the same tier honestly. This guy just isn’t as powerful, or likable (yet)


@Zogarth: Color me impressed! Last chap. I nearly whined about stereotype evil guys, and now you did this. Love it, I really do, and I look forward to Jake's reaction to it.

Tristan A

how is he supposed to handle the women though? Assuming they actually did commit those crimes then Jake would either need to build a prison that could hold them or kill them. There just isn't any system set in place for this kind of thing, or the logistics to even create a prison and law system beyond frontier justice. And Sultan enslavery of them isn't explicitly wrong beyond his treatment of them. If Jake decides to kill him then it needs to be for the treatment not the slavery. As even in our current system of legal justice (at least in the US) having prisoners work isn't considered wrong as long as their treatment isn't unusual.


But he also doesn't really have a reason to care. It's not like Donald who came to fight Haven and prey on the weak. You don't get to be one of the few D-grades by doing that. Also you don't need trust to do business. And his story is easily confirmed if they contact Sanctdomo.


Holy shit, all of you fucks agreeing that the Sultan is 'cool' or 'metal' or anywhere even close to being right, are absolute psychos. WTF is wrong with you people? The punishment for mass murder in a society that is not set up to be able to imprison and rehabilitate people should be a swift, humane death. Not fucking slavery. Its crazy to me how many of you fucks are just accepting this guys story and saying hes in the right. I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind.


Holy Poo, I love this development. I'm glad he's not completely crazy but I am also glad he's doesn't fit in with the pre-system morals. As I had hoped, Jake is now having to deal with a situation that make him come face to face with his pre-system biases and this will set the undertone for some of his actions for the rest of the story. Prediction time! I honestly think that Jake will feel like it doesn't have anything to do with him. While he doesn't personally condone slavery, trying to fight/kill/change everyone that does is antithetical to his goals. Jake has zero interest in ruling earth so it would be silly to attempt to make all of earth follow his own ideals. At the very most I can see Jake deciding to outlaw slavery in Haven and then deciding to not associate with the Sultan by asking him to leave. But personally, I hope that he forms a begrudging relationship with Sultan as he seems like a sketchy gray area merchant that always has the best stuff but you never wanna ask how he got it. No matter what happens I just hope I am surprised! Cant wait for the next chapter!


me too Miranda not so much as she would probably be the one to deal with him in the future xD


Slavery and torture aren't a 'sketchy gray area' you sick fuck. Those things are clearly straight in the dark black part of the moral color wheel


Jacob probably doesn't know about what some small official in his city decided would be "a good idea" (assuming Sultan is not outright lying through his teeth). I doubt he has signed off on this, since you know, he could probably find a better way than "slave to a shady af guy" scenario.


I feel if Jake doesn't feel good with it. He can just ban it or kill the guy. Morals and other shit don't fucking matter. This is Jakes territory and what makes him feel good is law. Unless you can take his territory which this weakling obviously can't.

Balsamic ThunderThighs

It's going to be interesting when Jake goes to Vinny's home turf where slavery is said to be a bit more prevalent. Now let's see how Jake handles this one.


I was thinking about that. On the odd chance Jake actually decided to be totally against slavery I have a feeling that Villy would tell Jake that if he wants him to stop allowing slavery to get strong enough to make him. haha


In China and other countries active full blown slavery still exists. Though I don't find your point wrong extending someone's punishment to milk work out of them is reprehensible why I don't like the current vp she even laughed about doing mj when she put more than a few away as well as covered evidence to keep her free fire fighting service going


Ok, this is weird; he's sickening, but I don't know what Jake should do here; how do you deal with someone who enslaves and tortured serial killers? He's bad, I feel bad for the women, but does he deserve death for torturing serial killers?


First of all, if you believe any kind of death is 'humane' you're honestly delusional; death is final, there's nothing humane about it. The death penalty is almost always a question of profit vs. upkeep, and to give the people who might've experienced loss or pain -because of the actions of the perpetrator- some form of closure/feeling of justice being fulfilled. Or in some cases plain old revenge and elation from seeing someone 'evil' disappearing from our world. Secondly, don't try to project your idea of morals onto others and using swear words, while trying to 'shame' people for having a different view than you. It just paints a bad picture. If we use USA as an example: Like Zogarth said, USA uses legal slavery -and has done so for longer than any of us has been alive for-, and while it can be debated about the morality of it all; especially when it comes to petty crimes, the fact of the matter is, that they are actually payed for the work they do while serving their sentences. Yes it's a ridiculously low salary, but it is STILL a payment, hence it being legal. Now.. while the act of slavery is disgusting, there is a case to be made for the good that it does for a society like the US. It keeps dangerous people off the street, while also helping making the society run. It essentially saves lives, and raises living standards for millions of people. I personally believe you have to weigh that when talking about morality -in this case anyhow. With regards to Sultan torturing them, that is imo the worst part of his character, but at the same time, he is literally the kind of person that Villy wants as a follower, or rather; he is a living embodiment of what Villys whole religion advocates. Not to mention Jake is imo MUCH worse when it comes to morality. He has killed hundreds most likely thousands of living beings, a gigantic percentage of them being sentient thinking beings. Only for his own amusement -just like Sultan- and to become stronger. If it was purely for survival, then it could be condoned somewhat, but it isn't. He literally kills for the thrills, like a serial killer would, and it is especially hypocritical when you take the fact that he sees Sylphie, Hawkie, & Mystie as friends/loved ones, when he has killed so many beings, all of which could've ended up being his 'friends' too. Not to mention the whole part about the dungeon troll vs domination/possible enslavement to take them with him when he was gonna leave.


Let's not try and play slavery off as morally grey, it's fucking gross. Everyone in the comments trying to justify it, what the fuck?


Yes? First off, we don't even know that what he said was true. They could just be random women. Second off, even if everything he says was true, that does not give you the right to enslave and torture people. Especially in this fictional world, enslavement is permanent. There is no escape, no revenge, nothing you can personally do to become free again. That makes it even worse than in the real world, where it is always morally correct to kill someone who enslaves others.

Silver Beard

It's fiction; and it obviously sells and pays well so to those who are against it- drop him. Don't read anymore. Simple. I imagine I had a similar reaction to all the smut going around, erotica, etc... I dropped them. To each their own.


Okay, I’ll admit he wasn’t as bad as I thought.


Bruh if I drop something every time my favorite author makes a single decision I disagree with morally or otherwise, I would have nothing to read. No one is the perfect ideal of another person and everyone has bad takes. Instead, you can comment disagreement to show how you feel about this moment and let the author know and continue with your day. I personally don’t have much of an opinion on this chapter besides I would prefer if prisoners can be imprisoned, rehabilitated, or death penalty.


You people are ... a special kind of breed. In a fictional multiverse with a system that is designed to create murder hobos, you want to claim the moral high ground.

Luke Pyle

Not gonna lie I can see why your not reading comments on RR Zogarth. When this chapter hits it is going to be a shit show in the comments section.

Luke Pyle

Also I think a lot of people are getting heated for no reason, this is a story. None of it is real, nor is it advocating for you to do the morally wrong acts that are depicted. We don't even know how Jake is going to react to the Sultan so no need to blow up on it. What I can say is that this is a well thought out character because it has caused quite a lot of debate in the comments section. Having multi-dimensional characters always leads to better story lines.


Depends on the reason for prison. If what he said is true that girl not only killed innocents but also her comrades who trusted her with there lives. That is a special kind of bond and takes a special kind of evil to break it like that.


This Sultan guy is… interesting to say the least.


Where can i find the side Storys?


The Sultan is a ticking time bomb. The moment he dies there will be 4+ sociopaths that have been twisted further by torture unleashed like a plague.


You got to kill him first and with his items and current guards that's very unlikely and in the future if it does happen the girls will probably be killed too and his contract might even kill them if he dies

Blake Richardson

Thanks for the chapter! He is definitely a unique character. I like him.

Muntu Omnyama

Anyone else missing chapter 263?