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Jake had never used his Jake Juice on a skill before. In fact, he wasn’t even entirely sure how to do it. So far, he had only really used it for two things. The first one was naturally amplifying Primeval Origins within existing items, making them incredibly valuable and unique treasures. He had even done it to some of his arcane mana for a very interesting result.

The thing is, using it on anything external was very different from using it on a specific part of himself, such as a skill. In fact, using it on himself was still something Jake had never truly done.

To say he had used the Origin Energy or Jake Juice on himself during fight fight with Valdemar wasn’t entirely accurate, either. It was more correct to say he had used it on his Bloodline, and while Jake and his Bloodline were intrinsically intertwined, there was still a big difference.

Origin Energy came from Jake’s Bloodline in the first place, so it was only to be expected it was capable of handling the energy. Moreover, Jake didn’t have to think about applying it to his Bloodline. It wasn’t a conscious action made with intent… it was pure instinct. Jake viewed it as fully awakening his survival instinct, choosing fight over anything else.

All of this is to say Jake had to figure out how to use his Origin Energy on a skill before he could get further, and even then, he had no idea what the result would be. He was also very skeptical if it would even work, but he hoped that with Palate of all skills, it would have some kind of positive effect.

Palate was all about absorbing stuff, after all. Jake reckoned it had built-in concepts and Records related to consuming and integrating energy, and hopefully, Origin Energy would be something it could gulp up for a big upgrade. If not, something else interesting was bound to happen, right?

As for what aspects Jake wanted to upgrade… he wasn’t sure either, and in all honesty, he wasn’t under the delusion he could actually control what would happen. When Jake used Origin Energy, he never controlled it. He simply let it be the impetus of change, allowing something to return to its Origin.

Using it on Palate should allow it to at least transform into something closer to its Origin, right? Jake asked himself, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought he was onto something. Maybe Villy could even somehow interfere and give a hand like he’d done when Jake consumed the drop of blood. He was the Origin of his own skill, after all.

With a bit more confidence, Jake sat down within his own Soulspace and observed the separate space where the Palate stomach was currently being made desolate by the Planetary Core. He considered if he could just try and pour Origin Energy into the stomach, but that felt wrong. It would also be odd if the way to apply this unique energy worked only on Palate. No, Jake would need some universal method, and as he thought about it, he quickly formed some kind of idea.

Eternal Shadow had a visual representation in the form of the shadowy version of himself Eternal Hunger had taken on after fully merging with Sim-Jake. Jake could also manifest his actual skills within his Soulspace, so Jake wondered… couldn’t he create some kind of symbol representing a skill in there?

The Soulspace was all metaphysical and metaphorical nonsense in the first place with what form objects and other things took in there. Usually, it was mostly empty, with Jake’s being a bit weird as he had eaten some stuff that he chose to house in his soul – something that seriously wasn’t recommended – but he still didn’t see why one couldn’t create some physical manifestation of a skill, same as Jake could manifest his own body in there.

These manifestations would just be representations of Records. A mental connection with the skills of sorts.

Jake thought about how he would go about this as he considered his skills for a moment. What was the simplest skill to really represent? Without even thinking much, one instantly sprung to mind, and willfully, Jake manifested it… yeah, he was honestly a bit surprised it worked.

Within the Soulspace, another person appeared. A large, muscular, and shirtless man, covered in blood and wounds, wielding an axe made from the fang of a dragon, stood there with a bit grin a moment later, seemingly a frame frozen in time. It was naturally an image of Valdemar from the vision of when he’d beaten the living hell out of Villy back in the day.

This was the first thing that sprung to mind. Perhaps it was because of Jake’s recent plot where he used the skill to fool others, but the Valdemar from Path of the Heretic-Chosen’s vision was also such a vivid memory burned into his mind. If he thought about Fangs of Man, no other representation could do it justice.

It also felt right. Like the image in front of Jake truly did contain Records of the skill. Smiling to himself, he had to admit that perhaps he had overthought this entire thing about manifesting skills, as it did seem to come down to one simple question:

What was the first thing he thought of when thinking about a particular skill?

To confirm he was right, he tried with a few other examples, as he purposefully stopped thinking as much and just thoughtlessly summoned the first thing that sprung to mind, starting out with the easy ones. When he thought about his Arcane Arrows skill, an arrow that was constantly shifting between two forms appeared, looking as simple as the skill was. Arcane Powershot, Jake saw an image of himself in his usual draw-stance. Many of his skills were incredibly simple like this.

A few other skills were a bit odder, though. When Jake thought about One Step, Thousand Miles, he just summoned his old boots, perhaps because he had begun to associate those with the act of stepping down now. Meanwhile, a skill like Core Manipulation of the Primal Hunter ended up just showing him an image of Jake giving Vesperia head pats… followed by Arcane Curse Manifestation showing him the cursed figure of Temlat after his transformation.

There were a few other odd ones, but some also just didn’t work at all. In fact, the majority didn’t seem to work properly, perhaps because Jake just didn’t have any set mental image associated with them. At least not one strong enough for it to manifest with the current method Jake was using… a method that was really just him trying to forcibly be impulsive. So, chances were that nothing would appear if there wasn’t one singular powerful image that sprung to mind when he thought about a skill.

Some skills had kind of the opposite problem. Big Game Hunter didn’t show anything, but it wasn’t because he didn’t have any vidid images in mind. He simply had too many thoughts associated with the skill. When he actively tried, he managed to summon several different representations, such as one of him fighting the Badger Den Mother all the way back in the Tutorial or even his fight against the B-grade within Minaga’s Labyrinth Challenge Dungeon. All were valid representations of that skill and seemed to work.

Jake wasn’t really sure if what he was currently practicing was at all useful outside of being a fun thought exercise to anyone but himself and what he hoped to accomplish next. The implications if things did work out were huge, though… because if he could infuse his skills with Origin Energy and upgrade them like this, it would be incredible.

He summoned many mental images during this little practice session and quickly dispelled them all as he focused on a single skill: Palate of the Malefic Viper.

For this one, he had a clear mental image already. One that he wasn’t the proudest of when he saw it.

What appeared was a small black snake about to eat a blue glowing mushroom. It was from the vision Jake had seen from the mural back during the Tutorial before he had even gotten the skill himself.

To Jake, Palate was significantly associated with beginnings. It was the very first Legacy skill Jake had chosen from his profession all the way back at level 5 in the skill. Without a doubt, it was the most instrumental skill to Jake’s Path as an alchemist, and so had it been for the Viper all the way back when he began his Path. It had been what truly got him started, and the mushroom wasn’t without symbolism either, as Jake had eaten way too many of those little fuckers.

That was why, despite not being very proud of what he summoned – and how potentially heretical some people would even find it – he wasn’t surprised at it. Jake just smiled as he knew it was time to gamble.

He had already wasted more than enough time doing all his practice, and despite Eron clearly being fine with things dragging out, Jake didn’t want to risk potentially taking some permanent damage from the desolation or wasting too much of the core’s energy by being a slowpoke.

Jake sat down with his legs crossed in front of the small snake that was no longer than his own forearm. He focused as a small magic circle appeared beneath the snake and mushroom and Jake teleported himself and the image so the image appeared within the cocoon of scales he’d made earlier. Jake took a deep breath as the small snake and mushroom were nestled within, and he knew it was time. Holding out a hand, he reached deep within himself… and pulled.

The sound of a heartbeat echoed throughout the entire Soulspace, making everything shudder. Jake pulled again as a second heartbeat sounded out, and in his hand, a small string of energy reached out and went toward the small snake and mushroom.

With a final push and a third heartbeat more powerful than those prior, the string connected with the snake…

And at that moment, Jake knew:

This was not going to go according to plan.


Sometimes it was good with a holiday. Alright, it wasn’t as if Vilastromoz was actually taking time off and doing nothing, but he did at least have a break from Jake and all his shenanigans. A forced one, mind you, as the god would still have preferred keeping an avatar dedicated to enjoying the livestream of his Chosen messing about.

Alas, for now, he was cut off due to the system event and decided to just take this mental break in strides. On this particular day, he was having a meeting with one of the many people who had come not to seek out the Order of the Malefic Viper but the Primordial himself.

An elven man in a pristine light blue robe with shoulder-length hair sat with a casual smile as he seemed to enjoy the tea-like concoction he had been offered, admiring the liquid. “Quite an interesting combination. How long did the withering of the Timeless Winterback Lotus Leaves take? And what method did you use to avoid melting them?”

“It seems counterintuitive, but the best way to wither the leaves without melting them is using extreme heat, activating the innate survival instincts of the lotus, making it use up all its own energy to try and survive, thus withering away. You do need to get the environment and temperature just right, though, and I will admit it took quite a bit of trial and error,” Vilastromoz answered honestly. “Now, how goes the work on that odd crystalline cluster I heard you were working on?”

“Progress is slow and steady, but I do believe a demonstration will be possible should you choose to visit,” the elf answered.

“I might just have to stop by at some point,” Vilastromoz smiled before getting down to business. “We both know you didn’t just come here for pleasantries, though. What do you need?”

“As curt as ever, I guess some things never change no matter how many eras may pass,” the elf shook his head. “I am in need of a certain acid. I have all the ingredients, but the alchemists I have visited so far have looked full of despair before saying they could not do what I asked, while others outright called my commission impossible. Which is odd, considering you made me the same – albeit a less powerful – variant all the way back then.”

“What can I say? If you want the best, you come to the best. Show me what you need,” Vilastromoz said, holding out a hand as a crystal appeared in it. He quickly scanned the information in the crystal and nodded. “Yeah, I can see how this one can mess others up. It does look impossible at first look. Took me a while to make it possible back then.”

“I take it the expanded list of ingredients doesn’t pose an obstacle?”

“If you don’t count my increased commission cost as an obstacle, then no,” the snake god said in a teasing tone, knowing the elf wouldn’t care.

“Oh, It’ll be no problem. I’ll even help make the cores you want myself,” the elven man reassured the Viper. Something that was an actual reassurance.

Few – if any - in the multiverse could compare to the Autarch of the Altmar Empire when it came to magic engineering. It was often a discussion if he or Rigoria stood at the apex of magic engineering, which honestly was a useless endeavour as they both specialized in very different areas, even if they looked similar to an outsider.

With business concluded, they had some more time for recreational discussion as the two of them talked about some more unimportant issues until the Autarch brought up something that, while not interesting to Vilastromoz himself, did pertain to his Chosen… and a certain other Chosen.

“I was also informed through the grapevine by one of the noble family heads that your disciple has taken on a disciple of his own and even made her his Chosen?” the Autarch asked. “I wouldn’t have expected Duskleaf to do that, considering his disdain at people even suggesting it in the past. What’s more, I heard his disciple is a C-grade elf with an old connection to the Altmar Empire?”

“Not sure about the part where they have a connection to the Altmar Empire,” the Viper shook his head. “But yes, everything else is correct. Including the part where it’s weird that Duskleaf decided to take a Chosen.”

“Ah, I’m sorry, we simply looked into the clan of this… Meira, was it? From what we discovered, the clan she comes from was originally founded by an exiled member from a lesser noble house, so while the connection is minor, one does exist,” the Autarch insisted, Vilastromoz knowing what he was getting at.

“Without you even asking me, I’m sure the little elf will visit the Altmar Empire at some point,” the snake god said. “It isn’t really up to me, though. Mainly because I don’t care to get involved in any of that. If you want to convince anyone to accelerate the timeline of her visit, it’s either Duskleaf or my Chosen you should be talking to.”

“Oh yes, I nearly forgot. This elf was originally a slave of your Chosen, wasn’t she?” the Autarch said, no sense of animosity in his voice despite his hatred of people ever enslaving elves. Probably because, in the eyes of many, including his, becoming the slave of a Chosen didn’t even count but was viewed more as a fortuitous encounter.

“Yep, she was. And before you ask, dear Jake never wanted a slave of any kind. I just forced one on him as I thought it would be interesting and fun to put him in an awkward situation while also confronting him with a bit of how the multiverse worked, seeing as he’d just come here from his far too peaceful planet. He unsurprisingly didn’t like it and ended up freeing and uplifting her to where she is now. Not sure her becoming Duskleaf’s Chosen was ever in his plans, but I’m pretty sure he’s on board with it,” Vilastromoz said, remembering the good old times.

“I see… now, this may be a bit presumptuous to ask, but did their relationship evolve enough for her to potentially-“

“Nope, and if you hoped to recruit her to the Altmar Empire and potentially get a little bundle of Bloodline joy out of it, I wouldn’t count on that happening,” the Viper said, cutting off the elf and shaking his head. “In fact, I wouldn’t expect to-“

Just then, the Viper felt something. A faint echo, a memory awakening, and a connection formed that shouldn’t exist.

“What is it?” the Autarch asked, surprised. He looked like he had also faintly detected something amiss, an expert in reading the flow of Records and fate, but the elf wasn’t sure what he’d felt either.

Not that the snake god was either, as Vilastromoz frowned deeply as he did at least have a good idea of what had happened. “My Chosen just did something… something incredibly questionable.”



Thanks for the chapter



David W. Baijense

Yes. Jake the indubitably questionable individual.

Sam Brown

Aw yeah


Jake playing with his juice. TFTC


Oh my god! These are the chapters I live for 😁 Yes keep them on their toes Jake!


"Jake, what the fuck are you doing?" "I have no idea." "That's fair."




Can’t wait for the next bit, haha

Josh Beckman

I’ve never wanted a bonus chapter so bad lol


Peak. He’s cooking Peak.

Karim Saadi

Boy, do we love Jake doing questionable things. I'm getting out the popcorn.


The fact that stupid, reckless and questionable start to sound like synonyms for incredibly entertaining should be worrying, right?

Drake Harris

I neeeeeeedddd tomorrow's already😭😭😭🙏

Mohammed Sheekh

to be honest, if jake did this with valdemar being his patron god and he himself being the chosen too, with their race and records synergy, he would've gotten a lot more powerful than he is now. maybe valdemar knows a thing or two about what that void God said about jakes origins


Gods, it's the freakin "What have you got there?" "... A smoothy" meme 😂


"incredibly questionable" is a very good way to describe many of ol jakey boy's actions. And that's a good thing! More questionable choices!

DeAngelo Wilson

Ahhh, finally got my Villy fix— here’s to hoping we see him next chapter too!

Colton Horton

👀 well that happened

Kai Strohmeier

Probably, but Jake causing them is just way to funny that I can't bring myself to care😂

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter

Darshar Griffonmane

Villy: "Jake, where did you get the Primal muffin from?" Jake: "Muffin Button" villy: "There....there is no muffin button?" *Jake shrugs* Basically how Villy feels everytime Origin Energy gets used by Jake.

Jake Thorpe

I wonder if he not only upgrade his skill but also changed villys skill bringing the entire legacy closer to its origins and everyone who has pallet got there skill changed


A double cliff hanger . . . Nooo!!! 😆🤣😂😭

Nate Oppy



Might be the first time Villy actually smacks Jake around a bit.


Villy: Jake? Did.... Did you just put your Jake juice on my pallet?? Jake: Well.... only a little... for the first time at least....


Man tomorrow's chapter is gonna be good. I feel it.

Dominic Brauer

This feels like the primal origin of all Cliff hangers


You're cooking right now, Zogarth! Tftc

Jennifer Leigh

Edit: two fights and no the in the third paragraph. 'or Jake Juice on himself during fight fight with Valdemar'

Invictus Red

"during fight fight with Valdemar"


Zog don’t you freaking dare leave us on a cliffhanger there will be a riot


Adding Jake juice to the metaphysical representation of the origin of a skill. Is Jake about to buff the skill as it's owned by everyone who has it not just him? Is the entire order about to get the primeval pallete


He’s edging us to a blue ball cliff for the week, I can already feel it


If records are a massive relational database. He may have just edited a core record which soooo much is based on.


I wonder if that might influence Villy's Palate aswell: hear me out. We know "Origins" of things are before the First Universe, considering True Royals were kinds of eggs "in the beggining". So it probably means Villy didnt just develop Palate by himself, he must have base the skill on something. Considering Villy related skills comes to Jake with his connections as a Chosen, changing a skill this deeply rooted in Villy's Legacy could change some things too for him.

Ty Cooper

Oh the twist. A Tuesday cliffhanger. Man Zog today is going to drag by. Lol got me on the edge of my seat. I am guessing Jake didn't realize but he just used the Jake juice on Villy via the skill. Since he is affecting the the skills origin, it is affecting Villy. Possibly in the past even. Also love how Villy says he has a break from Jake and gets a Jake juice slap right when he let his guard down.

Stuart Thwaites

God (specifically Villy) damn it Jake! What are you up to now?

brian rowan

But wouldn't the origin just be villy, I wonder how it would be changed to be closer to villy

Ty Cooper

He was also visualizing Villy when he used Jake Juice. Might have used the link to slap villy with surprise upgrade and levels probably if Jake succeeded. Lol what am I talking about it's Jake. He will succeed just not in the intended way.

Ty Cooper

I am guessing only Villy would get a direct upgrade. It might make it so there is more to unlock for the rest of the Order. Just how Jake keeps unlocking parts of the skills as he progresses.

John Balman

TFTC... Villy ...what the heck do you do now Jake.


😂 Jake being Jake and “breaking system norms” again.


It’s been a while since we saw our boy Villy, great to see him again!

One Winged Angel

Jake: "Looky here! Got your Stomach!" Villy: "Im going to fucking hit you Jake...."

Andromeda Adams

I hope it works out and becomes even stronger than before. Maybe even figuring a way to make Villy stronger. TYFTC

Doggos R. Puppers

Villy, when isn't he doing something questionabld

Arieh Sochaczevski

Thanks for the chapter! “To say he had used the Origin Energy or Jake Juice on himself during fight fight with Valde” - not sure what was intended, but “fight fight” is probably an err. “ A large, muscular, and shirtless man, covered in blood and wounds, wielding an axe made from the fang of a dragon, stood there with a bit grin a moment later, seemingly a frame frozen in time.” - this is long and hard to grasp. It should be broken up into two sentences. “[…]all the way back at level 5 in the skill.” - I don’t think “skill” is the correct word. Dungeon, maybe? Tutorial?


Villy: “Inserting your records into the heart of someone else skill is not something I’d advise you doing again, Jake” Jake: “So I shouldn’t have used Jake Juice on Fangs of Man after using it on your Stomach?”

One Winged Angel

im not expecting Jake to usurp the palate skill, but i am expecting Jake to usurp HIS palate skill and screw with it, and Villys probably gonna be slightly miffed. Either that or Villy is about to get a power up to his legacy skill and do a surprised Pikachu.

Dougie Mitchell

Jake? Something questionable? I am shocked and indeed surprised at this 😆

Skyler Brown

hell ya jake stepping it up doing something that made Vil nervous


... Did Jake just intrinsically link palate and scales to a level the two skills now are linked for Villy?

Luboš Hemala

I hope he tried the Jake juice on Valdemar's skill next!

Arieh Sochaczevski

I’m a bit confused. There’s a big exploration of manifesting skills in his soul-space but even if it’s necessary for Jake just as practice, he’s already familiar with the idea. Forget Eternal Hunger - he has had a vision of Sagacity being created in Villy’s soul-space. I was surprised the drop of blood didn’t become a giant library after that, but it’s still there as blood.

John Looney

He’s only going to be upset cause he can’t see what assfuckery jake was doing lmao

Arieh Sochaczevski

Also: “My Chosen just did something… something incredibly questionable.” And by that he means having the heretical thought about Valdemar beating the hell out of him. The Jake juice stuff hasn’t even hit yet.


Probably because the drop of blood doesn't require a new avatar in his soul realm. Jake absorbed a drop of blood, not a library. That drop was far more than just the information contained inside of it, it was also a visual representation of the bond between Jake and Vilas. Restricting it to a library would limit its future potential.

Scott D

I miss Villy and all the characters from the Malefic Order. Good to spend some more time in future chapters catching up with them, particularly as it relates to Jake.


Jake's gonna birth a baby Villy. Lol

William WIlson

If Jake's use of origin energy does effect the entire order I don't think it would mean an upgrade for everyone not at all. He just upgraded the skill further which would make everyone else's skill except villys down grade. I can also see villy letting it slip that Jake downgraded everyone's palette for the entire Yip deal. Making it seem as if jake sort of attacked the order. Another one of yips misconception Because was the skill downgraded yes but did the members lose any of thier functions no which means the skills simply has a higher cap so Jake actually helped many


Hmm I wonder if he upgraded the malefic vipers skill rather than his own and he got an achievement for upgrading someone else's skill XD

William WIlson

I have a theory that if Yip does kill the Viper Jake would rebirth the Viper from a level 0 snake. Jake using villy blood that's in his Soulspace his record of the legacy skills and his origins energy I think he could practically rebirth the Viper like he did Vesperia. Might be better to use an egg than a snake but considered snakes don't become conscious until c grade I don't really see an issue with Jake doing it on either a low level snake or an egg. He'd of course would have to be a god to birth a god.


If that happens and it affects Villy it shall affect the whole order... Let's Hope Orange Fuck's Patron missunderstand the whole thing like he did with the Heretic deal with Fang of Man.

William WIlson

I think your mistaken. Villy’s drop of blood isn't Jake's manifested sagacity icon. It's more a representation of Jake's and villys friendship. I think if Jake was to create an icon for sagacity it would be an ever expanding library similar to what he saw.

William WIlson

I'm wondering the same thing. I can totally see villy being well fuck scales in the stomach why they fuck didn't I think of that? Asks Jake why he thought of it and is you did what?

William WIlson

I'm also wondering if villy will send Minaga a message asking him to have one of those little builders to Jake as so Jake can head back to the Order for a little chat.


When the system shuts off your god phone so you use a bloodline phone

Michael Jewell

I don't know, Villy loves breaking things and any chance for something crazy to happen is just a chance to learn something new. But I am sure he is upset he is not seeing the live stream while Jake is doing whatever he is doing lol.


"Something incredibly questionable" should get its own official multiverse word: someone did a Jake.


Yes, very questionable! Just shot his Jake Juice all across your Palate!


I truly wonder if Jake is making a divine skill?


It was at the dashes that I knew... we weren't going to learn what happened today.


He sliced off strips of his still warm skin to wrap around a planetary core of desolation. There's something very wrong with that.


3rd paragraph, "fight fight with valdemar"->"the fight with valdemar" And later, "Big Game Hunter didn’t show anything, but it wasn’t because he didn’t have any vidid images"->"vivid images" Fun chapter, looking forward to tomorrow's shenanigans

Austin Byrd

My theory is Yip actually has 0 chance of killing the Viper but it’s good for Jake (and the story for us) to have Yip to get stronger and stronger like he has been (approaching close to primordial level) (or maybe reaching primordial level but choosing Villy was simply a bad call because Villys one of the more powerful Primordials) so that Yip can be the stepping stone for Jake, who will kill Yip which gives Jake the XP necessary for Jake to become equivalent to primordial levels of power. End game battle. And subversion for us.

Austin Byrd

I also think it’ll be depressing if the end of the story doesn’t have best buds Jake and Villy chilling together at the apex of the multiverse lol.


Ok, so what’s the deal with soul spaces? Originally they said it was the same as the true soul, but that doesn’t really make any sense anymore. Especially once you realize that Jake has entered into another person’s soul space. Frankly a lot of things explicitly impossible to do to a true soul have been done to people’s soul spaces, and I feel like a god should be able to fully tear apart, dissect and mutilate a mortals soul space at this point. Is it just a manifestation of the true soul or some extra layer removed from the true soul? I would love to get an updated explanation of what the soul space actually is.

Austin Byrd

TLDR. Yip wants to use Villy as a stepping stone to become the de facto most powerful individual in the multiverse. But actually, Jake will use Yip as a stepping stone to reach his own pseudo Primordial status. Oh and then perhaps Jake kills Eversmile, becoming everything Yip wanted to be, aka a Primordial killer.


Cliffhanger kun, we meet again.

Austin Byrd

I view Yip as a turkey that’s getting fattened up for Jake to slaughter eventually lol

Jay Doubleyou Kay

I bet Jake would have been up shits creek if he tried doing this on fangs of man first. Valdimar would have probably not been as understanding....

Björn Hermans

FINALLY something from Villy and then even something from his daily life! best chap ever Zogarth! I whish we could have a bit more viper chaps or like this vipers pov. I realy missed his snark over the last little while. In Nevermoore we had the watchparty at least but in the current arc he is really missing. Some more hints to his preperations whould be amazing😀

Michael Lambus

I think it's a metaphorical manifestation of your records Like if you took all the potential that you currently have and made it into a space in your mind


You mean the Mealific Writer of the Cliffhangers.


Suddenly I have this thought of what would have happened had he used this on fangs of man... can he be a heretic-chosen of villy and a usurper of valdemar? So curious for tomorrow's chapter as to how this goes.

Dirk Gent Lee

I always love when Jake accidentally turns the universe on its head

Blaq Jesus

Considering Valdemar likes Jake, I don't think he would mind actually, however I don't know how much of a help he would be in the skill upgrade process considering the man doesn't think too deeply into most anything. I think eventually Jake will attempt to replicate this on Fangs OF Man when he gets the process down properly.


Villy casually throwing shade at Jake. "Nah, he won't hit that". 😅


I think the soul space is a representation of the true soul where all your records are. I believe it was said to be impossible to enter the soul space of another and thus their true soul. Jake seems to be the exception in many different areas because of his bloodline, so mabye thats why He could enter. It was said that it is not possible to manipulate the true soul of another,outside of transendence or bloodlines, but it was never said it couldnt be destroyed. Also a prime example is the holy mothers transendence.


Jake left unattended and without supervision has once again lead to the successful implementation of "Plan J". Plan J meaning that no one knows whatever the fuck Jake is doing, and thus being successful as he causes ripples throughout the universe. Oh yeah. Plan J.

Cory Sauls

Finally got to read the chapter. I really enjoy the alternate perspectives when Jake does something either really unorthodox like this or just shows up and blows people minds because he radiates such incredible power that they believe he shouldn’t be able to do.

Brett Peterson

It's days like this where I want to go to Patreon and start paying for chapters to read ahead... and then I remember that I'm ON Patreon, and already did that. :-P

austin kutz

That wouldn't cause their skill to downgrade though, it would just cause the upper limit of the skill to rise


Ugh it’s like when I’m watching my kids and I realize they’ve been quiet for way too long 😂😂😂 you get that feeling they just did something incredibly… 🤔… yes Villy got it right… incredibly questionable 😩

William WIlson

If skills during evolutions can downgrade based on what's impressive and what not it only make sense that they would downgrade because the upper limit was raised.

William WIlson

I don't think villy believes that Jake wouldn't do the nasty with Meira but that Jake won't give her a baby not for a long time at least


With the demon rituals sequence of events, this time around I think Jake really messed up and they no saving it. It might be time Jake really starts to understand concepts around his origin energy and arcane affinity because this seems like he treated it like a magic bullet

Jay Doubleyou Kay

Yeah valdemar likes Jake's, sure, but I still doubt there wouldn't be large consequences. Other gods aren't even close to as casual as Villy is. Maybe Jake wouldn't be the one to take a hit, but if what Jake does anywhere near as intrusive as we suspect to a god, Villy might have to step in and creating a confrontation.

Luke Scheffe

Damn it. I knew I should have left it for tomorrow.


I don’t agree necessarily but it’s an interesting theory.


Turns it into a primordial that propagates a new thread of life 🤔?


So the idea that most of you have is that Origin Energy will affect Villy’s (or all users of Legacy) skills as well. It’s not a far fetched idea, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening here. In all his uses of the energy it only affected the target. He changed Sylphie- not all hawks or birds. He changed 1 demon- not the demons entire bloodline or all demons. If anything, he’s separating the skill from Villy and Villy can feel the “tinkering of his records” or even be aware that Jake’s actions while probably unheard of- are changing the connection they share. And that affects Villy’s records as well, since actions done with Viper Legacy skills affect Villy records- even more so from a Chosen- and possibly even more tangled due to the Heretic-Chosen situation and not having the option to remove the blessing anymore. My money’s on Jake creating a new skill- an original version- A Primal version- and possibly a skill that will become one of Jake’s legacy skills down the line. Which gets us: Indomitable Bowels of the Arcane Primal Hunter. After all, a hunter needs to be able to sustain himself in the harsh wilds and historically, people learned about nature as hunter gatherers- eating tiny bits of new things to learn about them. From poisons to food- those who had developed strong stomachs were the most successful hunters and providers.


“Gut of the Primal Hunter”- comes with instincts on what one can and can’t eat. 2nd legacy skill behind Moment

Tucker Glick

I am happy that this is not a Friday chapter

Owen Kaz

I think Gluttony works better with Jake, considering what he's got inside there at the moment


I think you are on the right track here. That being said, I do think Vilas gets a kick back from Jake's actions. Maybe learning what Jake is doing and how to do it himself, whatever that is. I bet that is one of the benefits to blessing people. Learning what they are doing when someone is doing something similar but different than what you are.


Hunger of the Primal Hunter is better than both in my opinion


I'm waiting for the shoe to drop, but I would be willing to bet that the cost to that won't be to Jake personally. So I doubt it.


What is the "something questionable" isn't the skill thing, but Jake eating half a world core? Could be that the Jake Juice formed a connection between the Viper and the skill so that the Viper and Jake share a stomach or something?


Yes but the thing is that all previous recipients of Jake's juice had few to no records. As villy has a number of legacy skills Jake changing villy or at the minimum one if his legacy skills it will be interesting if those changes then spread down the records chain in the order or if this change will only affect future recipients of the changed skills. Interesting times.

Hayden Leech

All over “The Malefic Viper”s palate… oh no… “Palate of The Malefic Viper”

John Dar

next two chapters are Miranda managing things on earth, trust me ;^)

Kevin Watson

i think that no matter what skill changes or creations come out of this, Villy will most definitely get a kick back

Hussein Zenki

stomach of the primal hunter.????


I wonder what crazy new power Jake will get now


This might seem insignificant given the rest of the chapter, but the fact that in about 80+ eras no on else was able to replicate what the Viper did for Autarch is crazy. it really puts into perspective how good the Viper really is at alchemy. And I assume he spent most of his seclusion working on his Alchemy when trying to save his family, so he would be even better.


Ah yes, the legacy of common sense. I don't think Jake will get that, doesn't fit his Path. Or brain.


#hereticalert!!!! Jake the thief of Priordial records

Jennifer Leigh

Is everyone just ignoring the cores from the Autarch? New Villy dungeons?


Something questionable even for good ol'Villy ? That's not worrying at all 😅


My theory on what's going to happen is that Jake is gonna somehow time travel and influence Villy back when he was a snake and kind of be part of Villy developing the palate skill in the first place. Maybe even kind of be part of Villy becoming enlightened or something. I'm thinking this because of that part at the end saying a memory awakened. Like a memory of Jake appearing out of nowhere. And there is also that part where Jake associates the skill with beginnings. I mean he's already done things kind of like this with his Heretic-Chosen skill before.

Paperback Hail6

If it is questionable for villy I think the 93rd Era may just be about to end


Thankies for the chapie zogie

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!




Thx for the chapter