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Skipping forward a bit in time, to a few days after Jake had slain the Prima Guardian and the recording had found its final destination, two gods were discussing its contents.

”What are your thoughts?” the first god asked the man standing not far from him within the vast library that made up his divine realm. Both of them had just watched the very interesting recording. Very interesting indeed…

”It was so obviously staged it’s almost comical,” the other god responded, an eternal smile hanging on his face. ”Knowing his Bloodline and abilities, he was clearly aware the recording was taking place.”

”Yet he chose to do nothing about it but offer us this show…”

Yip of Yore and Eversmile had met to discuss the recording of Jake slaying the Prima Guardian in quite an unusual fashion as they tried to make sense of his actions. Yip did have some understanding of the Chosen, but Eversmile far surpassed him in that area. Plus, the god of karma clearly had some personal interest in the human, so he was more than happy to provide his opinion. As for how they had even gotten the recording in the first place?

While it was true the ninety-third universe was cut off from the rest of the multiverse during this system event, that didn’t mean it was impossible to get around these limitations. Ell’Hakan could not contact Yip of Yore directly, but the ability to provide offerings through a skill of his wasn’t cut off.

Usually, a god would have two choices when receiving an offering. One would be to turn the offering into energy of some form, which tended to be the default choice, as it was very rare mortals had any items a god actually needed as-is. More often than not, the item was one that held significance only due to its Records. A good example of this was how the warriors from Valhal often offered parts of their slain enemies to their gods. The items themselves had little value, but the Records by which they were attained through battle did.

The second option was naturally to receive the actual item, something that could also only be done when the one giving the offering had a good enough skill and high enough level of Blessing. Needless to say, Ell’Hakan fulfilled both of these requirements.

Speaking of Ell’Hakan… it was a shame he could not get contacted to hear his thoughts on the matter, but oh well. Yip of Yore didn’t know how much his input would offer in the first place, as he naturally couldn’t use his Bloodline on a recording like this.

”We know that this recording was purposefully created for yours and Ell’Hakan’s eyes, and as you say, the question that remains now is why,” Eversmile spoke. ”You are aware of the skill he so blatantly showed off?”

”Fangs of Man,” Yip nodded. ”Seen and experienced myself. I reckon you also concur on its authenticity?”

”Yes, that is undoubtedly a skill belonging to Valdemar’s Legacy,” Eversmile confirmed. ”And I’m sure you also noted how he didn’t use a single skill related to the Malefic Viper’s Legacy. He didn’t even use any poison during the battle.”

”I sure did,” Yip smiled. ”It’s all so odd. If I saw this without context, I could easily have been led to believe that this was some fighter from Valhal showing off their skills. Or, more accurately, showing off one of their skills. Also, as far as I’m aware, Fangs of Man is not exactly a typical skill.”

Eversmile looked to be in thought for a moment before he spoke. ”Fangs of Man is as much a skill tied to the Records of humanity as it’s tied directly to Valdemar. He is just the progenitor of it. One of the basic requirements of the skill is to embrace your Path as a human and acknowledge human supremacy, something that usually comes more naturally to members of Valhal due to it being predominately human. One has to truly view the human race as the strongest in the multiverse – or at least the one with the most potential. Many of Valhal are never even qualified to learn this skill simply due to unconscious doubt about themselves or their race. Yet clearly, the hunter sees humans as a race belonging to the apex of the multiverse. As you said, quite odd for the Chosen of a beast to have such thoughts, especially if we assume he knows the history between Valdemar and Vilastromoz.”

”Almost a bit heretical, huh? Tell me it isn’t just me… but do you also believe the Chosen of the Malefic Viper is walking down the Path of a heretic?” Yip of Yore asked probingly, carefully considering all of Eversmile’s words. While the god of karma rarely, if ever, lied, he was good at concealing truths by only revealing parts of what was real, using wordplay or hidden meanings, or any other method to fool the other party without technically lying. Getting a straight answer to a question of any importance was almost impossible, but-

”Yes,” Eversmile answered, short and sweet, his next words only hammering it home. ”I do believe Jake Thayne is a heretic or at least will be labeled one by the system soon enough. Saying that, I will readily admit I have no actual proof, only my own assessment.”

Yip of Yore couldn’t help but grin at Eversmile’s statement. ”Your assessment is good enough. Assuming he is indeed well on his way to becoming an actual heretic… do you think the Malefic Viper knows?”

”That, I cannot know for certain,” Eversmile shook his head. ”Now it’s my turn to ask you something. Do you intend to offer Jake Thayne the opportunity to become a Divine Usurper of the Malefic Viper’s Path?”

”I’m not, not considering putting it on the table,” Yip answered after a bit of consideration. ”I fully acknowledge that Jake Thayne is the peak of this era, perhaps even the peak of history. While there have certainly been those who can match his power, he is not simply a fighter capable of standing at the pinnacle but the Harbinger of Primeval Origins. An identity so meaningful the system bestowed such a title upon him, letting everyone know. He is a rare breed indeed.”

”But?” Eversmile asked with a raised eyebrow.

”That doesn’t mean he cannot be killed. Only if it’s necessary, of course. But I will not take the option of ending his life away should he prove someone that cannot be negotiated with. If he chooses to remain at the side of the Malefic Viper, he will die, and as the slayer of a Primordial, do I truly have to fear the animosity such an act would breed? The Malefic Viper has done considerably far greater damage to the multiverse than killing some Harbinger of Primeval Origins ever could. I would perhaps even make a few allies should I succeed,” Yip of Yore answered.

”You have yet to truly answer my question,” Eversmile pointed out.

”I was getting to it,” Yip smiled, relaxed. ”My point is that I’m not sure it’s even possible to put such an option on the table in the first place. Someone like Jake Thayne is bound to be stubborn and, from my understanding of him, a bit simple. This entire recording is proof of that, and seeing as how obvious it is he clearly isn’t the most subtle either. Someone like him doesn’t strike me as the sort who would be open to being told to do something or feel forced into a particular Path. My ideal outcome is indeed that he becomes the Divine Usurper of the Malefic Viper, and I slay the Primordial, but if I or my Chosen are the ones who suggest that do him, he’s only going to be more opposed to the option. No, the only way I see to get him on board is to either make him think it’s his own idea, or by having someone he actually seems to respect recommend it.”

”Getting Valdemar to propose such a thing won’t be easy,” Eversmile answered, shaking his head. ”I would also point out that it’s not even necessary you have to present the option to him. There is a chance that is already what he’s planning, especially if we look at this recording, which feels almost like an application to join Valhal. In my opinion, you should find a method of letting him know about his options, though, in case it wasn’t on his radar.”

”I will,” Yip nodded. ”Based on how he didn’t even kill the mortal fodder who serve my Chosen, it appears he can at least be communicated with.”

”And if, in the end, he still continues to see you and your Chosen as mortal enemies?” Eversmile questioned.

”Then he’ll die,” Yip of Yore said casually.

The god who would be a Primordial Slayer looked at the recording playing on repeat once more but didn’t see anything new worth noting. By now, many of the plans Yip of Yore had put into motion had been derailed or destroyed entirely, yet he didn’t feel the slightest bit upset. Jake Thayne was an incredible element of chaos in any situation he found himself mixed into, and while that certainly made things more complicated for Yip, it had to be worse for the Viper. In fact, as things were looking, this would lead to a better final outcome than initially expected.

Yip of Yore was a god of stories. Legends. Any situation could be rewritten, meanings twisted, and plans retconned. As long as the right building blocks were laid down, he could manifest the reality he desired. The Chosen of the Malefic Viper was just one element, but ultimately… nothing he ever did would have more than a marginal effect on the plan to slay the Viper. Sure, it could make it a bit harder or less annoying, but what he really impacted was what came after.

No, in the end, the true decider between Yip of Yore and the Malefic Viper would simply be who was stronger. Yip, in his most powerful form, or the Malefic Viper, a Primordial who had sealed himself away for the vast majority of the multiverse’s history. Even so, a Primordial was a Primordial, and it was a massive gamble, but one Yip was willing to take if it meant overcoming his limits and reaching the next level.

Truly, if there was one thing worth regretting in this entire ordeal with Jake Thayne, it was that the Malefic Viper had gotten to such a human first. He truly was extraordinary in every sense of the word. Ah, the legends Yip and such a human could have written together. Alas, Yip shouldn’t be too disappointed. While Jake Thayne had shown little of his true power during the fight with the Prima Guardian, he couldn’t hide his true strength from the god’s eyes… and Yip wouldn’t say his own Chosen was that far off, if at all. Especially if the conditions were right. In such a case, their fight could truly be legendary.

Because no matter what, there would be a fight. Two geniuses of a generation like that were bound to clash, no matter the circumstances. The only difference was if it would be a fight to the death between mortal enemies or a spar to decide who is better between allies or perhaps even friends.


Jake had never wanted to just get the fuck off a world that badly before. After he’d killed the Prima Guardian and ”saved” everyone, he instantly noticed how half the people recording quickly teleported away, likely to preserve at least some of the recordings should Jake now choose to turn on them. The remaining half stayed filming the aftermath.

An aftermath that was really annoying. The scalekin quickly stormed forward to profusely thank Jake while the two World Leaders related to Ell’Hakan remained as vigilant as ever. Jake didn’t do anything to them, though. Quite frankly, he just wanted out of there… but while the scalekin was an idiot, he wasn’t that dumb.

The scalekin knew that the moment Jake left, he would be surrounded by potential enemies on all sides. With the Prima Guardian dead, they had even less reason to keep him around, at least from his perspective. So, the guy desperately wanted to convince Jake to remain a bit longer at least, and with the ongoing recording, Jake felt like he couldn’t just outright bail.

That’s how he ended up going to claim the Planetary Pylon with the scalekin, returned topside once more, and somehow ended up part of a big clan meet with all the different clans on the planet gathering for final peace talks.

The two World Leaders also stayed around, with a few people recording always nearby. Seriously, Ell’Hakan had to have invested some serious resources in hiring this many camera operators, but oh well. Jake just went along with things as a new grand declaration was signed, the scalekin swearing to create a council that would lead the planet with him only having a single seat on it. To make it clear, Jake gave this entire alliance about a month tops before it collapsed based on how the majority of clan leaders stared at each other with pure hatred.

All this shit that would more likely than not turn out to have been a complete waste of time within a month took a few days to do after returning from the Prima Vessel and claiming the Pylon, and Jake really only stayed around to keep up appearances. Alas, there was only so much he could take.

When Jake was asked to be the officiant for the scalekin and his wife renewing their wedding vows – because some-fucking-how that trainwreck seemed salvageable to them - Jake knew it was time to run, using any excuse he could come up with to get away.

Only once Jake was back on Earth could he breathe out a sigh of relief. He returned to the Prima Vessel once more and coincidentally bumped into Lillian, who had been standing there looking at the map.

”Ah, Lord Thayne, you’ve returned,” she said politely, throwing him a look. ”How did things go? You were gone a bit longer than usual.”

Jake didn’t immediately answer but pointed to the planet he had just been to, which was, of course, now green on the map. ”Make sure Miranda knows to not accept anyone from that planet. Ever.”

Lillian instantly got a serious look as she looked at the planet Jake pointed at. ”What’s wrong with it? Is it controlled by Ell’Hakan’s alliance?”

”… probably?” Jake said, honestly not entirely sure. Chances are they were based on how at least three-fourths of the planet seemed to support the two World Leaders sent by Ell’Hakan. And, no, Jake did not want to try and force them over to ”his” side because that would have required him to stay there. That wasn’t why Jake wanted to blacklist them, though… he just really didn’t ever want to see about or hear about any of them ever again. Of course, such a reason was a bit petty, and Lillian did have a good point, so:

”Actually, yeah, they are allies of Ell’Hakan, and we should avoid anyone from that planet ever getting here to prevent spies,” Jake said with a stoic nod.

Lillian threw him a glance before sighing. ”You really didn’t like the natives there?”

”They were really annoying, okay?” Jake sighed loudly. ”Also probably, definitely, now allies of Ell’Hakan. Which, in my book, is a pure win for us. Because going by how goddamn dysfunctional everything there was, I see no world where they contribute anything positive to any alliance.”

”It sounds best you tell Miranda about what happened if the other Chosen was involved in this matter,” Lillian reminded Jake.

”I should, yeah,” Jake nodded in agreement. Only now did he also look at the map and saw what Lillian had been staring at when he arrived, and…

”A second one?” he blurted out with wide eyes.

”Yeah, it happened only two hours ago,” Lillian shook her head. ”We confirmed it was marked with a blue flag before.”

Jake stared at the map where he now saw not one but two planets marked with a black flag. A second world had faced destruction, and Jake couldn’t see any other explanation than that ”I” creature. He hoped he was wrong, though, and it was just some freak coincidence… but his guts told him it wasn’t, which indicated only one thing:

This creature had now found a method to destroy planetary cores somewhat fast and consistently… and it was actively traveling around doing so.





Thanks for the chapter


On one hand, I am pissing myself laughing because of the sheer misunderstanding the heretic-chosen status is causing. On the other hand, I really want to see people's reactions when Jake inevitably leaks it.

Justin Buro

Either yip of yore gets his ass handed to him on a silver, poisoned platter or Jake is going to end up not a usurper, but a true inheritor of the malefic viper's will and kingdom, and subsequently handing yip of yore his ass, on the afformentioned poison platter


”Knowing his Bloodline and abilities, he was clearly aware the recording was taking place.” How much of his bloodline is known to the gods/ multiverse at large now?


Inb4 itll be a three way, where Jake saves all and fucks up the story yip is trying to tell. And the yellow cunt gets outed for what he really is, a cunt.


If Villy did die, I could see Jake getting an "Inheritor-Usurper Alchemist of the Malefic Viper" profession, with all the best aspects of both. But I don't really expect Villy to die. If he were acting as Jake's mentor, he'd have no chance to survive, but as Jake's buddy *and* comic relief for the audience, he's basically unkillable.

Jake Schmitz

Eversmile is such an interesting character. You're never sure which side he's on (Yip thinks he knows but what else is new). It'll be fun watching this whole thing play out!

John Balman

Woot 3rd I think thank for chapter!!!


Ooh, I is getting very intimidating. I wonder what exactly it is; unique life form? Some kind of elemental? Curse gone horribly out of control, kind of like what we saw in the one challenge dungeon in nevermore?

sylvan sommerville

I’m kinda confused if ever smile knows or not. If he is a heretic. He says he has no proof, but in book 9 he use’s identify through the vail and was the only god fully successful. Does that not count as proof? Or does he just not know the hectic part. Leaning towards no proof. Thoughts ?


I think you typo'd Reconnected not spelt retconned


"Ha, you can't fool me if I fool myself first!" - Yip of Yore 2024

Arieh Sochaczevski

Thanks for the chapter! This one needed a “dun dun duuuuuun” sound effect there at the end.


I mean considering no one in the multiverse can tell Eversmile is present, other than Jake apparently, that part is pretty obvious from the man's perspective no?

James mMcClellan

Nobody will ever suspect the chosen-heretic it's great. It would be amusing the people wanting to be married with jake officiating becoming a running joke for awhile, also hope villy gets one of the recording and acts all hurt after the event as villy does.


I am so looking forward to the reveal what Eversmile's plan actually is :)

joel southard

Nice thank you for the chapter


Screw them and screw their marriage it won’t last the month


Not to mention he probably saw all there was to see in the recordings of nevermore


Proud of Jake for handling that so well, but I was really looking forward to Galaxy War I

Andromeda Adams

Yip really is unsure of which direction to take this. He doesn’t understand Jake which is why this is hilarious. Yip is over estimating his chosen every turn. EH is scared of Jake, in my opinion. TYFTC!

Klown Keidra

Jakes gives off Heretic energy, but his path is still completely unique. As far as anyone else knows, you can't be a Chosen and a Heretic at the same time. So while he smells like a Heretic, Eversmile isn't sure if he is branded as one by the system (probably has different levels of Heresy).

Justin Buro

Oh NOW we're thinking with purpose! Id totally be up for that if "usurper" didn't seem to necessitate him taking up the vipers path in truth, and it's simply not Jake's path to do so

Justin Buro

Plus, in my thought process, yip of yore ends up killing our boy villy tragically

Andromeda Adams

Eversmile can’t lie, maybe because of the vail there is no definitive proof. Even if he does suspect it.

sylvan sommerville

If he got a successful identity his class kinda makes it pretty obvious what he is even if it’s new

sylvan sommerville

I think that makes more sense but he has to know if again he properly identified. He’s just choosing to say he doesn’t know, because lack of tangible proof


Threatening someone with attending a marriage between people they don’t know, with guests they don’t know and in a political high stakes environment? - even the pumped up Earth Prima wasn’t as horrific. That’s nightmare fuel.

sylvan sommerville

My logic could definitely be wrong but idk I’m just caught up the identity that went passed the vail


That's not necessarily true. He could die and some of his allies could step in. I feel like thats way down the line, though. The confrontation between chosen comes first, then the God's will fight after that. It makes me curious of Billy has been "training" this whole time and isn't showing his true strength. He has something planned! He's known for being a schemer.

Alan Lint

I actually don't think Jake views humans as the supreme race. I think him and his bloodline just views himself as the supreme hunter and the skill Fangs of Man as a good tool to use in order to be the supreme hunter.


Thanks for the chapter! 😁


Excited for when he gets A or S grade and they finally announce the heretic chosen to the world and see everyones reactions

Olof Karlsson

Thanks for the chapter!

kandiana (edited)

Comment edits

2024-07-30 07:54:04 Identify doesn't let one see class or profession name afaik, onky the general idea about them
2024-07-29 12:10:12 Identify doesn't let one see class or profession name afaik, only the general idea about them

Identify doesn't let one see class or profession name afaik, only the general idea about them


Wonder how close we are getting to the first saige meeting looks like Jake could use another big wrench to throw around

King Nereus

I don’t think any of this scheming matters to the Viper, he seems to have some sort of pact with the other primordials that are acting antagonistically toward him. Jake is perhaps in danger if Yip escalates on targeting him, but the lack of information is protecting Jake atm. There have also been hints that primordials have a secret that the other gods are unaware of, or at least that yip is unaware of. I am thinking that secret is probably Primordials cannot die, I cannot recall there being any deaths among them so far in the story. Please do point this out if I missed a reference to that. I think they probably all found this out when they tried to stop the Viper from laying waste to half a universe, or he found out himself when he tried to end his own existence due to his grief. Eversmile told Yip that he would like to see Yip kill the Viper because he currently knows or thinks it to be impossible, and proving otherwise would be a huge revelation for everyone in the know,


Time to hunt the I!


Why do I suddenly want Ell hakan and Jake's fight televised and for Jake to start it by instantly killing him?

Jay tolley

I feel like there is way to much left to villys story. He still needs to revive his family which I am thinking is going to happen by including eron. Among other things. So ya to much invested in villy long term right now.


Eversmile? While not impossible, I don't think so myself. Why would he forget himself and Villy not be able to realise that fact? But it would be a fascinating revelation, I assume.

Micah Molina

While I would find it funny that Jake crushes EH near instantly, and I think EH isn't deserving a second chance, I can't help but ponder what if EH ends up usurping Yip. They are both story tellers after all. Is an arrogant EH seriously intending to play second fiddle to Yip the rest of his life? That seems odd to me. EH already has s God complex.

Andromeda Adams

Maybe you’re right in that they can’t die. I don’t think they can either. Remember the First Sage, and karmic strings from Jake’s boots to every primordial.


He's definitely gotten stronger during his isolation. The Star-Striding Titan comments on it, when Villy goes to pick up his better-than-Divine weapon.


Huh. Shades of Name of the Wind and the four gates. Villy can't ever die and can't ever forget.

Sam Rosenberg

Fun chapter. Lots going on…


Huh. If Villy does kill Yip, I wonder if EH really could usurp him. Could be a way to make him powerful enough to still be a good nemesis for Jake after C-grade.


This is getting very strange and interesting. Got the gods playing their games. Got the mortals plotting their schemes. Then you got an unknown entity just out there either on purpose or accident destroying planets. Not how I thought this prima invasion arc to go at all.


I believe that the pre-requisite for learning the skill or being offered was an intention to never change your race. The expectation though that other people have is maybe different from the truth, though.

Ghost-Crow (Corvidae Corvus)

Nah, no way EH can usurp him, he's basically a side character in the grand scheme of things. Yip doesn't need him and likely planned to get rid of him as soon as he wasn't useful anymore. Main thing though is that, in order to usurp him he would need to be as strong as him, and there's zero chance of a C grade jumping to god grade.

Ghost-Crow (Corvidae Corvus)

I think the Sags was actually an avatar of the system, it formed one for its first iteration in order to guide its favoured users into godhood


@King Nereus Oh, I like that theory. And everytime Jake ask Villy who would win between The Viper and another Primordial, The Viper just tells Jake that he is confident he could get away. I also wonder if the time when Eversmile used his transcendence was against a 13th Primordial that no one remembers but Villy. My original guess at the "secret", was that The Viper was the first to become a God and got a unique title as the first Primordial. I don't recall it ever being mentioned who was the first God. Most think it's the Holy Mother since her home Planet is called Primordial 1 but I don't think it was ever stated.

King Nereus

We don’t know what we don’t know because Zog hasn’t revealed anything, but there are other options as well. Perhaps the primordials are all sharing records of all other lower gods, and therefore Yip can never be more powerful than any of them because as he grows in power so does every primordial, and that’s motivation to empower Yip (and every other being in the multiverse). Although this idea does not seem very compatible with the gods competing over records by amassing their own direct followers, so that seems unlikely to be the case. The primordials could also be tied directly to the system. Like, they had an opportunity to add or control some aspect of the system at its inception and they remain connected through some sort of bond, or every primordial will band together to prevent one of their own from being killed because it would destroy the system. the viper did say there was no system when he became a god. The Sage storyline will perhaps lend some credence to this as we learn more, time will tell.


Seems like that "I" creature is going to be the END BOSS of this ARC. LOL ------ Poor Scalekin, Even if he and his wife decide to run, they won't be able to go to Earth thanks to Jake's pettiness. LOL But cant really blame him. LOL Cause if you ever seen a relationship where you just know two ppl don't belong together, you wouldn't want them near you either. LOL


Could you remind me where Villy said there wasnt a system when he became a God. I know that the first sage remembered what life before the system was when most forgot. But I thought they were all living through the sytem integration and that's what allowed Villy to evolve from a snake. The other possibility I though of was all the primodials being linked so that you have to kill them all to kill one. I think that might be a bit farfetched, but it would would mean Valdemar and Eversmile could never actually help kill Villy so those contracts are pointless.

King Nereus

Maybe I am remembering wrong about the system not existing yet at that time? I thought he said this when he was explaining to Jake how much easier it is now to level up to godhood with all of the extra records from every universe, after thinking about what was said further, I believe you’re right, what I think he actually said was that the system was present back then, sorry.

Jayce Sul

One question, why isn’t the Eternal Servant doing anything about the YOY situation? I mean I think I read that the ES was only a bit weaker than villy himself so the fact that he’s radio silent seems sus. Maybe he’s cooking something up behind the scenes?

King Nereus

The primordials all being linked somehow, even if not through the system, is still highly probable. Maybe it’s as simple as they all have some sort of unbreakable pact or contract, so long as nobody breaches the terms they are all vouched safe by one another. Could the new contracts wording somehow not conflict with any prior agreements?

A. B. Edwards

Love it when Jake schemes and somehow it works out despite everyone pretty much calling him an idiot. The Viper will likely benefit a lot from this, Valdimar is going to try and whisk Jake away even though I know for a fact he and Villy are buds and this is all likely some way to finally deal with the "maniac" that is Yip of Yor. And the connection between all the Gods and the boots, Villy said he felt the Sage could have become a God had he wanted and he is connected to all 12 Primordials in the era when becoming a God was near impossible. I would not be surprised if each Primordial had met the Sage at some point, even just a small chance meeting, that led to their Paths forming. I don't see some elf of the First Age coming up with creating the Risen on his own but the First Sage, yeah he could do that. Same with the Holy Land or Eversmile's karmic bullcrap. He was a teacher first and formost and I see him having been an important figure in the lives of all the Primordials. What I hope most, he was drinking buddies with Valdimar.


I love how casually Yip says hell kill Jake. Like that shit won't backfire and blow up in his face. I think honestly tlboth El and Yip are so blind to what's really happening it's insane.


I mean the way Jake is talking. He's going to wipe that bloodline off the face of every universe. He's going to erase him and all his family.


Dude every interaction between EH and Jake without their gods. EH is weak. Also I think EH is gonna end up fighting the sword saint and getting annihilated. And Jake is going to fight the unique being I.


When writing your own story, you can be blinded by the most obvious of things that can ruin your ever so perfect "hero" story. I love it when the "hero" is actually the villain bc the way to hell is paved with good intentions


Jake isn't dumb, he is just a battle junkie doing what he loves and has people help him since he is an idiot most of the time when it comes to politics

King Nereus

EH no being powerful enough to at least be a danger to Jake would be a lost opportunity. This “I” character is a new antagonist at least, but Jake needs powerful foes in order to grow, but he doesn’t need an EH level foe right now, there will be plenty of higher grade monsters and other characters to face in the universe after this system event is over. Killing EH can be saved for last, right before godhood or right after they both reach it, or something like that. If Jake has no equal in the universe, his journey wouldn’t be very entertaining, he needs a rival over a long period of time. EH seems to be shaping up to be that for him. Remember that we did not get to see all of EH’s abilities when he fought the sword saint, and even the old man felt quite challenged, if not in over his head. EH only left because he knew he lost the narrative he was going for, we never got to see what else he has. EH’s party also got further in nevermore than Jake’s did, didn’t they? EH just still had a lower overall score, probably due to Jake’s performance in the individual challenges. While EH probably can’t win against Jake one on one in a fair fight, that isn’t how EH will do it. He will build up a force and use his larger force to overwhelm Jake and his allies, or at least that will be his plan. He won’t be looking to fight one on one, that’s for sure. Who knows, maybe EH will only last for a few books over a short overall arc in the main story. Heck maybe Jake will end up spreading his heretical ways to EH, who will also become a heretic. ;-)


He knows that he trivially made William a heritic. I think he's 100% certain there's heretical aspects to Jake's path, but is misleading yip by saying he has no proof. He technically doesn't have any proof to convince yip, but that doesn't mean he isn't convinced himself.

Andromeda Adams

I was thinking the same thing. Or “I” kills EH, Jake maybe becomes friends with “I”. Doesn’t the blue flags mean that EH “saved” that world? Or is it they haven’t defeated the Prima yet?

William WIlson

I think Jake's path is so heavily tied to his Bloodline that not even Eversmile’s identify would work correctly. Probably got some Redacted chosen response. Eversmile’s Probably thinks it's something like hunter chosen or something similar which makes Jake slightly a heretic because he's not just a chosen.

Steven Bartels

He won't see yip as a threat so much as another upstart to be beaten by his glorious primordials. For him to care about yip would require him to think he could win, which would require him to think a primordial could lose, which would break his path.


That seems like a fairly common blind spot for people who think they are controlling the narrative. In this case he is quite literally writing himself as the main character in story where he is not.

Jayce Sul

That would be true, but now that Yip literally attacked the Star-seizing Titan and actually succeeded in landing a hit, it would make him an enemy of two primordials, and an actual threat. I guess he kinda is in an alliance with Valhal. But still, it’s widely known he was the pinnacle genius of all time (before Jake) and powerful beyond normal standard, capable of posing a threat to them. I would be batshit furious if I was ES

Adrianna Bailey

My theory is that the I creature is on a path similar to Villy's. In any other universe they might could have let it keep growing, but the Primal Hunter is territorial, and I think Jake is gonna have to deal with it. Dang it, I'm gonna feel bad for the little guy aren't I?

William WIlson

Eversmile is simply in a position to know more than most would due to Jake always recognizing him. He also knows that at minimum Jake is a heretic towards himself because he turned William. However he doesn't know that Jake is a true heretic. Remember there are many forms of heretic and I'd argue most chosen are heretics to Pantheons of gods unfriendly towards thier Patron.

William WIlson

Villy, see Yip another one of your misunderstandings he was always a true heretic.

Jayce Sul

I mean, Yip is literally trying to kill a primordial. The ES’s entire path is about serving and worshipping the primordials isnt it? The attitude of ES and the Primordial Church should be obvious

Rahsheem Reid

Doesn’t that “I” creature sound similar to the unique being orange fuck face was dealing with a while back?

William WIlson

Personally I think a major portion of Villy’s plan is to have Yip make wrong assumptions. Now while Yip can rettcon a legend he cannot rettcon the entire legend. For an example Yip can claim he turned Jake into a heretic. Now while there would be a legend of Yip turning Jake into a heretic there is also the legend that he never did. I think yips powers are similar to what Jake saw when Eversmile showed his Karmic connections threw his boots. So while he can limit certain stories he also can't limit stories that are true.

King Nereus

Could “I” be the Prima Guardian itself? Either way, the black flags are an added pressure to finish the event as quickly as possible.


When Yip is talking to Eversmile about his plans for Jake, should say '[to him]' and not '(do him)'

Micah Molina

Same thing can be applied to Jake, he's only in C grade, yet they say it's possible. I don't think it means you become a God but you usurp the Path. True, Jake said he was going to wipe EH's bloodline out, but that doesn't mean EH can't betray Yip before Jake kills him. I hope EH puts up a good fight, it will add some tension to the story. But I just find it odd that usurping keeps coming up. We know Jake literally can't sever ties with Villy outside of death. So, of the two Chosens, EH is likely the one to betray and usurp. Edit: also, while I think the odds favor EH dying first, wouldn't be a twist if Yip goes out before him? Forcing EH to usurp and flee to the Church, forcing Jake to be at odds with them publicly.

Adrianna Bailey

I don't think so right now, but it's certainly possible if the circumstances were right. But there's a color for a prima guardian winning its planet, and it's different than I taking over the planet, and different than the color after the core has been destroyed. There's a chapter about how I got it's name that might have more info, but I can't remember all of it

Daniel Hamilton

Maybe after a little bit of jake juice, it will evolve and become best buds or they’re gonna have to team up and face it

Daniel Hamilton

So im thinking 🤔 of the fractions who would be pissed at YOY for killing Jake: The demons, Vampires, The Insects via Jake daughter. Pathan of life (Nature attendant, Artemis) maybe the dragons? Who else iam I missing?

Darshar Griffonmane

I was giggling that entire conversation tween the gods. However, I do like the emphasis that Yip is not 100% relying on either chosen for his own personal success. I don't think we've seen the full scale of his plans and we've certainly not seen what the Viper is planning either. I would like to see what Cheeto is doing about the black flag planets, or at least their response if any. awesome chapter, thanks!


Thankies for the chapie zogie!


I think youre right. I went back and listened to when Yip shared the contract with Valhal. All it said was that he is in an alliance with Valhal until The Viper dies. Granted, there could be more we don't know but it doesn't say that Valhal has to help. With Yip and Eversmile, it seems more like Yip just pays Eversmile for help and there is no contract. When Yip asked Eversmile if he wants to see him kill Villy he said yes. This could just mean that from a scientifical standpoint Eversmile would like to see what happens, but not that he has to actively help.


The ashen devoured was a unique creature like the fallen king just on elhakan’s planet. He’s dead though this is more likely a creature similar to villy when he was young

Stuart Thwaites

I'm with Steven on this. The primordial church are zealots. Blind to everyone and everything that is primordial related. They definitely don't like Yip but their faith in Villy is absolute. Yip may have tussled with some primordials but he always ran away before things got serious and the primordial church will only see the running away, proving that he his weaker and lesser than the primordials.

Alex Cox

I wonder if 'I' is a Unique Lifeform with a path based on decay or the passage of time.

Rahsheem Reid

I know he is dead. “Similar” is my point something that needs too destroy too lvl up. It could be like Villy or anything.

Andrew K

I've been thinking of a related but slightly different possibility for a bit, namely that Villy died and came back (possibly repeatedly) during his rampage. I was thinking of it more along the lines of coming back was by his own efforts (rather than some sort of system protection of primordials), from the idea that the way to most totally screw over Yip's plan would be if Villy can hijack the story with a precedent for his own death being meaningless (or maybe even strengthening him).

Drake Harris

Yip of Yore was a god of stories. Legends. Any situation could be rewritten, meanings twisted, and plans "retconned". I think the last part is supposed to be "reconnected" maybe?


Lol, good stuff with Yip and Eversmile. Now I want to see the Celestial Cheeto's reaction; staring blankly at a recording crystal as he is dumbfounded by the majesty of Doomfoot!

Alex Cox

Prolly Stormild as Sylphie would get oh so mad if the big bird didn't help

bob bob

Would not be surprised if sage taught valdy how to brew

Daniel Ham

“Retroactive continuity”. South Park retconned 24 years of a character’s name with an episode where they said it was “Tolkien”, not “Token”, all along.

austin kutz

The beastmen. Essentially any faction that has high level beasts and wants better variants of those beasts. If people knew his race might be some sort of high human variant, potentially any human faction out there, even including the pantheon of light considering that they're likely willing to play the long game and try to scam one of his eventual grandkids or great grandkids into joining up

austin kutz

I'm pretty sure that the sage is the person that made the system in the first place.

Razeel Nightfall

Sandy v I. Who eats who the bestest.

Victor Desantiago

a person that hopefully has not been forgotten is Irin. Since she is Jake PR person in the Order and all knows about the he been a heretic chosen. Her character has the potential of making more chaos to Yip's plan.


Na thats definitely impossible. The First Sage would never pull one over William like that, with all the visions and even almost direct talk between FS and Jake, I see no way he would suddenly do something like that tutorial and experiment.

Nick O'Gara

Also bloodlines are unique. Since villy now has it it is 100% confirmed he is still dead.

Peter Smith

I, is giving me Ego vibes... What if thats the secret... I is a unique being that is a world parasite. The only reason why it couldnt advance quite yet was because the planetary pylon was sealed until the Prima arrived. And if all it takes is to access the pylon to infest the world then that only means preventing I from infesting the world leader to defeat It... Or a living curse of gluttony that can devour it because it stretched itself to far....

Laura Pilkington

yip of yore’s assumption that Jake is a moron leading him to moronic conclusions is nicely ironic

Noah Jackson

The yip of yore quote saying “the god who would be a Primordial Slayer” is very ominous. Also is this Yip or Eversmile? Really weird line to add in and very interesting.

King Nereus

Sorry, I meant the prima at the end of the event. The one we are expecting to be or later become a bound god at a new world wonder. What if it was given a way out of that, like the King in the tutorial, if it succeeds it is free, or something. I know this is far fetched, but it could fit with the name “I”

Owen Kaz

No it's not, it's par of Yip's Character. He weaves stories right, so to get the most power He of course has to believe them. If he was the god who MAY kill a Primordial... well, there's been many attempts ones over the eras...

Luke Scheffe

Will be interesting when they learn that Jake has been a True Heretic since E grad.


Once again Plan "J" aka plan for Jake to be Jake is in full affect. AKA despite being gods and schemers. Yip of Yore knows nothing at all and is falling for plan J.

King Nereus

Regarding severing ties with Villy, I thought it was just Villy who cannot, but Jake can at any time without impacting either of them all that much .. he just doesn’t want to. Regarding the church, that could be a path for EH’s bloodline to be annoying for much much longer, for sure. I think EH deserves more than pawn status given his ambition and potential to unite people under one banner and rise above Yip’s plan for him. That said, the dude is a monster and he has to go at some point.


I'm definitely projecting here but that sounds like a lot of words for wanting miss succubus back, "for the plot"🙏😭


Yip of Yore thinking Eversmile is on his side, hearing only the answers that he wants to hear. Eversmile only telling half truths "do you think the Malefic Viper knows?” ”That, I cannot know for certain” - yea but he likely has a 99.9% surety. Yip going to get pie in his face from Primordial games.


I'm hoping for something curse related, something that ties back to the deadly sins. I figure Jake will eventually collect them all. He himself embodies Hunger (gluttony), he absorbed his student who embodied Wrath. "I" feels like it could be either Pride or Greed.

Michael Kawesa

Isn’t this going to backfire on Jake? If he’s exposed as a heretic the order would turn on him and the Viper would be vulnerable

Biggy smalls

I’m sure he’s on Villys side. it’s in eversmiles best interest to choose Villy over Yip. Yips a tyrant who wishes to have the power to kill primordials (a group that eversmile is a part of). Villy himself said they were like a dysfunctional family. I think Eversmile and Villy are friends, possibly even close friends

Biggy smalls

Yeah I think I is something Jake or Eternal Hunger will eventually consume. Or maybe I will become Jake’s ally and friend in the 93rd universe? Jake isn’t intimidated by anything. I could see them potentially work together to destroy EH.

Biggy smalls

Nah, Jake can get new main antagonists. I’d like EH to die at the end of C grade. Villy had multiple antagonists during his journey to Godhood. EH can’t keep up with Jake’s progress. Jake has far better stats and titles than EH. Jake’s bloodline keeps evolving each Grade. EH’s stopped evolving at D grade. EH is already weaker than Jake and the gaps only going to get bigger.

Nick O'Gara

Jake put a whole planet on the do not call list.

Alex Cox

I don't entirely think so... Jake has already made his relationship with the Viper clear that they see each other as equals, and if anything I can see Villy playing the "Who are you all to think for a Primordial" card like he loves to

Alex Cox

I love Plan "J" because it's like a woodchipper, any enemies plans are shredded by step 2

Alex Cox

Mayhaps, but if its a Unique Lifeform made of Curse energy much like the Phantom Ash Devourer was a living domain that would made a lot of sense. Hear me out tho, the Pylon for Skyggen was devoured by the Umbral Lotus... Whats to say this thing isn't like the Ghost Vine Sovereign or another Natural Treasure like the Umbral Lotus? If this is true than Jake may be able to make Earth into a Natural Wonder or even a Greater Planet with his Primeval Origins fuckery

Micah Molina

Don't disagree, tbf all of Jake rivals and antagonists have been weaker. Getting a new one won't change that, unless Jake's so disadvantage that he's retreating. But William, SS and EH have all been underdogs; will see what Zogarth cooks up.

Alex Cox

No... I can see this backfiring heavily as didn't Jake give Irin the token from the Cerulian Demon Prince...? If she can vouch for him there and gain a partnership between the Hells and the Order I think Yip's plans are gonna heavily awry.

Bob Fight

We gonna ignore the fact that this is Jake basically just having fun yip thinks his chosen is close based on this fight but Jake is literally just toying with the prima guardian he didn’t even use gaze actually could he just kill a prima with gaze at this point


Sooo not only is Valdemar drafting adoption papers but Yip is too! lol. EH is about to be orphaned…poor thing Villy is sitting back sipping on a lil nip and chuckling… he knows Jake doesn’t give a fck… all the puzzle pieces continue to fall into slot

TheSDH90 .

I have loved the last few chapters for a couple of reasons. One of the least used methods of a hunter that Jake has used is trapping. Over the last couple of chapters he has proven that he doesn't use this because he can't, but because he doesn't like to. A hunter's trap requires the hunter to hide it and place it where the prey will find it. In this case, the trap is political, which might be strange for Jake to use, but will be extremely useful for the future.


Trapping isn't really part of his path as a hunter, either. Sure, a hunter can make use of traps, but that isn't what makes someone a hunter. That's referred to as a trapper, and Jake certainly isn't one.


Thx for the chapter